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Psalm 124 - I

Hymnal: FP2023 #124-I (2023) First Line: Had not the Lord been on our side Lyrics: 1 Had not the Lord been on our side, may Israel now say; 2 Had not the Lord been on our side, when men rose us to slay; 3 They had us swallowed quick, when as their wrath 'gainst us did flame: 4 Waters had covered us, our soul had sunk beneath the stream. 5 Then had the waters, swelling high, over our soul made way. 6 Blessed be the Lord, who to their teeth us gave not for a prey. 7 Our soul's escapèd, as a bird out of the fowler's snare; The snare asunder broken is, and we escapèd are. 8 Our sure and all-sufficient help is in JEHOVAH's name; His name who did the heav'n create, and who the earth did frame. Scripture: Psalm 124 Languages: English

Psalm 91

Hymnal: FP2023 #91 (2023) First Line: He that doth in the secret place Lyrics: 1 He that doth in the secret place of the most High reside, Under the shade of him that is th' Almighty shall abide. 2 I of the Lord my God will say, He is my refuge still, He is my fortress, and my God, and in him trust I will. 3 Assuredly he shall thee save, and give deliverance From subtle fowler's snare, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 His feathers shall thee hide; thy trust under his wings shall be: His faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler unto thee. 5 Thou shalt not need to be afraid for terrors of the night; Nor for the arrow that doth fly by day, while it is light; 6 Nor for the pestilence, that walks in darkness secretly; Nor for destruction, that doth waste at noon-day openly. 7 A thousand at thy side shall fall, on thy right hand shall lie Ten thousand dead; yet unto thee it shall not once come nigh. 8 Only thou with thine eyes shalt look, and a beholder be; And thou therein the just reward of wicked men shalt see. 9 Because the Lord, who constantly my refuge is alone, Ev'n the most High, is made by thee thy habitätion; 10 No plague shall near thy dwelling come; no ill shall thee befall: 11 For thee to keep in all thy ways his angels charge he shall. 12 They in their hands shall bear thee up, still waiting thee upon; Lest thou at any time should'st dash thy foot against a stone. 13 Upon the adder thou shalt tread, and on the lion strong; Thy feet on dragons trample shall, and on the lions young. 14 Because on me he set his love, I'll save and set him free; Because my great name he hath known, I will him set on high. 15 He'll call on me, I'll answer him; I will be with him still In trouble, to deliver him, and honor him I will. 16 With length of days unto his mind I will him satisfy; I also my salvätion will cause his eyes to see. Scripture: Psalm 91 Languages: English

Psalm 80

Hymnal: FP2023 #80 (2023) First Line: Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock Lyrics: 1 Hear, Isr'el's Shepherd! like a flock thou that dost Joseph guide; Shine forth, O thou that dost between the cherubims abide. 2 In Ephraim's, and Benjamin's, and in Manasseh's sight, O come for our salvätion; stir up thy strength and might. 3 Turn us again, O Lord our God, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 4 O Lord of hosts, almighty God, how long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the prayèr made by thine own folk to thee? 5 Thou tears of sorrow giv'st to them instead of bread to eat; Yea, tears instead of drink thou giv'st to them in measure great. 6 Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbors round about; Our enemies among themselves at us do laugh and flout. 7 Turn us again, O God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 8 A vine from Egypt brought thou hast, by thine outstretchèd hand; And thou the heathen out didst cast, to plant it in their land. 9 Before it thou a room didst make, where it might grow and stand; Thou causedst it deep root to take, and it did fill the land. 10 The mountains veiled were with its shade, as with a covering; Like goodly cedars were the boughs which out from it did spring. 11 Upon the one hand to the sea her boughs she did out send; On th' other side unto the flood her branches did extend. 12 Why hast thou then thus broken down, and ta'en her hedge away? So that all passengers do pluck, and make of her a prey. 13 The boar who from the forest comes doth waste it at his pleasure; The wild beast of the field also devours it out of measure. 14 O God of hosts, we thee beseech, return now unto thine; Look down from heav'n in love, behold, and visit this thy vine: 15 This vineyard, which thine own right hand hath planted us among; And that same branch, which for thyself thou hast made to be strong. 16 Burnt up it is with flaming fire, it also is cut down: They utterly are perishèd, when as thy face doth frown. 17 O let thy hand be still upon the Man of thy right hand, The Son of man, whom for thyself thou madest strong to stand. 18 So henceforth we will not go back, nor turn from thee at all: O do thou quicken us, and we upon thy name will call. 19 Turn us again, Lord God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. Scripture: Psalm 80 Languages: English

