Hymnal: The Psalter #260a (1912) Meter: First Line: Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad Lyrics: 1 Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad,
And all the isles their joy make known;
With clouds and darkness He is clad,
On truth and justice rests His throne.
2 Consuming fire destroys His foes,
Around the world His lightnings blaze;
The trembling earth His presence knows,
The mountains melt before His gaze.
3 The heav'ns His righteousness proclaim,
Thro' earth His glory shines abroad;
From idol worship turn with shame
And bow before the living God.
4 Thy church rejoices to behold
Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord;
Thy glory to the world unfold,
Supreme o'er all be Thou adored.
5 All ye that truly love the Lord,
Hate sin, for He is just and pure;
To saints His help He will accord
And keep them in His love secure.
6 For good men light and joy are sown
To bless them in the harvest-time;
Ye saints, your joy in God make known
And ever praise His Name sublime. Topics: Adoration; Anger of God Fearful; Character Value of Good; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Godhood of; Christ Power of; Christ Worshiped; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Duties of; Christians Graces of; Faith Blessedness of; Glory of God In Creation; God Adored and Exalted; God Glorious; God Holiness of; God Invisibility of; God the judge; God Kingly Character of; God Righteousness of; God Sovereignty of ; Grace Growth in; Holiness Of Christians; Idolatry; Judgment Day; Love For God; Missions Encouragements of; Missions Triumphs of; Nations Owe Allegiance to Christ; Nations Ultimate Subjection of; Praise By Men; Praise Calls to; Praise For God's Holiness; Praise For Spiritual Blessings; The Christian's Reward; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Salvation Thanksgiving for; Seedtime and Harvest ; Sin Hatred of; Temperance Songs; Thanksgiving Due to God; Worship Call to Scripture: Psalm 97 Languages: English Tune Title: NOCTURN
Divine Sovereignty