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Tune Identifier:"^st_austin_chant_55546$"

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Showing 11 - 20 of 31Results Per Page: 102050

Lo! The Mighty God Appearing

Author: William Goode, 1762-1816 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4057 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Lo! the mighty God appearing, From on high Jehovah speaks! Eastern lands the summons hearing, O’er the west His thunder breaks: Earth beholds Him! Universal nature shakes! 2. Zion, all its light unfolding, God in glory shall display: Lo! He comes! nor silence holding, Fire and clouds prepare His way: Tempests round Him! Hasten on the dreadful day! Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Who Is This That Comes From Edom?

Author: John R. Macduff Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8056 Meter: First Line: Who is that comes from Edom Lyrics: 1 Who is that comes from Edom, With His garments dyed in blood? It is He who bought our freedom, Bearing sin’s accursèd load; Mighty Savior! Who alone the wine press trod. 2 Nothing to Thy footstool bringing, But unworthiness and guilt, Solely to Thy merits clinging, All my hopes on Thee are built; Blessèd Jesus! Thou canst save me if Thou wilt! 3 Who is this that comes from Edom? But ’tis not as once He came; Trembling thousands now must meet Him On His car of cloud and flame; Guilty sinners! Who on earth despised His name. 4 Ne’er may I be of the number Who shall thus His throne surround, Startled from a guilty slumber By the final trumpet sound; Seeking shelter, Where no shelter can be found! 5 Oh, Thou Mighty One of Edom, Who the wine press trodd’st alone, Let me triumph in Thy freedom Which Thy bleeding love has won; Then I’ll meet Thee, Fearless, on Thy judgment throne! Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

God, Our Hope And Strength Abiding

Author: Benjamin H. Kennedy Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9584 Meter: Lyrics: 1 God, our hope and strength abiding, Soothes our dread, exceeding nigh; Fear we not the world subsiding, Roots of mountains heaving high, Darkly heaving, Where in ocean’s heart they lie. 2 Let them roar, His awful surges; Let them boil—each dark-browed hill Tremble, where the proud wave urges: Here is yet one quiet rill; Her calm waters, Zion’s joy, flow clear and still. 3 Joy of God’s abode, the station Where the Eternal fixed His tent: God is there a strong salvation; On her place she towers unbent. God will aid her Ere the stars of morn be spent. 4 Heathens rage, dominions tremble, God spake out, earth melts away: God is where our hosts assemble, Jacob’s God, our rock and stay. Come, behold Him O’er the wide earth wars allay. 5 Come, behold God’s work of wonder, Scaring, wasting earth below; How He knapped the spear in sunder, How He broke the warrior’s bow. Wild war chariots Burn before Him, quenched as tow. 6 "Silence—for the Almighty know Me; O’er the heathen throned am I, Throned where earth must crouch below Me"— Lord of Hosts, we know Thee nigh: God of Jacob, Thou art still our rock on high. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

O That Day Of Dread And Wonder

Author: Henry F. Lyte Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9837 Meter: Lyrics: 1 O that day of dread and wonder, When to judgment Christ shall come! When a voice of more than thunder, Sounding through the silent tomb, Shall awaken All to their eternal doom! 2 Midst the crowds who then assemble, Naked at their judge’s throne, Who of all the most shall tremble? They that now among His own Dwell and worship, But whom Christ has never known. 3 Empty forms and loud profession, Offerings heaped upon His shrine, Where there is no heart impression, Cannot please the eye divine. All is worthless, Till the spirit, Lord, is Thine. 4 Light a flame of love within us; Tune our souls to prayer and praise; To Thy own blest image win us; Guide us in Thy righteous ways. Here convert us, And at last to glory raise. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Lo, He Comes, Arrayed In Vengeance

Author: Joseph Swain Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12092 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lo, He comes, arrayed in vengeance, Riding down the heav’nly road; Floods of fury roll before him— Who can meet an angry God? Tremble sinners, Who can stand before His rod! 2 Lo He comes, in glory shining; Saints, arise and meet your king! "Glorious Captain of salvation, Welcome! welcome!" hear them sing! Shouts of triumph, Make the heav’ns with echoes ring. 3 Now, despisers, look and wonder! Hear the dreadful sound "Depart," Rattling, like a peal of thunder, Through each guilty rebel’s heart! Lost for ever, Hope and sinners here must part! 4 Still they hear the awful sentence; Hell resounds the dreadful roar, While their heart-strings twinge with anguish, Trembling on the burning shore! Justice seals it— Down they sink, to rise no more! 5 How they shrink, with horror viewing Hell’s deep caverns opening wide! Guilty thoughts, like ghosts pursuing, Plunge them down the rolling tide! Now consider, Ye who scorn the Lamb that died! 6 Hark! ten thousand harps resounding! Formed in bright and grand array, See the glorious armies rising, While their captain leads the way! Heav’n before them Opens an eternal day! Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Go, Ye Heralds Of Salvation

