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All Hail The Coming Son Of God

Author: James M. Gray Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11798 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 All hail the coming Son of God, He’s coming back again; He’s coming in the clouds of heaven He’s coming back to reign! He’s coming in the clouds of heaven He’s coming back to reign! 2 Sinners whose sins are washed away, Nor left a single stain, Go, hail the advent of your Lord; He’s coming back to reign! Go, hail the advent of your Lord; He’s coming back to reign! 3 Let every kindred, every tribe, Free of creation’s pain, Aloud acclaim His welcome back— He’s coming back to reign! Aloud acclaim His welcome back— He’s coming back to reign! 4 Ah! soon with all the ransomed throng, Beholding Him once slain, We’ll see the rolling cloud, and shout, He’s coming back to reign! We’ll see the rolling cloud, and shout, He’s coming back to reign! Languages: English Tune Title: CORONATION

Space To Repent

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11869 Meter: D First Line: Space to repent without the power Lyrics: Space to repent without the power, Lord, what would it avail? But grace attends the added hour To turn the hovering scale; If still I slight Thy proffered grace, The fault is mine alone; Yet if Thy mercy I embrace, The praise is all Thine own. Languages: English Tune Title: VOX DILECTI

For Mercies, Countless As The Sands

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11923 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 For mercies, countless as the sands Which daily I receive From Jesus, my Redeemer’s hands, My soul, what canst thou give? 2 Alas! from such a heart as mine, What can I bring Him forth? My best is stained and dyed with sin, My all is nothing worth. 3 Yet this acknowledgement I’ll make For all He has bestowed; Salvation’s sacred cup I’ll take, And call upon my God. 4 The best return for one like me, So wretched and so poor; Is from His gifts to draw a plea, And ask Him still for more. 5 I cannot serve him as I ought, No works have I to boast; Yet would I glory in the thought That I shall owe Him most. Languages: English Tune Title: ALAMEDA

Thou, Whom Their Maker Heav'n And Earth

Author: Richard Mant Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11938 Meter: D First Line: Thou, whom their maker Heav’n and earth Lyrics: 1 Thou, whom their maker Heav’n and earth, Their king the angels own, Son, who through boundless ages shar’st Th’almighty Father’s throne; Who Adam, in Thy image made, Call’dst forth at nature’s birth, And man became a living soul With body formed of earth: 2 When Satan’s envy and deceit Had human kind defaced, By Thee was man’s primeval form, Incarnate Lord, replaced; Thee, of the virgin born of old, Now new born from the tomb, Who bidd’st us buried from the grave With Thee reviving come. 3 Thou, living Shepherd, dost Thy flock In bath baptismal lave, The cleansing laver of our souls, And of our sins the grave: By Thee was borne the cross, the debt For our transgressions owed; From Thee, the price of our release, The blood spontaneous flowed. 4 That Thou each year our paschal joy Mayst be, Thy servants give, Regenerate from the death of sin, In holiness to live: So in perpetual hymns shalt Thou, Who from the dead wast raised, The Father, and the Holy Ghost, Eternally be praised. Languages: English Tune Title: CHINO

Eternal King Of Heav'n On High

Author: Richard Mant Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11939 Meter: D First Line: Eternal King of Heav’n on high Lyrics: 1 Eternal King of Heav’n on high, Hope of Thy saints beneath, Crowned with triumphant majesty, The vanquisher of death: 2 Thou dost ascend the starry spheres, Prompt at the heav’nly call, Which, all unheard by mortal ears, Salutes Thee Lord of all: 3 That of the world, where’er they dwell, The tribes may worship Thee; And things in Heav’n, in earth, in hell, May bow the subject knee. 4 Angels behold the change with awe: How sin with flesh began, And sin by flesh subdued they saw, The conqueror God in man! 5 Do Thou from Thy celestial heights Our prize, our pleasure, prove! The world Thy subject; Thy delights All worldly joys above. 6 Thence for our sins the prayer attend, Thy pardoning grace supply, And down Thy healthful Spirit send To lift our hearts on high. 7 That when around Thy judgment seat The skies their radiance pour, Thou mayst remit our penal debt, Our forfeit crowns restore. 8 O Jesus, glory be to Thee, In Thy celestial rest, Throned with Paternal Majesty, And with the Spirit blest! Languages: English Tune Title: ANCYRA

