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Hymnal, Number:mpvp1780

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Penitence and Hope

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #79 (1780) First Line: Dear Saviour, when my thoughts recall Lyrics: Dear Saviour, when my thoughts recall The wonders of thy grace; Low at thy feet asham'd I fall, And hide this wretched face. Shall love like thine be thus repaid? Ah vile, ungrateful heart! By earth's low cares detain'd, betray'd, From Jesus to depart. From Jesus, who alone can give True pleasure, peace, and rest: When absent from my Lord, I live Unsatisfy'd, unblest. Be he, for his own mercy's sake, My wandering soul restores: He bids the mourning heart partake The pardon it implores. O, while I breathe to thee, my Lord, The penitential sigh, Confirm the kind, forgiving word With pity in thine eye! Then shall the mourner at thy feet, Rejoice to seek thy face; And grateful own how kind! how sweet! Thy condescending grace. Languages: English

Devoting the Heart to Jesus

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #81 (1780) First Line: Jesus, what shall I do to show Lyrics: Jesus, what shall I do to show How much I love thy glorious name? Let my whole heart with rapture glow Thy boundless goodness to proclaim. Yes, dearest Lord, my heart is thine, Sacred to thee be all its powers! O bid me give to love divine The little remnant of my hours! Thou narrow heart, ye fleeting hours, How mean the tribute you can raise! The grace my thankful soul adores, Claims an eternity of praise! Lord, if a distant glimpse of thee Can give such sweet, such rich delight; What must their joy, their transport be Who dwell for ever in thy sight? To that bright world my heart aspires, Where all the glories of thy face Unveil'd, shall fill the soul's desires, And tune the song to boundless grace! O teach my heart, my life, my voice To celebrate thy wonderous love! Fulfill my hopes, compleat my joys, And bid me join the songs above. Languages: English

The love of Christ exciting thankful devotion

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #82 (1780) First Line: O dearer to my thankful heart Lyrics: O dearer to my thankful heart Than all the circling sun surveys! Thy presence only can impart Light, peace, and gladness to my days. Beneath thy soul-reviving ray, Ev'n cold affliction wintery gloom Shall brighten into vernal day, And hopes and joys immortal bloom. Vain world, be gone with all thy toys; I have no room for trifles here: My heart aspires to nobler joys; Thy fairest glories disappear. Bright realms of bliss, where Jesus reigns, My wish, my care, my hope invite: Where raptur'd seraphs tune their strains To themes of infinite delight See, Lord, thy willing subject bows Adoring low before thy throne: To thee, I gladly pay my vows; Thou art my sovereign, thou alone. Smile on my soul, and bid me sing, In concert with the choir above, The glories of my Saviour King, The condescensions of his love. Amazing love! that stoop'd so low, To view with pity's melting eye A wretch deserving endless woe! Amazing love!—did Jesus die?— He died, to raise to life and joy The vile, the guilty, the undone, O let his praise my hours employ, Till hours no more their circles run! He died!—ye seraphs tune your songs, Resound, resound the Saviour's name: For nought below immortal tongues Can ever reach the wonderous theme. Languages: English

On recovery from sickness

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #84 (1780) First Line: Lord of my life to thee my powers belong Lyrics: Lord of my life to thee my powers belong, Thy mercies are my chief my darling theme; To thee be first inscrib'd the votive song With warmest gratitude, with love supreme; On thee my life and all its powers depend, My gracious guardian, my unchanging friend. O be that life, which thy indulgent hand Sustain'd when sinking to the shades of death, Devoted to thy praise, whose kind command Restores my wasting strength and shortening breath. Be my remaining hours entirely thine, My strength and breath employ'd in work divine. Yet next to heaven to friendship's honour'd name The lay which grateful love inspires is due; With lenient hand she nurs'd the vital flame, When faintly glimmering it almost withdrew: Heaven smil'd indulgent on her tender care, Blest were her efforts, answer'd was her prayer. The lay which friendship claims heaven will approve, Since first to heaven the grateful strains aspire: Sacred to filial and fraternal love, Be the next labours of the tuneful lyre. O may the love that animates my lay Procure acceptance for the thanks I pay. But never can these languid notes express My heart's warm wishes ardent as they rise; Yet he, who knows their meaning, he can bless; Unmeasur'd bounty every good supplies. O be the friends who claim my grateful love, A blessing here, compleatly blest above. Languages: English

Occasioned by hearing a friend commend my verses

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #86 (1780) First Line: Could all the powers of eloquence divine Lyrics: Could all the powers of eloquence divine But half the glories of my Lord display, How I should wish those unknown powers were mine To animate and raise the votive lay. O could I rise, one happy minute rise! And hear the music of the blissful choir, Would not my heaven-enraptur'd mind despise The sweetest notes that tune this feeble lyre. Yet is the subject of their song the same, Not angels know a nobler theme than mine; Thy grace Emmanuel, bliss-inspiring name! Awakes the strain to extasy divine. That grace, which smiles approving on their lays, Bends lower still and kindly deigns to own A mortal's wishes to attempt thy praise, When humble love presents them at thy throne. My Lord, my life, does not thy love inspire The warmest highest wish this bosom knows? O let that love employ this feeble lyre Till with diviner force the passion glows! Till (every mortal weakness left in dust) Immortal life commences, then my tongue To thee, dear object of my hope and trust, With heaven's full choir shall tune a nobler song. Languages: English