Author: Thomas Baldwin Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12236 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Go, ye heralds of salvation, Go, proclaim "Redeeming blood"; Publish to that barbarous nation, Peace and pardon from our God: Tell the heathen, None but Christ can do them good. 2 While the Gospel trump you’re sounding, May the Spirit seal the Word, And, thro’ plenteous grace abounding, Heathen bow and own the Lord; Idols leaving, God alone shall be adored. 3 Distant tho’ our souls are blending Still our hearts are warm and true; In our prayers to Heav’n ascending, Brethren—we’ll remember you; Heav’n preserve you, Safely all your journey through. 4 When your mission here is finished, And your work on earth is done, May your souls, by grace replenished, Find acceptance thro’ the Son; Thence admitted, Dwell for ever near His throne. 5 Loud hosannas now resounding, Make the heav’nly arches ring: Grace to sinful men abounding, Ransomed millions sweetly sing; While, with rapture, All adore their heav’nly king. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Lo, He Comes,The King Of Glory

Author: Benjamin Beddome Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15666 Meter: First Line: Lo, He comes, the King of glory Lyrics: 1 Lo, He comes, the King of glory, See, He rends the yielding sky; Heav’nly flaming guards attend Him, And the fearful lightnings fly: Awful grandeur, Sinner, now thy doom is nigh! 2 Earth and elements dissolving, Orbs of light their luster lose; The dread trumpets sound tremendous, Bid the graves their dead disclose; The pale nations Now appear as friends or foes. 3 Thousand times ten thousand standing, Bow before His radiant throne; Summoned now to the tribunal, What for sinners can be done? Awful crisis, When each ray of hope is gone! 4 Oh, the dreadful consternation, When they hear the sentence giv’n, Never more to be repealèd, Parting them from bliss and Heav’n; And to Tophet In confusion they are driv’n. 5 Oh may I at that dread moment, In the Judge behold a friend; Hear His voice in loudest accents, Bid me to His throne ascend; Join the chorus That shall never, never end. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Saints, Behold The Mighty Angel

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15818 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Saints, behold the mighty angel, Standing on the earth and sea; Lo, his hand he lifts to Heaven, Swears that time no more shall be: Awful moment, Where shall now the sinner flee? 2 Short is time, e’en at the longest, Man’s frail life is shorter still; All his days are full of sorrow, That will soon their course fulfil: Happy mortal, Who performs his Maker’s will. 3 May the awful hour approaching, Sink within my thoughtless mind, So that when l hence am summoned, Cheerful I may feel resigned: At that moment, Let me, Lord, Thy mercy find! Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

They Who Hate Thee, Oh My Father

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16040 Meter: First Line: They who hate Thee, oh my Fa­ther Lyrics: 1 They who hate Thee, oh my Fa­ther, Thou wilt clothe with end­less shame, But the right­eous who re­vere Thee, Thou Thy child­ren wilt pro­claim; In Thy re­cords, May I see my worth­less name. 2 There should it be found in­scrib­èd, It shall nev­er know de­cay, Though the rocks and hills may van­ish, Time and all things pass away; Blessed pros­pect, Of a nev­er end­ing day. 3 Then amidst un­num­bered dan­gers, I will dwell de­void of fear; Earth and hell can nev­er in­jure Those who are Thy spe­cial care, Whose in­scrip­tion Thou hast placed on re­cords fair. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN

Fixed The Covenant Is, And Certain

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16125 Meter: First Line: Fixed the cov’nant is, and cer­tain Lyrics: 1 Fixed the cov’nant is, and cer­tain, Ratified by blood di­vine; Saints, with lov­ing ex­ul­ta­tion, Celebrate the kind de­sign: Sing of mer­cy, As it now in Je­sus shines. 2 Hence pro­ceed un­numbered bless­ings Pardon, peace and end­less joy, Those with cov’nant-truth re­cord­ed, Shall our dai­ly thoughts em­ploy: Precious Bi­ble, Thus to bring a Sav­ior nigh. 3 All its pro­mis­es and pre­cepts, All the doc­trines it con­tains, Are a rich and bound­less trea­sure, Far ex­ceed­ing earth­ly gains: Sacred vol­ume, Antidote to mor­tal pains. 4 Let thy light be still ex­tend­ed, Reaching all the hu­man race, Let the migh­ty con­quer­ing Sav­ior, Show the glo­ries of His face: Win the na­tions, By His so­ve­reign pow­er and grace. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. AUSTIN


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