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Tune Identifier:"^windsor_tye_daman$"

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Showing 31 - 40 of 114Results Per Page: 102050

Ye Sons of Men, a Feeble Race

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7772 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Ye sons of men, a feeble race, Exposed to every snare, Come, make the Lord your dwelling place, And try and trust His care. 2. No ill shall enter where you dwell; Or if the plague come nigh, And sweep the wicked down to hell, ’Twill raise His saints on high. 3. He’ll give His angels charge to keep Your feet in all their ways; To watch your pillow while you sleep, And guard your happy days. 4. Their hands shall bear you, lest you fall And dash against the stones: Are they not servants at His call, And sent t’attend His sons? 5. Adders and lions ye shall tread; The tempter’s wiles defeat; He that hath broke the serpent’s head Puts him beneath your feet. 6. Because on Me they set their love, I’ll save them, saith the Lord; “I’ll bear their joyful souls above Destruction and the sword. 7. “My grace shall answer when they call, In trouble I’ll be nigh; My power shall help them when they fall, And raise them when they die. 8. They that on earth My name have known I’ll honor them in Heav’n; There My salvation shall be shown, And endless live be giv’n. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

The Awful Noontide Gloom Is O'er

Author: Archer T. Gurney Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10795 Meter: First Line: The awful noontide gloom is o’er Lyrics: 1 The awful noontide gloom is o’er, The darkness ebbs away; The Maries linger to adore: O, let us with them pray! 2 Yea, let us linger ’neath the cross Where hangs the Lord of Life; Now let us weep their bitter loss, And mourn our carnal strife. 3 More calmly now each past offense May we in grief review, And weep our vanished innocence, And feel despair our due. 4 Yet He upon the cross who lies For us hath pardon won; Thence blend we comfort with our sighs, And laud the glorious Son. 5 The hours creep on—O rest we here Beneath the cross’ shade! We’ll keep our vigil, sad yet dear, Till low our Lord is laid. 6 See! Joseph comes with spices’ store; See Nicodemus aid: They gaze upon their Lord once more While daylight’s rays do fade. 7 With pious haste and pious awe They soon their task complete; From those blest hands the nails they draw And free those sacred feet. 8 Then down the blessèd form they bear And low on earth to lay, And weeping bend in silent prayer, Yet scarce for tears can pray. 9 Now see that gracious company, The Maries, true Saint John, And those twain lords of high degree Now raise and bear Him on. 10 They bear Him to the new-hewn tomb, There down their Lord they set, And leave Him in the sacred gloom, Their Lord, and Savior yet. 11 O silent tears, O sighs of pain, How flowed ye fast and free! For them, for us, the Lamb was slain To all eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

Have Mercy, Lord, On Us, We Pray

Author: Paul B. Henkel Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12645 Meter: First Line: Have mercy Lord, on us we pray Lyrics: 1 Have mercy Lord, on us we pray, Thy grace to us reveal; O turn Thy plagues from us away Tho’ we deserve them well. 2 Thy punishments are justly due, And answer to our crimes! And we are made to feel them too, In these distressing times. 3 Lord, what destruction death has made, How has it swept our towns; So many numbered with the dead, In neighboring places round. 4 Death visits us in all our homes, And there makes his abode: And hurries mortals to their tombs, That sink beneath his load. 5 Well may we sorrow, weep and mourn, And pray with all our heart: That God in mercy may return, 1 And bid our plagues depart. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

