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In Heaven Is Joy and Gladness

Author: J. N. Brun, 1745-1816; O. H. Smeby, 1851-1929 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #482 (1996) Meter: Topics: Death and Burial First Line: In heav'n is joy and gladness Lyrics: 1 In heav'n is joy and gladness, But while I sojourn here, So often, bowed in sadness, I shed the bitter tear. Here ills, alway prevailing, Distress the Savior's bride; Here mirth is lost in wailing; In heav'n but joys abide. 2 I do not strive for pleasures That fools pursue on earth, I sow in tears for treasures That have more lasting worth. If, when my journey endeth, The sheaves I gather in, The bliss the fool pretendeth I do not yearn to win. 3 For I shall see my Jesus, He is my Hope and Stay; The cross that me oppresses He then shall take away. Then nothing more shall grieve me, And no adversity Shall of my joy bereave me; Soon I shall Jesus see. Languages: English
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And must this body die

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #534 (1918) Meter: Topics: Death and Burial Lyrics: 1 And must this body die, This mortal frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay? 2 God, my Redeemer lives, And ever from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, Till He shall bid it rise. 3 Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 4 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love: We would adore His grace below And sing His power above. 5 Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise With our immortal tongues. Languages: English
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Sunset and Evening Star

Author: Alfred Tennyson Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #591 (1926) Meter: Irregular Topics: Last Things: Death and Burial Lyrics: Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar When I put out to sea, But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell When I embark; For, though from out our bourne of time and place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: CROSSING THE BAR
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I Know of a Sleep in Jesus' Name

Author: Magnus B. Landstad Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #592 (1941) Meter: Topics: The Last Things Death and Burial Lyrics: 1 I know of a sleep in Jesus' name, A rest from all toil and sorrow; Earth folds in her arms my weary frame And shelters it till the morrow; My soul is at home with God in heav'n, Her sorrows are past and over. 2 I know of a peaceful eventide; And when I am faint and weary, At times with the journey sorely tried, Thro' hours that are long and dreary, Then often I yearn to lay me down And sink into blissful slumber. 3 I know of a morning bright and fair When tidings of joy shall wake us, When songs from on high shall fill the air And God to His glory take us, When Jesus shall bid us rise from sleep-- How joyous that hour of waking! 4 Oh, that is a morning dear to me, And oft, o'er the mountains streaming, In spirit its heav'nly light I see As golden the peaks are beaming. Then sing I for joy like birds at dawn That carol in lofty lindens. 5 God's Son to our graves then takes His way, His voice hear all tribes and nations; The portals are rent that guard our clay, And moved are the sea's foundations. He calls out aloud, "Ye dead, come forth!" In glory we rise to meet Him. 6 O Jesus, draw near my dying bed And take me into Thy keeping And say when my spirit hence is fled, "This child is not dead, but sleeping." And leave me not, Savior, till I rise To praise Thee in life eternal. Amen. Scripture: Revelation 14:13 Languages: English Tune Title: DEN SIGNEDE DAG
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Sunset and evening star and one clear call for me

Author: Alfred, Lord Tennyson Hymnal: The Hymnal #620 (1912) Meter: Irregular Topics: Death and Burial

When It Seemed that Love Was Dying

Author: Mary Nelson Keithahn Hymnal: Come Away with Me #14 (1998) Meter: D Topics: Jesus Burial and Resurrection; Mary Magdalene Burial and Resurrection of Jesus; Joseph of Arimathea Burial of Jesus; Nicodemus Burial of Jesus; Death and Resurrection Responses to First Line: When it seemed that Love was dying, Scripture: Matthew 27:55-61 Languages: English Tune Title: KRISTA'S TUNE
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Jesus Christ, my sure Defense

