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Oh, Come At Once To Jesus

Author: Archibald Kenyon Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9953 Meter: D First Line: I’m poor, and blind, and wretched Lyrics: 1 I’m poor, and blind, and wretched, I’m full of doubts and fears; My heart is weak and wicked, My cheeks are wet with tears; My soul is full of sadness, Of sin, and pain, and grief; Oh for a ray of gladness, Of pardon and relief! Refrain: Oh, come at once to Jesus, Whate’er your burden be, And though your sins are many, His blood can make you free. 2 And will the blessèd Savior This guilty soul make pure? May I be His forever? May I His love secure? [Refrain] Refrain Languages: English Tune Title: KIEV

O Blessed, Blessed Bible

Author: Burton H. Winslow Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9962 Meter: D First Line: O blessed, blessed, Bible! Refrain First Line: We thank Thee for the Bible Lyrics: 1 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible! God’s light upon our way; Soft, shining over our darkness, With beams of heav’nly day; ’Mid clouds of care and sorrow, And storms of grief and pain, Its promises are radiant When earthly hope is vain. Refrain: We thank Thee for the Bible, O Father good and kind! Help us, O Holy Spirit, Its deepest truth to find! 2 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible, Our only certain guide Amid earth’s tangled footpaths, With snares on every side; Its leadings may we follow Along the upward way, And never in our blindness, From its blest precepts stray. [Refrain] 3 O blessèd, blessèd, Bible! O mine of wealth untold! More precious and enduring Than earthly crowns of gold; Its riches are unbounded, And all who seek may find Bright gems of heav’nly luster, Enough for all mankind. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: GUADALUPE

From California's Vineyards

Author: Martin M. Knapp Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10040 Meter: D First Line: From California’s vineyards Refrain First Line: We’ll heed the Savior’s summons Lyrics: 1 From California’s vineyards To Carolina’s strand, We hear the wail of anguish That rises in our land, From Maine to Mississippi, We see the blight of sin, And hear the groans of sorrow Above our city’s din. Refrain: We’ll heed the Savior’s summons, On wings of love we fly, To bear the Gospel message Ere at our door they die. 2 From Asia’s dark dominions, And Afric’s burning sand, Like mighty streams of water They pour into our land. From Europe’s crowded cities, They flow from year to year, And bring their crimes and vices And superstitions here. [Refrain] 3 From many a haunt of evil, From many a home of shame, We must their souls deliver From sin in Jesus’ name. In many a street and alley, They wander to and fro, And swiftly down are sinking, To realms of endless woe. [Refrain] 4 Glad tidings of salvation We thus shall speed along, Till every place of sorrow Becomes a place of song; Till slaves of vice and folly At Jesus’ feet shall fall, And claim His great salvation, And crown Him Lord of all. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: SANTIAGO

Go Bear The Joyful Tidings

Author: Fanny Crosby Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10091 Meter: D Refrain First Line: Go sound the Gospel trumpet Lyrics: 1 Go bear the joyful tidings That first, on Judah’s plain, Awoke the wondering shepherds To praise Messiah’s name; Exalt the King of glory Who left His throne on high, And came to earth a ransom For guilty man to die. Refrain: Go sound the Gospel trumpet Beyond the rolling sea, From chains of sin and darkness To set the captive free. 2 Go in your Master’s vineyard, And labor heart and hand; The word of life eternal Proclaim to every land— The sweet and precious promise To all who will believe, Free grace and full salvation For all who will receive. [Refrain] 3 Go tell the broken spirit That vainly sighs for rest, There is a home in glory, A home for ever blest; Go bring the lost to Jesus, His tender love to share; Go forth to every nation: Immortal souls are there. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: AFFTON

The Christmas Bells Are Ringing

Author: Emma Pitt Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10140 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 The Christmas bells are ringing, Yes, ringing everywhere, And joyful hearts are singing, Their voices fill their air; The Christmas bells are telling To you a Savior’s born! And loud their tones are swelling, On this glad, happy morn. Refrain: The Christmas bells are ringing, There’s music in the air; The Christmas bells are ringing, Yes, ringing everywhere. 2 The Christmas bells are pealing To all men peace, good will; Like gentle voices stealing I hear their music still; Yes, ’tis the same sweet story Was heard in days of old, When Christ the Lord of glory The wise men did behold. [Refrain] 3 The Christmas bells are bringing A joyful melody, And clearly, clearly ringing, A song so glad and free; Oh, list! their glorious echo Is borne thro’ yonder sky, While angels join the chorus Of praise to God on high. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: SHENZHEN

Christ, The King Of Zion

Author: Johnathan B. Atchinson Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10146 Meter: D First Line: His name hath God exalted Refrain First Line: O Christ, Thou King of Zion Lyrics: 1 His name hath God exalted Above the names of earth; No other name in Heaven Compares with its great worth; And at the name of Jesus, Low every knee shall bend, And every tongue confess Him, Whose reign shall never end! Refrain: O Christ, Thou King of Zion, We bow before Thy throne; We praise Thy name forever, We worship Thee alone. 2 Christ is the King of Zion, Of kings the one great King, And every tribe and nation To Him shall tribute bring; The heathen He shall conquer, The earth from sea to sea Shall be His own possession— Yes, Christ shall victor be. [Refrain] 3 O Christ, speed on Thy kingdom, And let Thy will be done On earth, as ’tis in Heaven, Where Thou art king alone; May tidings of salvation, Soon spread the earth around, And over land to ocean, Thy praise alone resound. [Refrain] Tune Title: TULSA

