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Anna L. Barbauld

1743 - 1825 Person Name: Mrs. Barbauld Topics: Devout Affections and Good Resolutions Author of "God, our kind Master, merciful as just" in A Selection of Sacred Poetry Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, née Aikin, daughter of the Rev. John Ailrin, D.D., a dissenting minister, was b. at Kibworth-Harcourt, Leicestershire, June 20, 1743. In 1753 Dr. Aikin became classical tutor at a dissenting academy at Warrington. During her residence there she contributed five hymns to Dr. W. Enfield's Hymns for Public Worship, &c, Warrington, 1772. In the following year these were included in her Poems, Lond., J. Johnson, 1773. In May, 1774, Miss Aikin was married to the Rev. Rochemont Barbauld, a descendant of a French Protestant family, and a dissenting minister. For some years Mr. Barbauld conducted, in addition to his pastoral work, a boarding school at Palgrave, Suffolk. From this he retired in 1785. In 1786 he undertook the charge of a small congregation at Hampstead, and from thence he passed to the dissenting chapel (formerly Dr. Price's) at Newington Green, in 1802. He d. Nov. 11, 1808. Mrs. Barbauld continued to reside in the neighbourhood until her death, March 9, 1825. In the latter part of the same year her niece published The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with Memoir, by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols., Lond., Longman, 1825. As a writer of hymns Mrs. Barbauld was eminently successful. Their use, however, with the exception of five contributed to Dr. W. Enfield's collection, is almost exclusively confined to the Unitarian hymnals of Great Britain and America. Including these hymnals, the whole of her hymns are still in common use. These hymns appeared thus:— i. In Dr. W. Enfield's Hymns, &c., 1772. 1. Again the Lord of life and light. Easter. 2. Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes. Conflict. 3. Behold, where breathing love divine. Christian Charity. 4. Jehovah reigns, let every nation hear. God's Dominion. A part of this was given in Collyer's Sel., 1812, No. 586, as:— 5. This earthly globe, the creature of a day. 6. Praise to God, Immortal praise. Harvest. ii. Poems, 1773 (Preface dated Dec. 1, 1772). The whole of the above, and also:— 7. God of my life and author of my days. To God the Father. This is an “Address to the Deity," in 80 1. It is given in Martineau's Collection, 1840 and 1873. From it the following centos were given in Collyer's Selection> 1812:— 8. God, our kind Master, merciful as just. 9. If friendless in the vale of tears I stray. iii. Poems revised 1792. 10. Come, said [says] Jesus' sacred voice. Invitation. 11. How blest the sacred tie that binds. Christian Fellowship. 12. Lo where a crowd of pilgrims toil. Pilgrimage of Life. From this is taken:— 13. Our country is Immanuel's ground [land]. iv. Leisure Hour Improved (Ironbridge), 1809. 14. Sweet is the scene when virtue dies. Death. v. Supplement to the Unitarian Coll. of Kippis, Bees, and others, 1807. 15. When as returns the solemn day. Sunday. 16. Sleep, sleep to day, tormenting cares. Sunday. 17. How may earth and heaven unite. Worship. vi. Works, with Memoir, 1825. In vol. i. most of the above are reprinted, and the following are added :— 18. Joy to the followers of the Lord. Joy. (c. 1820.) 19. Pure spirit, O where art thou now. Bereavement. This is dated 1808. 20. Salt of the earth, ye virtuous few. Salt of the Earth. 21. When life as opening buds is sweet. Death. This is dated " November, 1814." The more important of these hymns are annotated in this Dictionary under their first lines. Mrs. Barbauld's Hymns in Prose for Children, originally published in 1781, were long popular and have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, and other languages. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Barbauld, Anna L., p. 113, ii. No. 18 on p. 114, i.,should be dated circa 1820. Another hymn in common use from Mrs. Barbauld's Works, &c, 1825, is, "O Father! though the anxious fear" (E. Taylor, p. 1117, in error). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Charlotte G. Homer

1856 - 1932 Topics: Resolution Author of "Forward!" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined Pseudonym. See also Gabriel, Chas. Hutchinson, 1856-1932