Author: Louise Henreitte v. Brandenbrugh; C. Winkworth Hymnal: Church Hymnal for Lutheran Services #113 (1911) Topics: Burial; Death And Eternity Lyrics: 1. JESUS Christ, my sure Defence And my Saviour, ever liveth; Knowing this, my confidence Rests upon the hope it giveth, Though the night of death be fraught Still with many an anxious thought. 2. Jesus, my Redeemer, lives! I, too, unto life must waken; Endless joy my Saviour gives; Shall my courage, then, be shaken? Shall I fear? or could the Head Rise, and leave His members dead? 3. Nay, too closely am I bound Unto Him by hope forever; Faith's strong hand the Rock hath found, Grasped it, and will leave it never; Not the ban of death can part From its Lord the trusting heart. 4. I am only flesh and blood, And on this corruption senzeth; But I know my Lord and God From the grave my body raiseth, That with Him eternally In His glory I may be. 5. Glorified I shall again With this skin then be enshrouded, In this body I shall then See my God with eyes unclouded, In this flesh I then shall see Jesus Christ eternally. Languages: English
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Who knows how near my end may be?

Author: Emilie Juliana v. Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt; C. Winkworth Hymnal: Church Hymnal for Lutheran Services #115 (1911) Topics: Burial; Death And Eternity Lyrics: 1. WHO knows how near my end may be? Time speeds away, and death comes on; How swiftly, ah! how suddenly, May death be here, and life be gone! My God, for Jesus’ sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 2. The world that smiled when morn was come May change for me ere close of eve; So long as earth is still my home In peril of my death I live. My God, for Jesus’ sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 3. Teach me to ponder oft my end, And ere the hour of death appears, To cast my soul on Christ, her Friend, Nor spare repentant cries and tears. My God, for Jesus’ sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 4. And let me now so order all, That ever ready I may be To say with joy, Whate’er befall, Lord, do Thou as Thou wilt with me. My God, for Jesus’ sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 5. Let heav'n to me be ever sweet, And this world bitter let me find, That I, 'mid all its toil and heat, May keep eternity in mind. My God, for Jesus' sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 6. Then death may come, or tarry yet, I know in Christ I perish not, He never will His own forget, He gives me robes without a spot. My God, for Jesus’ sake I pray Thy peace may bless my dying day. 7. And thus I live in God at peace, And die without a thought of fear, Content to take what God decrees, For through His Son my faith is clear, His grace shall be in death my stay, And peace shall bless my dying day. Languages: English
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The things of the earth in the earth let us lay

Author: John Mason Neale Hymnal: Church Book #552 (1890) Meter: Topics: Death and Eternity Burial Lyrics: 1 The things of the earth in the earth let us lay, The ashes with ashes, the dust with the clay: But lift up the heart, and the eye, and the love, O lift up the soul to the regions above! 2 Since He, the Immortal, hath entered the gate, So too shall we mortals, or sooner or late: Then stand we on Christ; let us mark Him ascend, For His is the glory and life without end. 3 On earth with His own ones, the Giver of good, Bestowing His blessing, a little while stood: Now nothing can part us, nor distance, nor foes, For lo! He is with us, and who can oppose? 4 So, Lord, we commit this our brother to Thee, Whose body is dead, but whose spirit is free: We know that thro' grace, when our life here is done, We live still in Thee, and for ever in one. 5 All glory to Thee, Father, Spirit, and Son, Who Three art in person, in substance but One, In Whom we have victory over the grave, Who lovest Thy people to pardon and save. Languages: English Tune Title: BISHOPTHORPE
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At length released from many woes

Author: Frances Elizabeth Cox; Gottfried Neumann Hymnal: Church Book #553 (1890) Meter: Topics: Death and Eternity Burial Lyrics: 1 At length released from many woes, How sweetly dost thou sleep! How calm and peaceful thy repose, While Christ thy soul doth keep! 2 In earth's wide field thy body now We sow, which lifeless lies, In sure and certain hope that thou More glorious shalt arise. 3 Then rest thee in thy lowly bed, Nor shall our hearts repine. Thy toils and woes are finishéd: A happy lot is thine. 4 The Bridegroom will not long delay; The Shepherd soon will come, And take His cherished lamb away To His eternal home. 5 Blest, who have Jesus' love esteemed O'er every earthly thing; For none of all His flock redeemed Will Jesus fail to bring. Languages: English Tune Title: BELMONT


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