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How sad our state by nature is!

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #306 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 How sad our state by nature is! Our sin how deep it stains! And satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word, "Ho, ye despairing sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord." 3 My soul obeys th'almighty call, And runs to this relief; I would believe thy promise, Lord, Oh! help my unbelief. 4 To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly, Here let me wash my spotted soul, From crimes of deepest dye. 5 Stretch out thine arm, victorious King, My reigning sins subdue, Drive the old dragon from his seat, With all his hellish crew. 6 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall: Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus and my all.
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Let carnal minds the world pursue

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #307 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 Let carnal minds the world pursue, It has no charms for me; Once, I admir'd its trifles too, But grace has set me free. 2 Its fading charms no longer please, No more content afford; Far from my heart be joys like these, Now I have seen the Lord. 3 As by the light of op'ning day, The stars are all conceal'd; So earthly pleasures fade away, When Jesus is reveal'd. 4 Creatures no more divide my choice-- I bid them all depart; His name, and love, and gracious voice, Have fix'd my roving heart. 5 Now, Lord, I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee; But may I hope that thou wilt own A worthless worm like me? Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17
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O God, to whom in flesh reveal'd

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #308 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 O God, to whom in flesh reveal'd The helpless all for succour came; The sick to be reliev'd and heal'd, And found salvation in thy name. 2 With publicans and harlots I, In these thy Spirit's gospel days, To thee, the sinner's friend, draw nigh, And humbly sue for saving grace. 3 Thou seest me helpless and distressed, Feeble, and faint, and blind, and poor; Weary I come to thee for rest, And sick of sin implore a cure. 4 My sin's incurable disease, Thou, Jesus, thou alone canst heal; Inspire me with thy power and peace, And pardon on my conscience seal. 5 A touch, a word, a look from thee, Can turn my heart and make it clean; Purge the foul inbred leprosy, And save me from my bosom-sin. 6 Lord, if thou wilt, I do believe, Thou canst the saving grace impart; Thou canst this instant now forgive, And stamp thine image on my heart. 7 My heart, which now to thee I raise, I know thou canst this moment cleanse; The deepest stains of sin efface, And drive the evil spirit hence. 8 Be it according to thy word! Accomplish now thy work in me; And let my soul, to health restor'd, Devote its little all to thee!
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What mean these jealousies and fears?

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #309 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 What mean these jealousies and fears? As if the Lord was loath to save, Or lov'd to see us drench'd in tears, Or sink with sorrow to the grave. 2 Does he want slaves to grace his throne? Or rules he by an iron rod? Loves he the deep despairing groan? Is he a tyrant, or a God? 3 Not all the sins which we have wrought, So much his tender bowels grieve, As this unkind injurious thought, That he's unwilling to forgive. 4 What though our crimes are black as night, Or glowing like the crimson morn, Immanuel's blood will make them white As now through the pure ether borne. 5 Lord, 'tis amazing grace we own, And well may rebel worms surprise; But, was not thy incarnate Son A most amazing sacrifice? 6 "I've found a ransom," saith the Lord, "No humble penitent shall die?" Lord, we would now believe thy word, And thy unbounded mercies try!
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I send the joys of earth away

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #310 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 I send the joys of earth away; Away, ye tempters of the mind, False as the smooth deceitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. 2 Your streams were floating me along Down to the gulf of black despair, And whilst I listened to your song, Your streams had e'en conveyed me there. 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, That warned me of that dark abyss, That drew me from those treacherous seas, And bid me seek superior bliss. 4 Now to the shining realms above I stretch my hands and glance mine eyes; O for the pinions of a dove, To bear me to the upper skies; 5 There from the bosom of my God, Oceans of endless pleasure roll; There would I fix my last abode, And drown the sorrows of my soul. Scripture: Hebrews 10:39
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By various maxims, forms, and rules

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #311 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 By various maxims, forms, and rules, That pass for wisdom in the schools, I strove my passion to refrain; But all my efforts prov'd in vain. 2 But since the Saviour I have known, My rules are all reduced to one;-- I keep my Lord, by faith, in view. This strength supplies and motives too. 3 I see him lead a suff'ring life, Patient amidst reproach and strife; And from this pattern courage take To bear and suffer for his sake. 4 Upon the cross I see him bleed, And by the sight from guilt am freed. This sight destroys the life of sin, And quickens heav'nly life within. 5 To look to Jesus as he rose, Confirms my faith, disarms my foes. The world I shame and overcome, By pointing to my Saviour's tomb. 6 I see him look with pity down, And hold in view the conq'ror's crown. If pressed with griefs and cares before, My soul revives, and asks no more. 7 By faith I see the hour at hand, When in his presence I shall stand. Then it will be my endless bliss, To see him where and as he is.
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Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #312 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims His various and his saving names. O may they not be heard alone, But by our sure experience known. 2 Awake, our noblest pow'rs to bless The God of Abra'm, God of peace; Now by a dearer title known, Father and God of Christ his Son. 3 Through ev'ry age his gracious ear Is open to his servants' pray'r; Nor can one humble soul complain, That it hath sought its God in vain. 4 What unbelieving heart shall dare In whispers to suggest a fear, While still he owns his ancient name, The same his pow'r, his love the same! 5 To thee our souls in faith arise, To thee we lift expecting eyes, And boldly through the desert tread, For God will guard, where God shall lead.
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Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #313 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss, And saves me from its snares; Its aid in ev'ry duty brings, And softens all my cares: 2 Extinguishes the thirst of sin, And lights the sacred fire Of love to God and heav'nly things, And feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience know its pow'r The healing balm to give; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. 5 Shows me the precious promise seal'd With the Redeemer's blood; And helps my feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God. 6 There, there unshaken would I rest, Till this vile body dies; And then on Faith's triumphant wings At once to glory rise.
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Tis by the faith of joys to come

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #314 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 'Tis by the faith of joys to come, We walk through deserts dark as night; Till we arrive at heav'n our home, Faith is our guide, and faith our light. 2 The want of sight she well supplies; She makes the pearly gates appear; Far into distant worlds she pries, And brings eternal glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert through, While faith inspires a heav'nly ray, Though lions roar, and tempests blow, And rocks and dangers fill the way. 4 So Abra'm, by divine command, Left his own house to walk with God; His faith beheld the promis'd land, And fir'd his zeal along the road.
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In vain would boasting reason find

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #315 (1828) Meter: Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ The sinner trusting in Christ for salvation Lyrics: 1 In vain would boating reason find The path to happiness and God; Her weak directions leave the mind Bewilder'd in a doubtful road. 2 Jesus, thy words alone impart Eternal life; on these I live; Diviner comforts cheer my heart Than all the pow'rs of nature give. 3 Here let my constant feet abide; Thou art the true, the living way: Let thy good Spirit be my guide To the bright realms of endless day. 4 The various forms that men devise To shake my faith with treach'rous art, I scorn as vanity and lies, And bind thy gospel to my heart.


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