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Topics:after sermon

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The Kingdom of Christ

Author: Dr. Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CX (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Why did the nations join to slay Lyrics: 1 Why did the nations join to slay The LORD’s anointed Son? Why did they cast his laws away, And tread his gospel down? 2 The LORD that sits above the skies, Derides their rage below, He speaks with vengeance in his eyes, And strikes their spirits through. 3 “I call him my eternal Son, "And raise him from the dead; "I make my holy hill his throne, "And wide his kingdom spread. 4 "Ask me, my Son, and then enjoy, "The utmost heathen lands: "Thy rod of iron shall destroy "The rebel that withstands." 5 Be wise, ye rulers of the earth, Obey th’ anointed LORD, Adore the King of heav'nly birth, And tremble at his word. 6 With humble love address his throne; For if he frown, ye die: Those are secure, and those alone, Who on his grace rely. Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
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Weakness Bewailed

Author: Dr. Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CIX (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Why is my heart so far from thee Lyrics: 1 Why is my heart so far from thee, My GOD, my chief delight? Why are my thoughts no more by day With thee, no more by night? 2 Why should my foolish passions rove? Where can such sweetness be, As I have tasted in thy love, As I have found in thee? 3 When my forgetful soul renews The savour of thy grace, My heart presumes I cannot lose The relish all my days. 4 But e'er one fleeting hour is past, The flatt'ring world employs Some sensual bait to seize my taste, And to pollute my joys. 5 Then I repent, and vex my soul, That I shou'd leave thee so: Where will those wild affections roll, That let a Saviour go? Languages: English
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Trust in God under Difficulties

Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CXXXIX (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Why, O my heart, these anxious cares Lyrics: 1 Why, O my heart, these anxious cares Why these tumultuous sick'ning fears? Why thus all pensive and forlorn, Dost thou thy thick'ning troubles mourn, 2 When threat'ning storms around thee rise And louring tempest spread the skies, On God, my soul, thy burden cast, And seek in him a peaceful rest. 3 If falshood and deciet abound, And envy's darts in secret wound, If earthly springs of comfort dry, And ev'ry blooming joy should die; 4 Silent I'll bear thy chast'ning rod, Thy just displeasure, O my GOD! On thee I'll wait with eager eyes, To thee my pray'r with hope shall rise. 5 Yes, I shall hear thy cheering voice; In thee my soul shall yet rejoice; Thou wilt reveal thy smiling face, And hence these gloomy horrors chace, 6 Thou art my Saviour, thou my GOD! Thy grace will I proclaim aborad; That grace which bears my guilt away, And turns the blackest night to day. Languages: English
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Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CXXXVI (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: With all my pow'rs of heart and tongue Lyrics: 1 With all my pow'rs of heart and tongue, I'll praise my maker in my song Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise. 2 I'll sing thy truth and mercy, LORD; I'll sing the wonders of thy word; Not all thy works, and names below, So much thy pow'r and glory shew. 3 To GOD I cry'd when troubles rose; He heard me, and subdu'd my foes; He did my rising fears controul, And strength diffused thro' all my soul. 4 Amidst a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and guarded by thy hand; Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive. 5 Grace will compleat what grace begins, To save from sorrow, or from sins: The work that wisdom undertakes, Eternal mercy ne'er forsakes. Languages: English
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A Sympathising Saviour

Author: Dr. Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CXIV (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: With joy we meditate the grace Lyrics: 1 With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above; His heart is made of tenderness, His bowels melt with love. 2 Touch'd with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations mean, For He has felt the same. 3 He in the days of feeble flesh, Pour'd out his cries and tears, And in his measure feels afresh, What ev'ry member bears. 4 He'll never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name. 5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his pow'r, We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In the distressing hour. Languages: English
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The Attraction of the Cross

Author: Dr. S. Stennett Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #LXXVII (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Yonder — amazing Sight! — I see Lyrics: 1 Yonder — amazing Sight! — I see Th' incarnate Son of GOD, Expiring on the accursed tree, And welt'ring in his blood. 2 Behold a purple torrent run Down from his hands and head: The crimson tide puts out the sun; His groans awake the dead. 3 The trembling earth, the darken'd sky, Proclaim the truth aloud! And with th' amaz'd centurion cry, "This is the son of God." 4 So great, so vast a sacrifice, May well my hope revive: If GOD's own Son thus bleeds and dies, The sinner sure may live. 5 O that these cords of love divine, Might draw me, Lord to thee, Thou hast my heart, it shall be thine — Thine it shall ever be! Scripture: John 12:32 Languages: English
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Different success of the gospel

Author: Dr. Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #CXIII (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Christ and his cross is all our theme Lyrics: 1 Christ and his cross is all our theme The myst'ries that we speak, Are scandal in the Jew's esteem, And folly to the Greek. 2 But souls enlighten'd from above With joy receive the word; They see what wisdom, pow'r, and love, Shine in their dying LORD. 3 The vital savour of his name Restores their fainting breath; But unbelief perverts the same To guilt, despair, and death. 4 Till God diffuse his graces down, Like show'rs of heav'nly rain, In vain Apollos sows the ground, And Paul may plant in vain. Languages: English
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The successful Resolve

Author: Edm. Jones Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #LXVI (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Come humble sinners, in whose breast Lyrics: 1 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast A thousand thoughts revolve, Come, with your guilt and fear opprest, And make this last resolve. 2 "I'll go to JESUS, tho' my sin "Hath like a mountain rose; "I know his courts, I'll enter in, "Whatever may oppose. 3 "Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, "And there my guilt confess, "I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone "Without his sovereign grace. 4 "I'll to the gracious King approach, "Whose sceptre pardon gives, "Perhaps he may command my touch, "And then the suppliant lives. 5 "Perhaps he will admit my plea, "Perhaps will hear my prayer; "But if I perish I will pray, "And perish only there. 6 "I can but perish if I go, "I am resolved to try: "For if I stay away, I know "I must forever die." Scripture: Esther 4:16 Languages: English
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Desiring Assurance of God's favour

Hymnal: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns #LXXIV (1790) Topics: After Sermon First Line: Eternal source of joys divine Lyrics: 1 Eternal source of joys divine, To thee my soul aspires: O could I say, "The Lord is mine," ’Tis all my soul desires. 2 Thy smile can give me real joy, Unmingled and refin'd; Substantial bliss without alloy, And lasting as the mind. 3 Thy smiles can gild the shades of woe, Bid stormy trouble cease, Spread the fair dawn of heav'n below, And sweeten pain to peace. 4 My hope, my trust, my life, my Lord, Assure me of thy love; O speak the kind transporting word, And bid my fears remove. 5 Then shall my thankful pow'rs rejoice, And triumph in my God, 'Till heav’nly transport tunes my voice To spread thy praise abroad. Languages: English
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Almighty God, thy word is cast

Hymnal: A Manual of Devotion for Soldiers and Sailors #15 (1847) Meter: Topics: Before or after Sermon Languages: English


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