I've Seen The Face Of Jesus

Author: W. Spencer Walton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11436 Meter: D First Line: I’ve seen the face of Jesus Refrain First Line: Oh! glorious face of beauty Lyrics: 1 I’ve seen the face of Jesus— He smiled in love on me; It filled my heart with rapture, My soul with ecstasy. The scars of deepest anguish Were lost in glory bright; I’ve seen the face of Jesus— It was a wondrous sight! Refrain: Oh! glorious face of beauty, Oh, gentle touch of care; If here it is so blessèd, What will it be up there? 2 And since I’ve seen His beauty All else I count but loss; The world, its fame and pleasure, Is now to me but dross; His light dispelled my darkness, His smile was, oh, so sweet! I’ve seen the face of Jesus— I can but kiss His feet. [Refrain] 3 I’ve heard the voice of Jesus— He told me of His love; And called me His own treasure, His undefiled, His dove. It came like softest music Across an ocean calm, And seemed to play so sweetly Some wondrous holy psalm. [Refrain] 4 I felt the hand of Jesus— My brow it throbbed with care— He placed it there so softly, And whispered Do not fear. Like clouds before the sunshine, My cares have rolled away; I’m sitting in His presence— It is a cloudless day. [Refrain] 5 I know He’s coming shortly To take us all above; We’ll sing redemption’s story The story of His love; We’ll hear His voice of music, We’ll feel His hand of care; He’ll never rest, He says so, Until He has us there. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: WONDROUS SIGHT

Is It True?

Author: Salathial C. Kirk Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11575 Meter: D First Line: So strange it seemed and wondrous Refrain First Line: I love to hear it spoken Lyrics: 1 So strange it seemed and wondrous, When first it came to me, The story of King Jesus, I asked "Can such things be?" I felt my heart replying, "O if I only knew! The cross, the thorns, the dying! Oh is it, is it true?" Refrain: I love to hear it spoken, I love to read it through; But O for word or token To tell me it is true! 2 And when I heard the story Told o’er and o’er again, How Jesus, now in glory, Was walking still with men, Was filling hearts with gladness, And scattering sunshine through; My own heart longed in sadness To know if it were true. [Refrain] 3 Then softly was it spoken, "Come, lean upon My breast, Ye weary ones, heartbroken, And I will give you rest." My heart, so sad and lonely, A little closer drew; I cried, "O Lord, if only I felt and knew it true!" Last Refrain: My Savior, O my Savior! The old, old story’s new! My strength, my joy forever, I know, I know it’s true. Languages: English Tune Title: MARINA DEL REY

My Hope Is Still In Jesus

Author: Julian Jordan Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12020 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 My hope is still in Jesus, Tho’ prone I am to sin; My heart has been His dwelling Since first He entered in; Tho’ often, far too often, Unworthy of His name, My hope is still in Jesus, His love is still the same. Refrain: My hope is still in Jesus, I love Him, yes, I do, For O He died to save us, He died for me, for you. 2 Tho’ weaker than the weakest, Yet still His love I feel; Behold, in deep contrition, Low at the cross I kneel; Imploring sweet forgiveness, My weakness pitying see; For love of Thee, O Jesus, My trust is till in Thee. [Refrain] 3 Thy name to me is dearer, Than any name I know, A charm it is, a blessing, Wherever I may go; Thy suffering and Thy sorrow, I seem to see again; My heart is filled with gladness, Whene’er I hear Thy name. [Refrain] 4 My hope is still in Jesus, And shall be to the end; None else is there to help me, None other can defend; My hope is still in Jesus, ’Twas planted long ago, My hope is still in Jesus, And O I love Him so. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: VINKOVCI

Christ's Everlasting Gospel

Author: Eliza E. Hewitt Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12168 Meter: D First Line: Christ’s everlasting Gospel Refrain First Line: Our king shall come in glory Lyrics: 1 Christ’s everlasting Gospel Is ringing out again Its message of salvation, Its peace, good will to men; Tho’ sin has hurled its weapons, And evil hosts assailed, The Gospel of Christ Jesus Has evermore prevailed. Refrain: Our king shall come in glory His conquering cross we hail! The power of His salvation Shall never, never fail! 2 Sometimes the sky is darkened, And stormy clouds appear, But still, beyond the shadows, The light is bright and clear; The God of truth has spoken; His word will never fail; The Gospel of Christ Jesus Shall more and more prevail. [Refrain] 3 The faith wherein is victory In Jesus we proclaim; Tho’ earthly thrones may perish, Still lives Emmanuel’s name; Our voices swell with triumph, Above earth’s threatening gales; The Gospel of Christ Jesus Thru every age prevails. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: BELÉN


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