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Hymnal, Number:hshm1799

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Showing 111 - 120 of 378Results Per Page: 102050
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Ezekiel's Vison of the dry bones

Meter: Appears in 116 hymnals First Line: Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye Lyrics: 1 Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye; See Adam's race in ruin lie; Sin spreads its trophies o'er the ground, And scatters slaughter'd heaps around. 2 And can these mouldering corpses live? And can these perish'd bones revive? That, mighty God, to thee is known; That wondrous work is all thy own. 3 Thy ministers are sent in vain To prophesy upon the slain; In vain they call, in vain they cry, Till thine almighty aid is nigh. 4 But if thy spirit deign to breath, Life spreads thro' all the realms of death: Dry bones obey thy powerful voice; They move, they waken, they rejoice: 5 So when thy trumpet's awful sound Shall shake the Heav'ns and rend the ground, Dead saints shall from their tombs arise, And spring to life beyond the skies. Topics: Dead sinners quickened; Burdened soul praying for relief Scripture: Ezekiel 37:3
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Complaint and hope under great pain

Meter: Appears in 41 hymnals First Line: Lord, I am pain'd, but I resign Lyrics: 1 Lord, I am pain'd, but I resign My body to thy will; 'Tis grace, 'tis wisdom all divine, Appoints the pains I feel. 2 Dark are the ways of providence, While they who love thee groan; The reasons lie conceal'd from sense, Mysterious and unknown. 3 Yet nature may have leave to speak, And plead before her God, Lest the o'er burden'd heart should break Beneath thine heavy rod. 4 These mournful groans and flowing tears, Give my poor spirit ease; While ev'ry groan my Father hears, And ev'ry tear he sees. 5 [How shall I glorify my God, In bonds of grief confin'd? Damp'd is my vigor, while this clod Hangs heavy on my mind.] 6 Is not some smiling hour at hand With peace upon its wings? Give it, O God, thy swift command, With all the joys it brings. Topics: Sickness Complaint and hope in
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Barreness and Indwelling Sin

Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Lord, I'm defil'd in every part Lyrics: 1 LORD, I'm defil'd in every part, Barren my life, and cold my heart, Yet sometimes, through thy sov'reign grace, I catch a glimpse of Jesu's face. 2 This gives my drowsy heart a spring, I fain would rise, and fain would sing; But soon a cloud rolls in between, All black with some indwelling sin. 3 My notes then faulter on my tongue, the soul contagion spoils my song; But Thou, who dost the world control, Speak but the word, I shall be whole. Topics: Barrenness and indwelling sin; Sin And barrenness
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Prayer for relief uner a body of sin and death

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Lord, what a croud of anxious cares Lyrics: 1 Lord what a croud of anxious cares, Disturb this restless breast! The world's reproach and Satan's snares, Leave not a moment's rest. 2 The glorious smiles which once I saw O'er all thy face, are hid; I feel the sentence of thy law, And all my comfort's fled. 3 Hast thou not said, that where thy art, There thine shall surely be? O seal this promise on my heart, And say 'twas made for me. 4 Then cares may vex, the world may frown, They ne'er my peace shall move; For what can weigh that spirit down, That feels a Saviour's love? 5 O for a taste, by saving faith, Of his forgiving grace; When nature draws its parting breath, And all its cares shall cease! Topics: Prayer For relief from sin and darkness
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The vanity of creatures

Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals First Line: Man has a soul of vast desires Lyrics: 1 Man has a soul of vast desires, He burns within with restless fires, Toss'd to and fro, his passions fly From vanity to vanity. 2 In vain on earth we hope to find Some solid good to fill the mind; We try new pleasures, but we feel The inward thirst and torment still. 3 So when a raging fever burns, We shift from side to side by turns, And 'tis a poor relief we gain, To change the place, but keep the pain. 4 Great God! subdue this vicious thirst, This love to vanity and dust; Cure the vile fever of the mind, And feed our souls with joys refin'd. Topics: World Vanity of
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Joy in the holy gost

