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Personal Testimony

Hymnal: The Psalter #175 (1912) Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Benefits of; Afflictions Deliverance from; Afflictions Purpose of; Christ Worshiped; Christians Christ the Life of; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Saved by Grace; Consecration and Dedication; Contributions; Faith Blessedness of; Godly Fear Described; Glory of God In Providence; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Works of; Gospel Invitations of ; Gospel Preaching of; Grace Growth in; Grace Justifying; Mercy of God Celebrated; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; Prayer Answers to; Prayer Sincerity in; Preservation; Royalty of Christ Providential; Spritual Sacrifices; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Thanksgiving Declared; Vows; Worship Call to ; Worship Grace Needed for First Line: Come, alll ye people, bless our God Lyrics: 1 Come, all ye people, bless our God And tell His glorious praise abroad, Who holds our souls in life; Who never lets our feet be moved And, though our faith He oft has proved, Upholds us in the strife. 2 We come with off'rings to His house, And here we pay the solemn vows We uttered in distress; To Him our all we dedicate, To Him we wholly consecrate The lives His mercies bless. 3 Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord, While I with grateful heart record What God has done for me; I cried to Him in deep distress, And now His wondrous grace I bless, For He has set me free. 4 The Lord, Who turns away the plea Of those who love iniquity, Has answered my request; He has not turned away my prayer, His grace and love He makes me share; His Name be ever blest. Scripture: Psalm 66 Languages: English Tune Title: ADOWA
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Ye holy angels bright

Author: Richard Baxter (1615-1691) Hymnal: Church Hymnary (4th ed.) #179 (2005) Meter: Topics: Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; The Church Celebrates Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Angels; Communion of Saints; Music and Song Lyrics: 1 Ye holy angels bright, who wait at God's right hand, or through the realms of light fly at your Lord's command, assist our song, or else the theme too high doth seem for mortal tongue. 2 Ye blessèd souls at rest, who ran this earthly race, and now, from sin released, behold the Saviour's face, his praises sound, as in his light with sweet delight ye do abound. 3 Ye saints, who toil below, adore your heavenly King, and onward as ye go, some joyful anthem sing; take what he gives and praise him still through good or ill, who ever lives. 4 My soul, take now thy part, triumph in God above, and with a well-tuned heart sing out the songs of love. Let all thy days till life shall end, whate'er he send, be filled with praise. Scripture: Colossians 3:16 Languages: English Tune Title: CROFT'S 136th
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Ye holy angels bright

Author: Richard Baxter (1615-1691) Hymnal: Hymns of Glory, Songs of Praise #179 (2008) Meter: Topics: Our Response to God in adoration and gratitude; The Church Celebrates Oneness with the Church in Heaven; Angels; Communion of Saints; Music and Song Lyrics: 1 Ye holy angels bright, who wait at God's right hand, or through the realms of light fly at your Lord's command, assist our song, or else the theme too high doth seem for mortal tongue. 2 Ye blessèd souls at rest, who ran this earthly race, and now, from sin released, behold the Saviour's face, his praises sound, as in his sight with sweet delight ye do abound. 3 Ye saints, who toil below, adore your heavenly King, and onward as ye go some joyful anthem sing; take what he gives and praise him still, through good or ill, who ever lives. 4 My soul, take now thy part, triumph in God above: and with a well-tuned heart sing out the songs of love. Let all thy days till life shall end, whate'er he send, be filled with praise. Scripture: Colossians 3:16 Languages: English Tune Title: CROFT'S 136th
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Lessons from the Past

