Author: Dr. Watts Appears in 48 hymnals Topics: After Sermon First Line: Come, all harmonious tongues Lyrics: 1 Come, all harmonious tongues
Your noblest musick bring:
'Tis Christ the everlasting God,
And Christ the man we sing.
2 Tell how he took our flesh,
To take away our guilt,
Sing the dear drops of sacred blood
That hellish monsters spilt.
3 Down to the shades of death
He bow'd his awful head;
Yet he arose to life and reign
When death itself is dead.
4 No more the bloody spear,
The Cross and nails no more;
For hell itself shakes at his name,
And all the Heav'ns adore.
5 Here the Redeemer sits
High on thy Father's throne;
The Father lays his vengeance by,
And smiles upon his Son.
The passion and exaltation of Christ