Meter: Appears in 90 hymnals First Line: My soul doth magnify the Lord Lyrics: 1 My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth rejoice In God, my saviour and my God; I hear thy joyful voice. 2 I need not go abroad for joy, I have a feast at home; My sighs are turned into songs, The comforter is come. 3 Down from above the blessed dove, Is come into my breast; To witness God's eternal love; This is my heav'nly feast. 4 This makes me abba father cry, With confidence of soul; It makes me cry, my Lord, my God, And that without control. 5 There is a stream which issues forth From God's eternal throne, And from the lamb, a living stream, Clear as the chrystal stone. 6 The stream doth water Paradise, It makes the angels sing, One cordial drop revives my heart; Hence all my joys do spring. 7 Such joys as are unspeakable, And full of glory too; Such hidden manna, hidden pearls, As worldlings do not know. 8 Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, From fancy 'tis conceal'd, What thou, Lord, hast laid up for thine, And hast to me reveal'd. 9 I see thy face, I hear thy voice, I taste thy sweetest love; My soul doth leap: but Oh! for wings, The wings of Noah's dove! 10 Then would I flee far hence away, Leaving this world of sin; Then should my Lord put forth his hand, And kindly take me in. 11 Then should my soul with angels feast, On joys which always last; Bless'd be my God, the God of joy, Who gives me here a taste. Topics: Spirit Joy of
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Christian Reformation? or, God our portion

Meter: Appears in 123 hymnals First Line: My times of sorrow and of joy Lyrics: 1 My times of sorrow and of joy, Great God, are in thy hand; My choicest comforts come from thee, And go at thy command. 2 If thou should'st take them all away, Yet would I not repine; Before they were possess'd by me, They were entirely thine. 3 Now would I drop a murm'ring word, Tho' the whole world were gone, But seek enduring happiness In thee, and thee alone. 4 What is the world with all its store? 'Tis a deceitful cheat; When I attempt to pluck the rose, A piercing thorn I meet. 5 Here perfect bliss can ne'er be found, The honey's mix'd with gall; Midst changing scenes and dying friends, Be thou my all in all.
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Coming to the throne of grace

Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Not to Sinai's dreadful blaze Lyrics: 1 Not to Sinai's dreadful blaze, But to Zion's throne of grace, by a way mark'd out with blood, Sinners now approach to God. 2 Not to hear the fiery law, But with humble joy to draw Water by that well supply'd, Jesus open'd when he dy'd. 3 Lord, there are no streams but thine, Can assuage a thirst like mine; 'Tis a thirst thyself didst give, Let me therefore drink and live. Topics: Throne of Grace
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Redeeming Love

Appears in 388 hymnals First Line: Now begin the heavenly theme Lyrics: 1 Now begin the heavenly theme, Sing aloud in Jesu's name; Ye who his salvation prove Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face As to Canaan on ye move Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears,; See your guilt and curse remove, Cancell'd by redeeming love. 4 Ye, alas! who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop and taste redeeming love. 5 Welcome all, by sin opprest, Welcome, to his sacred rest, Nothing brought him from above, Nothing but redeeming love. 6 When his spirit leads us home, When we to his glory come, We shall all the fulness prove, Of our Lord's redeeming love. Topics: Love Redeeming; Effecacious grace; Love Redeeming
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Submission and hope in divine goodness

Meter: Appears in 258 hymnals First Line: O Lord, my best desires fulfil Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my best desires fulfil, And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to thy will, And make thy pleasure mine. 2 Why should I shrink at thy command Whose love forbids my fears? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears? 3 No, let me rather freely yield What most I prize to thee; Who never hast a good withheld, Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favor, all my journey thro' Thou art engag'd to grant; What else i want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to want. 5 Wisdom and mercy guide my way, Shall I resist them both? A poor blind creature of a day, And crush'd before the moth! 6 But ah! my inward spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway; Else the next cloud that veils my skies, Will drive these thoughts away. Topics: Submission And hope; Submission And hope


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