Wishing for Real Pleasure

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #89 (1780) First Line: How long, forgetful of thy heavenly birth Lyrics: How long, forgetful of thy heavenly birth, Wilt thou my soul so fondly cleave to earth? How long low-hovering o'er these seats of pain, Wilt thou expect felicity in vain? The joys of time could never be design'd A portion worthy of the immortal mind. What is it thus detains these wretched eyes, Detains my heart whene'er it seeks to rise, And holds back half my wishes from the skies? When soothing fancy paints, with mimic art, Her pictur'd joys to catch my cheated heart, So fair, so bright the varied colours glow, Almost they can disguise the blended woe. But soon the momentary forms decay, Steal from my gaze, and vanish quite away. Convinc'd the flattering scenes are empty air, Beneath my thought unworthy of my care, Can I pronounce the gay delusions fair? Earth's fairest pleasures which allure my sight, Are but the fleeting shadows of delight! Shall airy phantoms thus my powers employ, Powers that were form'd to grasp substantial joy? Shall vanity enslave this freeborn mind, And chains of sense my nobler passions bind/ Alas in vain I strive, in vain I sigh, In vain my fetter'd thoughts attempt to fly And weakly fluttering mean the distant sky! O thou whose eye surveys my inmost heart, Thy grace, thy all prevailing grace impart, Dissolve these chains which keep my soul from thee, And bid this wretched struggling heart be free. O come thou bright, thou everlasting fair, Thou only worthy object of my care! Thy dazzling beauties to my view display, And earth shall vanish at the blissful ray, Like night's dark shades before the rising day. Immortal charms shall all my powers controul, And fix each wandering passion of my soul, Thy love the sacred source of endless joy Shall all my heart and all my thoughts employ. Earth would be heaven in such a state as this, And time a foretaste of eternal bliss. [p.91] But ah! how soon the charming vision flies! Stay blest ideas, teach my soul to rise, Nor let me wish in vain for heaven below the skies! Languages: English

A reflection on the close of the year

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #94 (1780) First Line: Is this a theme of mirth? who can rejoice Lyrics: Is this a theme of mirth? who can rejoice That time, important time so swiftly flies; And scorn reflection's monitory voice, The friendly power that wooes us to be wise? For ever ye departed months, adieu! What heart that knows your value can be gay? What heart that asks reflection's conscious view, How many hours fled unimprov'd away? Yet oft her warning voice, e'er yet they past, Cry'd, "seize the precious minutes make them thine: Ah how wilt thou account for so much waste Or treasure lent for purposes divine? O let my heart her needful dictates hear, To her the solemn midnight hour I give, And ask, while musing on the finish'd year, How I have spent the time, and why I live? How have I spent the time? reflection say? She answers "wasted many a precious hour, In careless indolence lost many a day, When heaven demanded every active power. Why do I live? "Past errors to deplore, Low at the feet of sovereign grace to bow, For strength divine intreat (while I adore,) To dedicate to heaven the fleeting now." Jesus, to thee, to thy atoning blood, To thy unsully'd righteousness I fly: O thou, my judge, my Saviour, and my God, Instruct me how to live and how to die. Languages: English

Desiring a cheerful resignation to the divine will

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #96 (1780) First Line: Why breathes my anxious heart the frequent sigh? Lyrics: Why breathes my anxious heart the frequent sigh? Why from my weak eye drops the ready tear? Is it to mark how present blessings fly? Is it that griefs to come awake my fear? O may I still with thankful heart enjoy The various gifts indulgent heaven bestows! Nor let the ungrateful diffidence destroy The present good with fears of future woes. Nor let me curious ask if dark or fair My future hours, but in the hand divine With full affiance leave my every care, Be hope, and humble resignation mine. Celestial guests! your smile can cheer the heart When melancholy spreads her deepening gloom: O come, your animating power impart, And bid sweet flowers amid the desart bloom. Yes, here and there, amid the dreary wild, A spot of verdure cheers the languid eye: And now and then, a sun-beam warm and mild, Sheds its kind influence from a clement sky. My God, my guide, be thou for ever near, Support my steps, point out my devious way, Preserve my heart from every anxious fear, Gild each dark scene with thy enlivening ray. Be earth's quick changing scenes or dark, or fair, On thy kind arm, O bid my soul recline: Be heaven-born hope (kind antidote of care) And humble cheerful resignation mine. Languages: English

The Blind Man's Petition

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #118 (1780) First Line: Great Saviour, born of David's race Lyrics: Great Saviour, born of David's race, O look, with pity look this way! A helpless wretch implores thy grace, Implores thy mercy's healing ray! Jesus, thou Lord of life divine, To whom the sons of woe complain: Is not unbounded mercy thine? And can I ask, and ask in vain? Did ever supplicating sigh In vain to thee its grief impart? Or mournful object meet thine eye, That did not move thy melting heart? Around thee crowd a plaintive throng, I hear their importuning cries; And now from every thankful tongue I hear the glad Hosannah rise. O look, with pity look on me, Wrapt in the mournful shades of night! My hope depends alone on thee, Speak Lord, thy word shall give me light! 'Tis mercy, mercy I implore! Speak, Lord, thy humble suppliant raise! Then shall my heart thy grace adore; Then shall my tongue resound thy praise. Scripture: Luke 18:38 Languages: English

Rest and Comfort in Christ alone

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #119 (1780) First Line: Where shall I fly but to thy feet Lyrics: Where shall I fly but to thy feet, My Saviour, my almighty friend? Dear names, beyond expression sweet! On these my hopes of bliss depend. Where shall I rest but on thy grace, Thy boundless grace divinely free? On earth I find no resting place; Dear Saviour, bid me come to thee! Though sin detains me from my Lord, I long, I languish to be blest: O speak one soul reviving word, And bid me come to thee, my rest. When I this wretched heart explore, Here no kind source of hope appears; But O my soul, that grace adore, Free grace, which triumphs o'er my fears. Jesus, from thy atoning blood, My only consolation flows; Hope beams from thee my Saviour God, My soul no other refuge knows. Languages: English


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