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Psalm 82

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, The #Ps.172 (1806) Meter: Topics: Evil magistrates; Magistrates warned First Line: Among th' assemblies of the great Lyrics: Among th' assemblies of the great A greater Ruler takes his seat; The God of heav'n, as Judge, surveys Those gods on earth, and all their ways. Why will ye, then, frame wicked laws? Or why support th' unrighteous cause? When will ye once defend the poor, That sinners vex the saints no more? They know not, Lord, nor will they know; Dark are the ways in which they go; Their name of earthly gods is vain, For they shall fall and die like men. Arise, O Lord, and let thy Son Possess his universal throne, And rule the nations with his rod; He is our Judge, and he our God. Scripture: Psalm 82 Languages: English

Psalm 101

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, The #Ps.219 (1806) Meter: Topics: Magistrates qualifications; Psalm for magistrates First Line: Mercy and judgment are my song Lyrics: Mercy and judgment are my song; And since they both to thee belong, My gracious God, my righteous King, To thee my songs and vows I bring. If I am raised to bear the sword, I'll take my counsels from thy word; Thy justice and thy heav'nly grace Shall be the pattern of my ways. Let wisdom all my actions guide, And let my God with me reside; No wicked thing shall dwell with me Which may provoke thy jealousy. No sons of slander, rage, and strife Shall be companions of my life; The haughty look, the heart of pride, Within my doors shall ne'er abide. [I'll search the land, and raise the just To posts of honor, wealth, and trust; The men that work thy holy will Shall be my friends and fav'rites still.] In vain shall sinners hope to rise By flatt'ring or malicious lies; And while the innocent I guard, The bold offender sha'n't be spared. The impious crew, that factious band, Shall hide their heads or quit the land; And all that break the public rest, Where I have power, shall be suppressed. Scripture: Psalm 101 Languages: English

Psalm 101

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts, The #Ps.220 (1806) Meter: Topics: Magistrates qualifications; Psalm for magistrates First Line: Of justice and of grace I sing Lyrics: Of justice and of grace I sing, And pay my God my vows; Thy grace and justice, heav'nly King, Teach me to rule my house. Now to my tent, O God, repair, And make thy servant wise; I'll suffer nothing near me there That shall offend thine eyes. The man that doth his neighbor wrong By falsehood or by force, The scornful eye, the sland'rous tongue I'll thrust them from my doors. I'll seek the faithful and the just, And will their help enjoy; These are the friends that I shall trust, The servants I'll employ. The wretch that deals in sly deceit I'll not endure a night: The liar's tongue I ever hate, And banish from my sight. I'll purge my family around, And make the wicked flee; So shall my house be ever found A dwelling fit for thee. Scripture: Psalm 101 Languages: English
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Since God has thus ordain'd it so

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CCCXIX (1816) Meter: Topics: For Officers as Magistrates, &c. Lyrics: 1 Since God has thus ordain'd it so, That civil magistrates should be To rule and govern men below, As in his sacred word we see. 2 Since such like office I do bear To execute those civil laws, May I be wise, just and sincere To judge aright in ev'ry cause. 3 The Lord, grant me an upright heart, And with his blessed spirit guide: To act the just impartial part, In all what e'er I must decide. 4 From none but thee my God indeed, Such precious gifts I can obtain, Nor gain the knowledge that I need To judge between my fellow-men. 5 For this I pray and humbly ask My God endow me with thy grace! And qualify me for the task, To do my office in my place. Languages: English
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Eternal Sov'reign of the Sky

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CXLIX (1766) Topics: Honor to Magistrates Lyrics: 1 Eternal Sov'reign of the Sky, And Lord of all below; We Mortals, to thy Majesty Our first Obedience owe. 2 Our Souls adore thy Throne supreme, And bless thy Providence, For Magistrates of meaner Name, Our Glory and Defence. [3 The Crowns of British rinces shine With Rays above the rest, Where Laws and Liberties combine To make the Nation blest.] 4 Kingdoms on firm Foundations stand, While Virtue finds Reward; And Sinners perish from the Land, By Justice and the Sword. 5 Let Caesar's Due be ever paid To Caesar and his Throne, But Consciences and Souls were made To be the Lord's alone. Languages: English
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God loves the righteous, and hates the wicked