Psalm 49

Hymnal: FP2023 #49 (2023) First Line: Hear this, all people, and give ear Lyrics: 1 Hear this, all people, and give ear, all in the world that dwell; 2 Both low and high, both rich and poor. 3 My mouth shall wisdom tell: My heart shall knowledge meditate. 4 I will incline mine ear To parables, and on the harp my sayings dark declare. 5 Amidst those days that evil be, why should I, fearing, doubt? When of my heels th' iniquity shall compass me about. 6 Whoe'er they be that in their wealth their confidence do pitch, And boast themselves, because they are become exceeding rich: 7 Yet none of these his brother can redeem by any way; Nor can he unto God for him sufficient ransom pay, 8 (Their soul's redemption precious is, and it can never be,) 9 That still he should for ever live, and not corruption see. 10 For why? he seeth that wise men die, and brutish fools also Do perish; and their wealth, when dead, to others they let go. 11 Their inward thought is, that their house and dwelling-places shall Stand through all ages; they their lands by their own names do call. 12 But yet in honor shall not man abide continually; But passing hence, may be compared unto the beasts that die. 13 Thus brutish folly plainly is their wisdom and their way; Yet their posterity approve what they do fondly say. 14 Like sheep they in the grave are laid, and death shall them devour; And in the morning upright men shall over them have pow'r: Their beauty from their dwelling shall consume within the grave. 15 But from hell's hand God will me free, for he shall me receive. 16 Be thou not then afraid when one enrichèd thou dost see, Nor when the glory of his house advancèd is on high: 17 For he shall carry nothing hence when death his days doth end; Nor shall his glory after him into the grave descend. 18 Although he his own soul did bless whilst he on earth did live; (And when thou to thyself dost well, men will thee praises give;) 19 He to his fathers' race shall go, they never shall see light. 20 Man honored wanting knowledge is like beasts that perish quite. Scripture: Psalm 49 Languages: English

Psalm 12

Hymnal: FP2023 #12 (2023) First Line: Help, Lord, because the godly man Lyrics: 1 Help, Lord, because the godly man doth daily fade away; And from among the sons of men the faithful do decay. 2 Unto his neighbor ev'ry one doth utter vanity: They with a double heart do speak, and lips of flattery. 3 God shall cut off all flatt'ring lips, tongues that speak proudly thus, 4 We'll with our tongue prevail, our lips are ours: who's lord o'er us? 5 For poor oppressed, and for the sighs of needy, rise will I, Saith God, and him in safety set from such as him defy. 6 The words of God are words most pure; they be like silver tried In earthen furnace, seven times that hath been purified. 7 Lord, thou shalt them preserve and keep for ever from this race. 8 On each side walk the wicked, when vile men are high in place. Scripture: Psalm 12 Languages: English

Psalm 8

Hymnal: FP2023 #8 (2023) First Line: How excellent in all the earth Lyrics: 1 How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! Who hast thy glory far advanced above the starry frame. 2 From infants' and from sucklings' mouth thou didest strength ordain, For thy foes' cause, that so thou might'st th' avenging foe restrain. 3 When I look up unto the heav'ns, which thine own fingers framed, Unto the moon, and to the stars, which were by thee ordained; 4 Then say I, What is man, that he remembered is by thee? Or what the son of man, that thou so kind to him should'st be? 5 For thou a little lower hast him than the angels made; With glory and with dignity thou crownèd hast his head. 6 Of thy hands' works thou mad'st him lord, all under's feet didst lay; 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts that in the field do stray; 8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, all that pass through the same. 9 How excellent in all the earth, Lord, our Lord, is thy name! Scripture: Psalm 8 Languages: English