Hymnal: The Psalter #213 (1912) Topics: Afflictions For sin; Afflictions From God; Anger of God Righteous; Backsliding; Children Instruction of; Christ Providences of; Christians Duties of; Church Unfaithful; Covenant False; Covenant Of God; Disobedience; Family; Glory of God In Providence; God Compassion of ; God Love and Mercy; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Grace Redeeming; Grace Sovereign ; Heart Evil, Hard, and Stubborn; Hope; Ingratitude To God; Judgments On Nations; Judgments On the Righteous; Life Brevity and Uncertainty of; Nations Rebuked in Wrath; Nature Revelation of God in; Pardon Set Forth; Parents and Children; The Past; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Inflicted; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; The Sea; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Unbelief; Worship Only as God Appoints; Zeal False First Line: My people, give ear, attend to my word Lyrics: 1 My people, give ear, attend to my word, In parables new deep truths shall be heard; The wonderful story our fathers made known To children succeeding by us must be shown. 2 Instructing our sons we gladly record The praises, the works, the might of the Lord, For He hath commanded that what He hath done Be passed in tradition from father to son. 3 Let children thus learn from history's light To hope in our God and walk in His sight, The God of their fathers to fear and obey, And ne'er like their fathers to turn from His way. 4 The story be told, to warn and restrain, Of hearts that were hard, rebellions, and vain, Of soldiers who faltered when battle was near, Who kept not God's covenant nor walked in His fear. 5 God's wonderful works to them He had shown, His marvelous deeds their fathers had known; He made for their pathway the waters divide, His glorious pillar of cloud was their guide. 6 He gave them to drink, relieving their thirst, And forth from the rock caused water to burst; Yet faithless they tempted their God, and they said, Can He Who gave water supply us with bread? 7 Jehovah was wroth because they forgot To hope in their God, and trusted Him not; Yet gracious, He opened the doors of the sky And rained down the manna in richest supply. 8 With bread from on high their need He supplied, And more did He do when thankless they sighed; The strong winds commanding from south and from east, He sent them abundance of quail for their feast. 9 Though well they were filled, their folly they chose, Till God in His wrath o'erwhelmed them with woes; He slew of their strongest and smote their young men, But still unbelieving they sinned even then. 10 Because of their sin He smote with His rod, And then they returned and sought for their God; Their Rock and Redeemer was God the Most High, Yet false were their praises, their promise a lie. 11 Not right with their God in heart and in will, They faithlessly broke His covenant still; But He, in compassion, reluctant to slay, Forgave them and oft turned His anger away. 12 His pity was great, though often they sinned, For they were but flesh, a swift passing wind; Yet thought His compassion and grace they behold, They tempted and grieved Him and often rebelled. 13 They limited God, the Most Holy One, And hindered the work His grace had begun; The hand that was mighty to save they forgot, The day of redemption remembering not. 14 Ungrateful and blind, no longer they thought Of wonders and signs and mighty deeds wrought, Of how all the rivers of Egypt ran red, And plagues in God's anger were heaped on their head. 15 They thought not of how, their freedom to gain, In Egypt's abodes the first-born were slain, And how all God's people were led forth like sheep, The flock He delighted in safety to keep. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: CHIOS
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Reminders from Israel's History

Hymnal: The Psalter #214 (1912) Topics: Afflictions For sin; Afflictions From God; Anger of God Righteous; Backsliding; Children Instruction of; Christ Providences of; Church Security of; Church Unfaithful; Covenant False; Disobedience; Glory of God In Providence; God Our Guide; God Works of; Gospel Invitations of ; Idolatry; Ingratitude To God; Judgments On Nations; Judgments On the Righteous; Nations Rebuked in Wrath; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Inflicted; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Sin Hindrance to Communion with God; Young Men First Line: My people, give ear, attend to my word Lyrics: 1 My people, give ear, attend to my word, In parables new deep truths shall be heard; The wonderful story our fathers made known To children succeeding by us must be shown. 2 Unharmed thro' the sea, where perished their foe, He caused them with ease and safety to go; His holy land gaining, in peace they were brought To dwell in the mountain the Lord's hand had bought. 3 He gave them the land, a heritage fair; The nations that dwelt in wickedness there He drove out before them with great overthrow, And gave to His people the tents of the foe. 4 Again they rebelled and tempted the Lord, Unfaithful they turned to idols abhorred, And God in His anger withdrew from them then, No longer delighting to dwell among men. 5 He gave them to death in battle, although His glory and strength were scorned by the foe; Their young men were fallen, their maidens unwed, Their priests slain in battle, none wept for the dead. 6 Then mercy awoke, the Lord in His might Returned, and his foes were scattered in flight; Again to His people His favor He showed, And chose in Mount Zion to fix His abode. 7 His servant he called, a shepherd of sheep, From tending his flock, the people to keep; So David, their shepherd, with wisdom and might Protected and fed them and led them aright. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: STELLA
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Delight in the House of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #225 (1912) Meter: Topics: Access to God; Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Growth of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Pilgrims and Strangers; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; God Our Refuge; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Grace Quickening; Grace Restoring; Grace Sustaining; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Perseverance; Pilgrim Spirit; The Righteous Blessedness of; Steadfastness; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: How dear to me, O Lord of Hosts Lyrics: 1 How dear to me, O Lord of hosts, The place where Thou dost dwell; The tabernacles of Thy grace In pleasantness excel. My spirit longs, yea, even faints, Thy sacred courts to see; My thirsting heart and flesh cry out, O living God, for Thee. 2 Beneath Thy care the sparrow finds A place of peaceful rest; Where she may safely lay her young The swallow finds a nest; Then, Lord of Hosts, my King, my God, Thy love will shelter me; Beneath Thy altar's peaceful shade My dwelling-place shall be. 3 Blest they who dwell within Thy house, Their perfect strength Thou art; Their joyful praise shall never cease, Thy ways are in their heart. Their tears of grief, like early rain, Sweet springs of joy shall fill; With strength renewed they journey safe To Zion's holy hill. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: ERSKINE
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Longings for Sanctuary Fellowship