Hymnal: Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David, to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian Church in general (3rd ed.) #21 (1786) Topics: Evil Magistrates; Evil Magistrates First Line: My refuge is the God of love Lyrics: 1 My refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, Fly like a timorous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly? 2 If government be once destroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress? 3 The Lord in heaven has fix'd his throne, His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known; His eye-lids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His very soul abhors their wicked ways. 5 On impious wretches he shall rain Sulphureous flames of wasting death, Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere, And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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God loves the righteous, and hates the wicked

Hymnal: Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David #21 (1790) Topics: Evil Magistrates; Evil Magistrates First Line: My refuge is the God of love Lyrics: 1 My refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, Fly like a timorous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly? 2 If government be once destroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress? 3 The Lord in heaven has fix'd his throne, His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known; His eye-lids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His soul abhors their wicked ways. 5 On impious wretches he shall rain Sulpherous flames of wasting death, Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere, And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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God loves the righteous, and hates the wicked

Hymnal: Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David, corrected and enlarged, to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian Church in general (2nd ed.) #24 (1786) Topics: Evil Magistrates; Evil Magistrates First Line: My refuge is the God of love Lyrics: 1 My refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, Fly like a timorous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly? 2 If government be once destroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress? 3 The Lord in heaven has fix'd his throne, His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known; His eye-lids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His very soul abhors their wicked ways. 5 On impious wretches he shall rain Sulphureous flames of wasting death, Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere, And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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God loves the righteous, and hates the wicked

Hymnal: Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David #24 (1787) Topics: Evil Magistrates; Evil Magistrates First Line: My refuge is the God of love Lyrics: 1 My refuge is the God of love; Why do my foes insult and cry, Fly like a timorous trembling dove, To distant woods or mountains fly? 2 If government be once destroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace) And violence make justice void, Where shall the righteous seek redress? 3 The Lord in heaven has fix'd his throne, His eye surveys the world below; To him all mortal things are known; His eye-lids search our spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his saints so far, To prove their love, and try their grace, What may the bold transgressors fear? His very soul abhors their wicked ways. 5 On impious wretches he shall rain Sulphurous flames of wasting death, Such as he kindled on the plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls, Whose thoughts and actions are sincere, And with a gracious eye beholds The men that his own image bear. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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Judges, who rule the World by Laws

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P58 (1766) Topics: Evil Magistrates; Magistrates warned Lyrics: 1 Judges, who rule the World by Laws, Will ye despise the righteous Cause, When th' injur'd Poor before you stands? Dare ye condemn the righteous Poor, And let rich Sinners 'scape secure, While Gold & Greatness bribe your Hands? 2 Have ye forgot, or never knew, That GOD will judge the Judges too? High in the Heav'ns his Justice reigns; Yet you invade the Rights of GOD, And send your bold Decrees abroad, To bind the Conscience in your Chains. 3 A poison'd Arrow is your Tongue, The Arrow sharp, the Poison strong, And Death attends where'er it wounds: You hear no Counsels, Cries, or Tears; So the deaf Adder stops her Ears Against the Pow'r of charming Sounds. 4 Break out their Teeth, eternal GOD, Those Teeth of Lions dy'd in Blood; And crush the serpents in the Dust: As empty Chaff when Whirlwinds rise Before the sweeping Tempest flies, So let their Hopes and Names be lost. 5 Th' Almighty thunders from the Sky, Their Grandeur melts, their Titles die, As Hills of Snow dissolve and run, Or Snails that perish in their Slime, Or Births that come before their Time, Vain Births that never see the Sun. 6 Thus shall the Vengeance of the Lord Safety and Joy to Saints afford; And all that hear shall join and say, "Sure there's a GOD that rules on high, "A GOD that hears his Children cry, "And will their Suff'rings well repay." Scripture: Psalm 58 Languages: English


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