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O Spirit of the living God

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #10 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Whitsuntide Lyrics: 1 O Spirit of the living God, In all Thy plenitude of grace, Where’er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our fallen race. 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling Word; Give power and unction from above, Where’er the joyful sound is heard. 3 O Spirit of the Lord, prepare A sinful world her God to meet; Breathe Thou abroad like morning air, Till hearts of stone begin to beat. 4 Baptize the nations; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record: The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call Him Lord. 5 God from eternity hath willed, All flesh shall His salvation see; So be the Father's love fulfilled, The Saviour's sufferings crowned thro' Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: COME GOD, CREATOR, HOLY GHOST
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A hymn of glory let us sing

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #13 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Ascension Lyrics: 1 A hymn of glory let us sing; New hymns throughout the world shall ring; By a new way none ever trod, Christ mounteth to the throne of God. 2 May our affections thither tend, And thither constantly ascend, Where, seated on the Father's throne, Thee reigning in the heavens we own! 3 Be Thou our present joy, O Lord, Who wilt be ever our reward: And as the countless ages flee, May all our glory be in Thee! Languages: English Tune Title: FROM HIGHEST HEAVEN
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When in the hour of utmost need

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #16 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Day of Humiliation and Prayer Lyrics: 1 When in the hour of utmost need We know not where to look for aid; When days and nights of anxious thought Nor help nor counsel yet have brought: 2 Then this our comfort is alone, That we may meet before Thy throne, And cry, O faithful God, to Thee For rescue from our misery; 3 To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes, Repenting sore with bitter sighs, And seek Thy pardon for our sin, And respite from our griefs within. 4 For Thou hast promised graciously To hear all those who cry to Thee, Through Him whose name alone is great, Our Saviour and our Advocate. 5 And thus we come, O God, to-day, And all our woes before Thee lay; For tried, afflicted, lo! we stand, Peril and foes on every hand. 6 Ah, hide not for our sins Thy face; Absolve us through Thy boundless grace; Be with us in our anguish still, Free us at last from every ill; 7 That so with all our hearts we may Once more our glad thanksgivings pay, And walk obedient to Thy Word, And now and ever praise Thee, Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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Father of heaven, whose love profound

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #18 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 Father of heaven, whose love profound A ransom for our souls has found, Before Thy throne we sinners bend; To us Thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son! Incarnate Word! Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord! Before Thy throne we sinners bend; To us Thy saving grace extend. 3 Eternal Spirit, By whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before Thy throne we sinners bend; To us Thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah! Father, Spirit, Son! Mysterious Godhead! Three in One! Before Thy throne we sinners bend; Grace, pardon, life, to us extend! Languages: English Tune Title: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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O blest the house, whate'er befall

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #21 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Thanksgiving Day Lyrics: 1 O blest the house, whate'er befall, Where Jesus Christ is all in all; Yea, if He were not dwelling there, How poor and dark and void it were! 2 O blest that house where faith ye find, And all within have set their mind To trust their God and serve Him still, And do, in all, His holy will. 3 O blest the parents who give heed Unto their children's foremost need, And weary not of care or cost: To them and heaven shall none be lost. 4 Blest such a house, it prospers well, In peace and joy the parents dwell, And in their children's lot is shown How richly God can bless His own. 5 Then here will I and mine to-day A solemn cov'nant make and say: Though all the world forsake Thy Word, I and my house will serve the Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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O light, O Trinity most blest!

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #22 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Light, O Trinity most blest! True God, supreme and ever best: As now the sun of day departs, Outpour Thy beams upon our hearts. 2 To Thee at morn our hymns we raise, At evening offer prayer and praise; And Thou our glorious theme shalt be, Now and through all eternity. 3 As darkness deepens, Lord, do Thou A night of quiet rest bestow; From all our sins grant us release, And bless us with Thy perfect peace. Languages: English Tune Title: WHEN IN THE HOUR OF UTMOST NEED
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O Christ, our true and only Light

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #24 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Epiphany Lyrics: 1 O Christ, our true and only Light, Enlighten those who sit in night; Let those afar now hear Thy voice, And in Thy fold with us rejoice. 2 Fill with the radiance of Thy grace The souls now lost in error's maze, And all whom in their secret minds Some dark delusion haunts and blinds. 3 And all who else have strayed from Thee, O gently seek! Thy healing be To every wounded conscience given, And let them also share Thy heaven. 4 O make the deaf to hear Thy Word, And teach the dumb to speak, dear Lord, Who dare not yet the faith avow, Though secretly they hold it now. 5 Shine on the darkened and the cold, Recall the wanderers to Thy fold, Unite all those who walk apart, Confirm the weak and doubting heart. 6 So shall they with us evermore Thy grace with wondering thanks adore, And praise unceasing Thee be given By all Thy Church in earth and heaven. Languages: English Tune Title: LORD JESUS CHRIST, TRUE SON OF GOD
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When I survey the wondrous cross

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #27 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year The Passion Lyrics: 1 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. 3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a tribute far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Languages: English Tune Title: WE THANK THEE, LORD JESUS CHRIST
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I know that my Redeemer lives

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #47 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 I know that my Redeemer lives; What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, He lives, who once was dead, He lives, my ever-living Head. 2 He lives to bless me with His love, He lives to plead for me above, He lives my hungry soul to feed, He lives to help in time of need. 3 He lives to grant me rich supply, He lives to guide me with His eye, He lives to comfort me when faint, He lives to hear my soul's complaint. 4 He lives to silence all my fears, He lives to wipe away my tears, He lives to calm my troubled heart, He lives all blessings to impart. 5 He lives, and grants me daily breath; He lives, and I shall conquer death; He lives my mansion to prepare, He lives to bring me safely there. 6 He lives, all glory to His name! He lives, my Jesus, still the same; O sweet the joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives! Languages: English Tune Title: NOW BEAMS THE SUN IN SPLENDOR BRIGHT
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The strife is o'er, the battle done!

Hymnal: Christian Hymns #63 (1898) Meter: Topics: TheChurch Year Easter Lyrics: 1 The strife is o'er, the battle done! The victory of life is won; The song of triumph has begun, Hallelujah! 2 The powers of death have done their worst, But Christ their legions hath dispersed; Let shouts of holy joy outburst, Hallelujah! 3 The three sad days are quickly sped; He rises glorious from the dead: All glory to our risen Head! Hallelujah! 4 He closed the yawning gates of hell; The bars from heaven's high portals fell; Let hymns of praise His triumphs tell; Hallelujah! 5 Lord! by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live, and sing to Thee, Hallelujah! Languages: English Tune Title: ALL PRAISE TO GOD ENTHRONED ON HIGH


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