Hymnal: The Psalter #226 (1912) Meter: Topics: Access to God; Access to God; Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Quickening; Grace Restoring; Grace Sustaining; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; The Righteous Blessedness of; Trust in God Blessedness of; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I cry Lyrics: 1 O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I cry, Our fathers' God to Thee; Let my petitions reach Thy ear, My prayer accepted be; O God our shield, look Thou on us, Reveal Thyself in grace, And let Thy own anointed one Behold Thee face to face. 2 A single day within Thy courts, Where I Thy beauty see, Is better than a thousand days, My God, apart from Thee. A lowly station in Thy house Were dearer to my heart Than in the tents of wickedness to claim the chiefest part. 3 A sun and shield is God, the Lord, To lighten and defend; The Lord to such as look to Him Will grace and glory send; To those that walk in righteousness No good will He deny; The Lord of Hosts, how blest are they Who on Thy grace rely. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: AUDITE AUDIENTES ME
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Delight in Church Ordinances

Hymnal: The Psalter #227 (1912) Topics: Access to God; Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Growth of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; God Our Refuge; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Perseverance; Pilgrim Spirit; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; The Righteous Blessedness of; Steadfastness; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: O Lord of Hosts, how lovely Lyrics: 1 O Lord of Hosts, how lovely, Thy tabernacles are; For them my heart is yearning In banishment afar. My souls is longing, fainting, Thy sacred courts to see; My heart and flesh are crying, O living God, for Thee. 2 Beneath Thy care the sparrow Finds place for peaceful rest; To keep her young in safety The swallow finds a nest; Then, Lord, my King Almighty, Thy love will shelter me; Beside Thy holy altar My dwelling-place shall be. 3 Blest they who dwell in Zion, Whose joy and strength Thou art; Forever they will praise Thee, Thy ways are in their heart. Tho' tried, their tears like showers Shall fill the springs with peace, And all the way to Zion Their strength shall still increase. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. EDITH
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True Blessedness

Hymnal: The Psalter #228 (1912) Topics: Access to God; Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Quickening; Grace Sustaining; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; The Righteous Blessedness of; Trust in God Blessedness of; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: Lord God of Hosts, in mercy Lyrics: 1 Lord God of Hosts, in mercy My supplication hear; Almighty and all-faithful, Our fathers' God, give ear; Our shield and great defender, No longer hide Thy face, But look upon Thy servant, Anointed by Thy grace. 2 In Thy blest courts to worship, My God, a single day Is better than a thousand While far from Thee I stray; Tho' in a lowly station, the service of my Lord I choose above all pleasures That sinful ways afford. 3 A sun and shield forever Is God, the Lord Most High; To those who walk uprightly No good will He deny; His saints, His grace receiving, Shall soon His glory see; O Lord of Hosts, most blessed Are they that trust in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: CRUX CHRISTI
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Days in the Sanctuary

Hymnal: The Psalter #229 (1912) Meter: Topics: Adoration; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Abiding in God's House; Christ Anointed; Christ Communion with; Christ Preciousness of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Christians Graces of; Christians Growth of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Pilgrims and Strangers; Church Beloved of Saints; Dedication of Church; Glory of God In Church and Heaven; Gospel Fulness of ; Gospel Privileges of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Abounding; Grace Growth in; Grace Restoring; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; House of God Described; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Perseverance; Pilgrim Spirit; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; The Righteous Blessedness of; Steadfastness; Trust in God Blessedness of; Walking with God; Worship Delightful to Saints; Worship public; Zeal True; Zion Glory of First Line: How lovely, Lord of Hosts, to me Lyrics: 1 How lovely, Lord of hosts, to me The tabernacles of Thy grace; O how I long, yea, faint to see Thy hallowed courts, Thy dwelling-place; For Thee my heart and spirit sign, For Thee, O living God, I cry. 2 The sparrow has her place of rest; The swallow thro' Thy kindly care, Has found where she may build her nest And brood her young in safety there; Thy altars as my rest I sing, O Lord of Hosts, my God, my King. 3 Blest they who in Thy house abide, They still to Thee shall render praise; Blest they who in Thy strength confide, And in whose hearts are Zion's ways; Tho' passing thro' the vale of tears, Like springs of joy Thy grace appears. 4 Advancing still from strength to strength, They onward go where saints have trod, Till ev'ry one appears at length In Zion's courts before his God; Jehovah God of Hosts, give ear, Our father's God, in mercy hear. 5 Upon us look, O God, our shield, The face of Thy anointed see; A thousand other days can yield No gladness like one day with Thee; Tho' only at Thy door I wait, No tents of sin give joy so great. 6 Jehovah, God our Shield and Sun, Will grace and glory surely give; No good will He withhold from one Who in His sight shall rightly live; O Lord of Hosts, most blest is he Who puts his steadfast trust in Thee. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English Tune Title: ELLERTON


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