In Thy Great Indignation, Lord

Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13682 Meter: First Line: In Thy great indignation, Lord, Lyrics: 1 In Thy great indignation, Lord, Do Thou rebuke me not; Nor on me lay Thy chastening hand, In Thy displeasure hot. 2 For in me fast Thine arrows stick, Thy hand doth press me sore; And in my flesh there is no health, Nor soundness any more. 3 This grief I have because Thy wrath Is forth against me gone; And in my bones there is no rest, For sin that I have done. 4 Because gone up above my head My great transgressions be; And, as a weighty burden, they Too heavy are for me. 5 My wounds are putrid and corrupt; My folly makes it so. I troubled am, and much bowed down; All day I mourning go. 6 For a disease which loathsome is So fills my loins with pain, That in my weak and weary flesh No soundness doth remain. 7 So feeble and infirm am I, And broken am so sore, That, through disquiet of my heart, I have been made to roar. 8 O Lord, all that I do desire Is still before Thy eye; And of my heart the secret groans Not hidden are from Thee. 9 My heart doth pant incessantly, My strength doth quite decay; As for my eyes, their wonted light Is from me gone away. 10 My lovers and my friends do stand At distance from my sore; And they do stand aloof who were Kinsmen and kind before. 11 Yea, they who seek my life lay snares; And they who would me wrong Have spoken mischief, and deceits Imagined all day long. 12 But as one deaf, I did not hear, I suffered all to pass; And as a dumb man I became, Whose mouth not opened was. 13 As one that hears not, in whose mouth Are no reproofs at all: For, Lord, I hope in Thee, my God Will hear me when I call. 14 Because I said, "Hear me, lest they Rejoice o’er me with pride; And o’er me magnify themselves, Because my foot doth slide." 15 For I am near to halt, my grief Is still before my eye; I will declare my sin, and grieve For my iniquity. 16 But yet my foes are full of life, My enemies are strong; And they are greatly multiplied Who hate and would me wrong. 17 And they for good who render ill, As en’mies me withstood; They are my bitter foes because I follow what is good. 18 Forsake me not, O Lord; my God, Far from me never be. O Lord, Thou my salvation art, In haste give help to me. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

He Comes, He Comes! The Son Of God

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16116 Meter: Lyrics: 1 He comes, He comes! the Son of God Descends from yon­der sky; Bright clouds com­pose His lof­ty seat, And round Him an­gels fly. 2 Millions of mill­ions trem­bling stand Before His aw­ful throne, Summoned a strict ac­count to give, Of works which they have done. 3 Oh then may all my fears sub­side, My sins and sor­rows end, And in the Judge may I be­hold My Sav­ior and my friend. Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR
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Al Celebrar la Santa Comunión

Author: desconocido Hymnal: Cántico Nuevo #102 (1962) First Line: Con gratitud, al celebrar Languages: Spanish Tune Title: WINDSOR
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Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee

Author: John Hampden Gurney, 1802-1862 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #505 (2010) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee, and plead to be forgiven, so let thy life our pattern be, and form our souls for heaven. 2 Help us, through good report and ill, our daily cross to bear: like thee, to do our Father’s will, our brethren’s grief to share. 3 Let grace our selfishness expel, our earthliness refine; and kindness in our bosoms dwell, as free and true as thine. 4 If joy shall at thy bidding fly, and grief’s dark day come on, we in our turn would meekly cry, 'Father, thy will be done.' 5 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, forgiving and forgiven, O may we lead the pilgrim’s life and follow thee to heaven. Topics: General Hymns Repentance and Forgiveness Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR
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Jesus, the very thought of thee

Author: Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Hymnal: The Hymnal 1982 #642 (1985) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the very thought of thee with sweetness fills the breast; but sweeter far thy face to see, and in thy presence rest. 2 No voice can sing, no heart can frame, nor can the memory find, a sweeter sound than Jesus' Name, the Savior of mankind. 3 O hope of every contrite heart, O joy of all the meek, to those who fall, how kind thou art: how good to those who seek! 4 But what to those who find? Ah, this nor tongue nor pen can show; the love of Jesus, what it is, none but who love him know. 5 Jesus, our only joy be thou, as thou our prize wilt be; in thee be all our glory now, and through eternity. Topics: The Christian Life Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR
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My God, how wonderful thou art

Author: Frederick William Faber, 1814-1863 Hymnal: The Hymnal 1982 #643 (1985) Meter: Lyrics: 1 My God, how wonderful thou art, thy majesty how bright, how beautiful thy mercy seat, in depths of burning light! 2 How dread are thine eternal years, O everlasting Lord, by prostrate spirits day and night incessantly adored! 3 How wonderful, how beautiful, the sight of thee must be, thine endless wisdom, boundless power, and aweful purity! 4 O how I fear thee, living God, with deepest, tenderest fears, and worship thee with trembling hope and penitential tears! 5 Yet I may love thee too, O Lord, almighty as thou art, for thou hast stooped to ask of me the love of my poor heart. Topics: The Christian Life Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR

God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Author: William Cowper Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #461 (1976) Meter: Topics: Providence, Divine; Unbelief; Works of God ; Sovereignty, God's Languages: English Tune Title: DUNDEE (Tye)


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