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To God My Earnest Voice I Raise

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #293 (1976) Meter: Topics: Persecution Of Believers Scripture: Psalm 142 Languages: English Tune Title: HAMBURG

We Praise Thee, O God

Author: Ambrose M. Schmidt Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #313 (1976) Meter: Topics: Persecution Of Believers First Line: We praise Thee, O God, our Lord and our King Languages: English Tune Title: HANOVER (CROFT)

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Author: Frederick H. Hedge; Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #444 (1976) Meter: Topics: Persecution Of Believers Languages: English Tune Title: EIN' FESTE BURG

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken

Author: Henry F. Lyte Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #456 (1976) Meter: D Topics: Persecution Of Believers Scripture: Matthew 16:24 Languages: English Tune Title: ELLISDIE
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Jehovah, My God, On Thy Help I Depend

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #12 (1934) Meter: Topics: Persecution Of Believers Lyrics: 1 Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend; From all that pursue me O save and defend; Lest they like a lion should rend me at will, while no one is near me their raging to still. 2 When wronged without cause I have kindness returned; But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned, My soul let the enemy seize for his prey, My life and my honor in dust let him lay. 3 O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes; Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose. Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet, While o'er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat. 4 All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord; To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord, As faithful and righteous in life I have been, And ever integrity cherished within. 5 Establish the righteous, let evil depart, For God, who is just, tries the thoughts of the heart. In God for defense I have placed all my trust; The upright He saves and He judges the just. 6 The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day, And if they repent not is ready to slay; By manifold ruin for others prepared They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared. 7 Because He is righteous His praise I will sing, Thanksgiving and honor to Him I will bring, Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely, Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High. Scripture: Psalm 7 Languages: English Tune Title: PAULINA
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Jehovah's Perfect Law

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #30 (1934) Meter: Topics: Persecution Of Believers Lyrics: 1 Jehovah's perfect law Restores the soul again; His testimony sure Gives wisdom unto men; The precepts of the Lord are right, And fill the heart with great delight. 2 The Lord's commands are pure, They light and joy restore; Jehovah's fear is clean, Enduring evermore; His statutes, let the world confess, Are wholly truth and righteousness. 3 They are to be desired Above the finest gold; Than honey from the comb More sweetness far they hold; With warnings they Thy servant guard, In keeping them is great reward. 4 His errors who can know? Cleanse me from hidden stain; Keep me from wilful sins, Nor let them o'er me reign; And then I upright shall appear And be from great transgressions clear. 5 When Thou dost search my life, May all my thoughts within And all the words I speak Thy full approval win. O Lord, Thou art a rock to me, And my Redeemer Thou shalt be. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: HADDAM
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Defend Me, Lord, from Shame

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #60 (1934) Meter: D Topics: Persecution Of Believers Lyrics: 1 Defend me, Lord, from shame, For still I trust in Thee; Since just and righteous is Thy Name, From trouble set me free. O Lord, in mercy hear, Deliver me with speed; Be my defense and refuge near, My help in time of need. 2 Thee for my rock I take, My fortress and my stay; O lead me for Thy own Name's sake And guide me in Thy way. Lord, Thou dost strength impart; Then free me from the snare Which foes for me, with wicked art, Did secretly prepare. 3 My spirit unto Thee I trustfully commend; Jehovah, God of truth, to me Thou didst redemption send. I hate the false and vain, My trust is in the Lord, And still my heart in joyous strain Thy mercy will record. Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English Tune Title: LEBANON

The Good Man's Steps Are Led Aright

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #65 (1976) Meter: 8.8.6 D Topics: Persecution Of Believers Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English Tune Title: PRESSLY
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Be Thou My Helper in the Strife

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #67 (1934) Meter: D Topics: Persecution Of Believers Lyrics: 1 Be Thou my helper in the strife, O Lord, my strong Defender be; Thy mighty shield protect my life, Thy spear confront the enemy. Amid the conflict, O my Lord, Thy precious promise let me hear, The faithful, reassuring word: I am thy Savior, do not fear. 2 Ashamed, confounded let them be Who seek my ruin and disgrace; O let Thy angel fight for me, And drive my foes before his face. Without a cause my life they sought, Without a case their plots they laid; Themselves within their snares be caught, And be my crafty foes dismayed. 3 My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. For who, O Lord, is like to Thee, Defender of the poor and meek? The needy Thy salvation see When mighty foes their ruin seek. 4 Unrighteous witnesses have stood And told of crimes beyond belief; Returning evil for my good, They overwhelm my soul with grief. When in affliction they were sad, I wept and made their grief my own; But in my trouble they are glad And strive that I may be o'erthrown. 5 O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? My soul for Thy salvation waits; My thankfulness I will display Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates. Let not my enemies rejoice And wrongfully exult o'er me; They speak not peace, but lift their voice To trouble those that peaceful be. 6 My foes with joy my woes survey, But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all; O be no longer far away, Nor silent when on Thee I call. O haste to my deliverance now, O Lord, my righteous cause maintain; My Lord and God alone art Thou; Awake, and make thy justice plain. 7 O Lord my God, I look to Thee, Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray; Let not my foes exult o'er me And laugh with joy at my dismay. With shame and trouble those requite Who would my righteous cause destroy; But those who in the good delight, Let them be glad and shout for joy. 8 Yea, let the Lord be magnified, Because Thy servants Thou dost bless; And I, from morn till eventide, Will daily praise Thy righteousness. My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. Scripture: Psalm 35 Languages: English Tune Title: HE LEADETH ME
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The Good Man's Steps Are Led Aright

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #72 (1934) Meter: 8.8.6 D Topics: Persecution Of Believers Lyrics: 1 The good man's steps are led aright, His way is pleasing in God's sight, Established it shall stand; He shall not perish though he fall, The mighty Lord, who rules o'er all, Upholds him with His hand. 2 Though I am old who young have been, No saint have I forsaken seen, Nor yet his home in need; He ever lends in gracious ways, His life true charity displays, His sons are blest indeed. 3 Depart from evil, do thou well, And evermore securely dwell; Jehovah loves the right. His faithfulness His saints have proved, Forever they shall stand unmoved, But sinners God will smite. 4 The righteous, through His favoring hand, Shall yet inherit all the land And dwell therein for aye; He talks of wisdom and of right, In God's pure law is his delight, His steps go not astray. 5 The wicked, watching for their prey, Desire the righteous man to slay, But God is on his side; He will not leave him in their hands, Nor count him guilty when he stands In judgment to be tried. 6 Wait on the Lord and keep His way; He will exalt thee, nor delay To give the land to thee; And when the wicked are cut off, The wicked who against thee scoff, Their judgment thou shalt see. 7 The wicked in great power are seen, Like spreading tree with foliage green That grows in native ground. I looked again, they were no more; I sought the men so proud before, But they could not be found. 8 Mark thou the upright day by day, Behold the perfect in his way, His journey ends in peace. Destroyed at once shall rebels be; Cut off from all posterity, Their very name shall cease. 9 Salvation is from God alone, Whom as their covert saints have known When by sore troubles tried; The Lord, who helped in troubles past, Will save them to the very last, For they in Him confide. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English Tune Title: PRESSLY


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