Psalm 13

Hymnal: FP2023 #13 (2023) First Line: How long wilt thou forget me, Lord? Lyrics: 1 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord? shall it for ever be? O how long shall it be that thou wilt hide thy face from me? 2 How long take counsel in my soul, still sad in heart, shall I? How long exalted over me shall be mine enemy? 3 O Lord my God, consider well, and answer to me make: Mine eyes enlighten, lest the sleep of death me overtake: 4 Lest that mine enemy should say, Against him I prevailed; And those that trouble me rejoice, when I am moved and failed. 5 But I have all my confidence thy mercy set upon; My heart within me shall rejoice in thy salvätion. 6 I will unto the Lord my God sing praises cheerfully, Because he hath his bounty shown to me abundantly. Scripture: Psalm 13 Languages: English

Psalm 84

Hymnal: FP2023 #84 (2023) First Line: How lovely is thy dwelling-place Lyrics: 1 How lovely is thy dwelling-place, O Lord of hosts, to me! The tabernacles of thy grace how pleasant, Lord, they be! 2 My thirsty soul longs veh'mently, yea faints, thy courts to see: My very heart and flesh cry out, O living God, for thee. 3 Behold, the sparrow findeth out an house wherein to rest; The swallow also for herself hath purchasèd a nest; Ev'n thine own altars, where she safe her young ones forth may bring, O thou almighty Lord of hosts, who art my God and King. 4 Blessed are they in thy house that dwell, they ever give thee praise. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength thou art, in whose heart are thy ways: 6 Who passing thorough Baca's vale, therein do dig up wells; Also the rain that falleth down the pools with water fills. 7 So they from strength unwearied go still forward unto strength, Until in Zion they appear before the Lord at length. 8 Lord God of hosts, my prayèr hear; O Jacob's God, give ear. 9 See God our shield, look on the face of thine anointed dear. 10 For in thy courts one day excels a thousand; rather in My God's house will I keep a door, than dwell in tents of sin. 11 For God the Lord's a sun and shield: he'll grace and glory give; And will withhold no good from them that uprightly do live. 12 O thou that art the Lord of hosts, that man is truly blessed, Who by assurèd confidence on thee alone doth rest. Scripture: Psalm 84 Languages: English

Psalm 119 - 15 (SAMECH)

Hymnal: FP2023 #119-15 (2023) First Line: I hate the thoughts of vanity Lyrics: 113 I hate the thoughts of vanity, but love thy law do I. 114 My shield and hiding-place thou art: I on thy word rely. 115 All ye that evil-doers are from me depart away; For the commandments of my God I purpose to obey. 116 According to thy faithful word uphold and stablish me, That I may live, and of my hope ashamèd never be. 117 Hold thou me up, so shall I be in peace and safety still; And to thy statutes have respect continually I will. 118 Thou tread'st down all that love to stray; false their deceit doth prove. 119 Lewd men, like dross, away thou putt'st; therefore thy law I love. 120 For fear of thee my very flesh doth tremble, all dismayed; And of thy righteous judgments, Lord, my soul is much afraid. Scripture: Psalm 119:113-120 Languages: English

Psalm 11

Hymnal: FP2023 #11 (2023) First Line: I in the Lord do put my trust: Lyrics: 1 I in the Lord do put my trust; how is it then that ye Say to my soul, Flee, as a bird, unto your mountain high? 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, their shafts on string they fit, That those who upright are in heart they privily may hit. 3 If the foundations be destroyed, what hath the righteous done? 4 God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eyelids try 5 men's sons. The just he proves: But his soul hates the wicked man, and him that vi'lence loves. 6 Snares, fire and brimstone, furious storms, on sinners he shall rain: This, as the portion of their cup, doth unto them pertain. 7 Because the Lord most righteous doth in righteousness delight; And with a pleasant countenance beholdeth the upright. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English


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