Conflict With Self

Author: W. H. Ligon Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11952 Meter: D First Line: The soul within me longs for rest Lyrics: 1 The soul within me longs for rest, And sighs for Heaven’s home; Then shall I spurn the blest request, And still in darkness roam? Refrain: Remember thou who spurn the light, To walk in Satan’s wiles, The shadowy road to deepest night, Is paved with after-whiles. 2 Each one may to his Savior go, Obedience is the sum; Christ says in accents sweet and low, "Whoever will may come." [Refrain] 3 My soul in conflict with my will, Is whispering, "Be true"; My earthly man retorts Be still, Some other time will do. [Refrain] 4 Oh, why not enter now the fold, The Gospel trumpet warns; That you might wear a crown of gold, Christ wore a crown of thorns. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: NIJMEGEN

Sufficient Grace

Author: H. H. Ryland Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11993 Meter: D First Line: The cross is heavy—this I know— Lyrics: 1 The cross is heavy—this I know— But there’s a blessèd place Where I can flee in time of need And find sufficient grace. Refrain: Sufficient grace, sufficient grace, His word now offers me; And when I see Him face to face, His grace my theme shall be. 2 When dark the storm around me rolls, It cannot hide His face; Then to the mercy seat I flee And find sufficient grace. [Refrain] 3 And when the tempter comes, and would God’s work in me efface, Then to the Savior I will go And find sufficient grace. [Refrain] 4 Tho’ oft I tread some thorny way, Upon my Christian race, I’m sure that always, day by day, I’ll find sufficient grace. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: CHANTILLY

We Are The Children Of The Church

Author: Benjamin T. Tanner Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12043 Meter: D Refrain First Line: Our fathers’ church—our mothers’ church— Lyrics: 1 We are the children of the church, Our mothers reared by prayer; The church our fathers fortified, By faith and manly care. Refrain: Our fathers’ church—our mothers’ church— Is just the church for me; Our fathers’ church—our mothers’ church— Mine evermore shall be. 2 Strong are its massive gates and wide, Its walls a towering pile; Alike impregnable to all Who would its courts defile. [Refrain] 3 Numerous its people as the stars, As pledged in days of old; And will be as the countless sand, A number yet untold. [Refrain] 4 And stirred it is by lofty aims, Of love toward man and God, And will be till the world accepts Messiah’s staff and rod. [Refrain] 5 How glorious then, this heritage, Burdened with storied wealth, Enriching us and all mankind With life, and peace, and health. [Refrain] 6 As gathered on the Children’s Day We at its altars vow, To mark its bulwarks, tell its towers, And hold our place as now. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: OUR FATHER'S CHURCH

The Old Year's Long Campaign Is O'er

Author: Samuel J. Stone Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12077 Meter: D First Line: The old year’s long campaign is o’er Lyrics: 1 The old year’s long campaign is o’er; Behold a new begun; Not yet is closed the holy war, Nor yet the triumph won: Out of his still and deep repose We hear the old year say: "Go forth again to meet your foes, Ye children of the day!" 2 "Go forth, firm faith on every heart, Bright hope on every helm; Through that shall pierce no fiery dart, And this no fear o’erwhelm! Go in the spirit and the might Of Him who led the way; Close with the legions of the night, Ye children of the day." 3 So forth we go to meet the strife, We will not fear or fly! We love the holy warrior’s life, His death we hope to die! We slumber not, that charge in view, Toil on while toil ye may, Then night shall be no night to you, Ye children of the day!" 4 Lord God, our glory, Three in One, Thine own sustain, defend! And give, though dim this earthly sun, Thy true light to the end; Till morning tread the darkness down, And night be swept away, And infinite sweet triumph crown The children of the day! Languages: English Tune Title: CLARION

The King, O Lord, With Songs Of Praise

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12080 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 The king, O Lord, with songs of praise Shall in Thy strength rejoice; And blest with Thy salvation raise To Heaven his cheerful voice. 2 Thy sure defense through nations round Has spread his glorious name; And his successful actions crowned With majesty and fame. 3 Then let the king on God alone For timely aid rely; His mercy shall support the throne, And all our wants supply. 4 But, righteous Lord, his stubborn foes Shall feel Thy dreadful hand; Thy vengeful arm shall find out those That hate his mild command. 5 When Thou against them dost engage, Thy just, but dreadful doom Shall, like a fiery oven’s rage, Their hopes and them consume. 6 Thus, Lord, Thy wondrous power declare, And thus exalt Thy fame; Whilst we glad songs of praise prepare For Thine almighty name. Languages: English Tune Title: SAXONY


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