1870 - 1952 Person Name: Nicol Macnicol, 1870-1952 Topics: Commitment Translator of "As The Lyre to The Singer" in Hymnal Supplement 1991 After a distinguished career in the University of Glasgow and the (then) Free Church of Scotland Theological College, Macnicol was appointed to the Western India mission of the Free Church of Scotland (later United Free) and for five years worked in Bombay, being in charge of the Wilson High School (where he lived in the boys’ hostel) and also doing general evangelistc work. In 1900 he was transferred to Poona, where he entered into a heritage of goodwill among both Christian and non-Christians...
As an evangelistic missionary in Poona, a city famous not only for its orthodox Hinduism but also for producing leaders in so many spheres of religious and social reform, Macnicol was in close touch with the thought and life of Hindu India.
Excerpt from International Review of Mission, Volume 41, Issue 3, pages 353–356, July 1952
Nicol Macnicol is the author of Hindu Scriptures and Psalms of Maratha Saints: One Hundred and Eight Hymns Translated From the Marathi [1920]
Nicol Macnicol