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Tune Identifier:"^kingsfold_english$"

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When We Are Called to Sing Your Praise

Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Hymnal: The Faith We Sing #2216 (2001) Meter: D Topics: Grace Strength in Tribulation Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

Deep in the Shadows of the Past

Author: Brian Wren Hymnal: The Faith We Sing #2246 (2001) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Deep in the shadows of the past, far out from settled lands, some nomads traveled with their God across the desert sands. The dawning hope of humankind by them was sensed and shown; a promise calling them ahead, a future yet unknown. 2 While others bowed to changeless gods they met a mystery, invisible, without a name: "I AM WHAT I WILL BE"; and by their tents, around their fires, in story, song and law, they praised, remembered, handed on a past that promised more. 3 From Exodus to Pentecost the promise changed and grew, while some, remembering the past, recorded what they knew, or with their letters and laments, their prophecy and praise recovered, kindled and expressed new hope for changing days. 4 For all the writings that survived, for leaders, long ago, who sifted, copied and preserved the Bible that we know, give thanks, and find its story yet our promise, strength and call, the model of emerging faith, alive with hope for all. Topics: The Community of Faith The Book of the Church: Holy Scripture Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

Hymn to a Gracious Sovereign

Author: Neil Barham Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2381 Meter: D First Line: O God the deep immutable Lyrics: 1. O God the deep immutable, the changeless, wise and still, You’re the absolute, eternal One; You wield the sovereign will. Deep Heav’n itself and even time must bend beneath your sway. With a whispered thought you banish night in a flash of blinding day. 2. The seas are boundaried by your word; great mountains heed your call. Majestic swirls of galaxies adorn your royal hall. The centuries are lumps of clay shaped by your strength and skill. You mold the long millennia to the dictates of your will. 3. The boundless, black-robed skies proclaim your vast, astonishing might: Their flaming jewels rejoice for you in silent shouts of light. With sure and sovereign strokes your hands finger the cosmic strings, And play celestial symphonies as all creation sings. 4. And silent now, the angels stare; stunned seraphs blush, amazed; Great Michael sheaths the sword that at the Gate of Eden blazed. Mighty Gabriel sets his trump aside, and listens to his Lord, As Love incomprehensible enfleshes the Living Word. 5. Now space and time have cracked before the size of this event: The Godhead shudders as the glorious Son to Hell is sent. Though Very God of Very God, He counts it all but loss, And comes and suffers as a man, from the manger to the Cross. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

How Shall I Meet Thee?

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2585 Meter: D First Line: How shall I meet Thee? How my heart Lyrics: 1. How shall I meet Thee? How my heart Receive her Lord aright? Desire of all the earth Thou art! My hope, my sole delight! Kindle the lamp, Thou Lord, alone, Half-dying in my breast, And make Thy gracious pleasure known How I may greet Thee best. 2. Her budding boughs and fairest palms Thy Zion strews around; And songs of praise and sweetest psalms From my glad heart shall sound. My desert soul breaks forth in flowers, Rejoicing in Thy fame; And puts forth all her sleeping powers, To honor Jesus’ name. 3. In heavy bonds I languished long, Thou com’st to set me free; The scorn of every mocking tongue— Thou com’st to honor me. A heavenly crown wilt Thou bestow, And gifts of priceless worth, That vanish not as here below The fading wealth of earth. 4. Naught, naught, dear Lord, has power to move Thee from Thy rightful place, Save that most strange and blessèd love Wherewith Thou dost embrace This weary world and all her woe, Her load of grief and ill And sorrow, more than man can know— Thy love is deeper still. 5. O write this promise in your hearts, Ye sorrowful, on whom Fall thickening cares, while joy departs And darker grows your gloom. Despair not, for your help is near, He standeth at the door Who best can comfort you and cheer, He comes, nor stayeth more. 6. Nor vex your souls with care, nor grieve And labor longer thus, As though your arm could ought achieve, And bring Him down to us. He comes, He comes with ready will By pity moved alone, To soothe our every grief and ill, For all to Him are known. 7. Nor ye, O sinners, shrink aside, Afraid to see His face, Your darkest sins our Lord will hide Beneath His pitying grace. He comes, He comes, to save from sin, And all its pangs assuage, And for the sons of God to win Their proper heritage. 8. Why heed ye then the craft and noise, The fury of His foes? Lo, in a breath the Lord destroys All who His rule oppose. He comes, He comes, as king to reign! And earthly powers may band Against Him, yet they strive in vain, His might may none withstand. 9. He comes to judge the earth, and ye Who mocked Him, feel His wrath; But they who loved and sought Him see His light o’er all their path. O Sun of Righteousness! arise, And guide us on our way To yon fair mansion in the skies Of joyous cloudless day. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

I Feel the Winds of God Today

Author: Jessie Adams Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2776 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. I feel the winds of God today; today my sail I lift, Though heavy, oft with drenching spray, and torn with many a rift; If hope but light the water’s crest, and Christ my bark will use, I’ll seek the seas at His behest, and brave another cruise. 2. It is the wind of God that dries my vain regretful tears, Until with braver thoughts shall rise the purer, brighter years; If cast on shores of selfish ease or pleasure I should be; Lord, let me feel Thy freshening breeze, and I’ll put back to sea. 3. If ever I forget Thy love and how that love was shown, Lift high the blood red flag above; it bears Thy name alone. Great pilot of my onward way, Thou wilt not let me drift; I feel the winds of God today, today my sail I lift. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

Come, Join the Dance of Trinity

Author: Richard Leach Hymnal: Worship and Song #3017 (2011) Meter: D Topics: Bethlehem; Creator; Dancing; Death; Fire and Flame; Freedom and Liberation; Holy Spirit; Holy Trinity; Jerusalem; Joy; Life; Love (Human); Movement; Music and Singing; Name of Jesus Christ; Praise and Thanksgiving; Providence; Service Music Doxology; Sin; Space; Storms; Times; Universe; Voices; Wind; Bethlehem; Christian Year and Observances Pentecost; Creator; Dancing; Death; Fire and Flame; Freedom and Liberation; Holy Spirit; Holy Trinity; Jerusalem; Joy; Life; Love (Human); Movement; Music and Singing; Name of Jesus Christ; Praise and Thanksgiving; Providence; Service Music Doxology; Sin; Space; Storms; Times; Universe; Voices; Wind Scripture: Psalm 150 Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

O Jesus, Crowned with All Renown

Author: Edward W. Benson Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5013 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. O Jesus, crowned with all renown, Since Thou the earth hast trod, Thou reignest, and by Thee come down Henceforth the gifts of God. Thine is the health and Thine the wealth That in our halls abound, And Thine the beauty and the joy With which the years are crowned. 2. Lord, in their change, let frost and heat, And winds and dews be giv’n; All fostering power, all influence sweet, Breathe from the bounteous Heav’n. Attemper fair with gentle air The sunshine and the rain, That kindly earth with timely birth May yield her fruits again. 3. That we may feed the poor aright, And gathering round Thy throne, Here, in the holy angels’ sight, Repay Thee of Thine own: That we may praise Thee all our days, And with the Father’s name, And with the Holy Spirit’s gifts, The Savior’s love proclaim. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

O King of Glory! David's Son!

Author: Martin Behm; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5042 Meter: D First Line: O King of Glory! David's Son Lyrics: 1. O King of Glory! David’s Son! Our Sovereign and our Friend! In Heav’n forever stands Thy throne, Thy kingdom hath no end: Oh now to all men, far and near, Lord, make it known, we pray, That as in Heav’n all creatures here May know Thee and obey. 2. The Eastern sages gladly bring Their tribute-gifts to Thee; They witness that Thou art their King, And humbly bow the knee; To Thee the morning star doth lead, To Thee th’inspirèd Word, We hail Thee, Savior in our need, We worship Thee, the Lord. 3. Ah look on me with pitying grace, Though weak and poor I be, Within Thy kingdom grant a place Secure and blest to me. Oh rescue me from all my woes, And shield me with Thine arm From sin and death, the mighty foes That daily seek our harm. 4. And bid Thy Word, the fairest Star, Within us clearly shine; Keep sin and all false doctrine far, Since Thou hast claimed us Thine: Let us Thy name aright confess, And with Thy Christendom, Our King and Savior own and bless Through all the world to come. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

O Sing a Song of Bethlehem

Author: Louis F. Benson Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5327 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. O sing a song of Bethlehem, of shepherds watching there, And of the news that came to them from angels in the air. The light that shone on Bethlehem fills all the world today; Of Jesus’ birth and peace on earth the angels sing alway. 2. O sing a song of Nazareth, of sunny days of joy; O sing of fragrant flowers’ breath, and of the sinless Boy. For now the flowers of Nazareth in every heart may grow; Now spreads the fame of His dear name on all the winds that blow. 3. O sing a song of Galilee, of lake and woods and hill, Of Him who walked upon the sea and bade the waves be still. For though like waves on Galilee, dark seas of trouble roll, When faith has heard the Master’s Word, falls peace upon the soul. 4. O sing a song of Calvary, its glory and dismay, Of Him who hung upon the tree, and took our sins away. For He who died on Calvary is risen from the grave, And Christ, our Lord, by Heaven adored, is mighty now to save. Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD

For Zion's Sake I Will Not Rest

Author: John Quarles, 1624-1665 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10005 Lyrics: 1 For Zion’s sake I will not rest I will not hold my peace Until Jerusalem be blest And Judah dwell at ease; 2 Until her righteousness return As daybreak after night— The lamp of her salvation burn With everlasting light. 3 The Gentiles shall her glory see, And kings declare her fame; Appointed unto her shall be A new and holy name. 4 The watchmen on her walls appear, And day and night proclaim, "Zion’s deliverer is near;" Make mention of His name. 5 The Lord upholds her with His hand, And claims her for His own— The diadem of Judah’s land The glory of His crown. 6 Go through, go through, prepare the way, The gates wide open fling; With loudest voice let heralds say, "Behold thy coming king!" Languages: English Tune Title: KINGSFOLD


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