Helen Maria Williams

1762 - 1827 Person Name: Mrs. H. M. Williams Topics: Devout Affections and Good Resolutions Author of "While Thee I seek, protecting Power" in A Selection of Sacred Poetry Miss Helen Maria Williams was born in the north of England, in 1762. At the age of eighteen, she went to London, and soon after took position in the literary world, publishing several poems. Subsequently she resided in Paris, where she published works in prose and poetry. She died in 1827. The eminent French preacher, Athanase Coquerel was her nephew, and received from her his early training. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ================== Williams, Helen Maria, daughter of Charles Williams, an officer in the Army, was born in the North of England in 1762. Through the influence of Dr. A. Kippis whose help she sought in London, her first poem, Edwin and Eltruda, a legendary tale, was published in 1782. This was followed by An Ode on the Peace, 1783, and Pern, a Poem. These were all included in her Poems, 2 vols., 1786, 2nd edition 1791. Being connected by her sister's marriage with a French Protestant family, she resided in Paris during the period of the Revolution and the reign of Terror. There she became well known as a political writer of strong republican sympa-thies, but her too independent expressions of opinion led to her temporary imprisonment by Robespierre. Her Letters from France, 1790, were published in England and America, and in a French translation, in France. She also published Letters containing a Sketch of the Politics of France from the 31st May, 1793, till the 28th of July, 1794, 2 vols., 1795, and other works of a like kind; some additional Poems, and a translation of Humboldt's Personal Narratives of his Travels, 1815. The closing years of her life were spent at Amsterdam, in the house of her nephew, Athanase Coquerel, a pastor of the Reformed Church there. Miss Williams died in 1827. From her Poems, 1786, the following hymns have come into common use:— 1, My God, all nature owns Thy sway. Nature speaks of God. In Martineau's Hymns, 1840. 2. While Thee I seek, protecting Power. Safety in God. This hymn was in Dr. Priestley's Birmingham Collection, 1790; in Kippis's Collection, 1795; the Exeter Collection, 1801; and almost every other Unitarian collection to the present time. In the New Congregational Hymn Book , 1859, it begins "While Thee I seek, Almighty Power;" and in several collections a cento beginning "Father, in all our [my] comforts here," is given as in Stowell's Psalms & Hymns, 1831 and 1877, and several others. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Williams, Helen Maria, was born in the North of England in 1762. She published a volume of poems when only twenty-one years old, and in 1786 her Poems appeared in two small volumes. She visited Paris in 1788, and lived there for some years with a sister who had married a French Protestant. This was during the period of the Revolution and the Reign of Terror. She was an outspoken republican in her sympathies, 448 and was imprisoned by Robespierre because of some of her utterances in advocacy of the Girondist cause, being released from prison only after his death, in 1794. Her Letters from France (1790 and 1795) were published in England, America, and France. They dealt with political, religious, and literary questions, and showed her to be a woman of more than ordinary intellectual strength. She published many volumes between 1786 and 1823, when her last volume appeared, titled Poems on Various Occasions, being a collection of all her previously published poems. She lived partly in England, but mostly in France, though the closing years of her life were spent in Holland in the home of a nephew who lived at Amsterdam and was pastor of the reformed Church there. Her death occurred at Paris December 14, 1827. Hymn Writers of the Church Wilbur F. Tillett and Charles S. Nutter, 1915

J. B. Waterbury

1799 - 1876 Person Name: Jared B. Waterbury Topics: Resolution Author of "Soldiers of the Cross" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined Waterbury, Jared Bell, D.D., was born in New York City, Aug. 11, 1799, and graduated at Yale College, 1822. He was for some time pastor of a Congregational church at Hudson, New York, and then of Bowdoin Street Congregational church, Boston. He died at Brooklyn, Dec. 31, 1876. He published Advice to a Young Christian; The Officer on Duty, and other works. To the Rev. J. Leavitt's Christian Lyre, vol. i., 1830, he contributed the following hymns, each of which was headed, "Written for the Lyre," and signed "J. B. W.":— 1. My Jesus, Thou hast taught. The Love of Jesus. 2. Met, O God, to ask Thy presence. Repentance. 3. 0 fly, mourning sinner, saith Jesus to me. Promise of Pardon. 4. See Sodom wrapt in fire. Warning. 5. Sinner, is thy heart at rest? The Voice of Conscience. 6. Soldiers of the Cross, arise! Lo! your Leader from the skies. Soldiers of the Cross. 7. When, O my Saviour, shall this heart? Desiring Jesus. In vol. ii. of the same work, 1830, also:-- 8. I have fought the good fight; 1 have finished my race. Martyr's Death Song. Another of his hymns is given in the Songs for the Sanctuary, 1865, as:— 9. Infinite love, what precious stores. Riches of Divine Grace. Sometimes dated 1862. Of these hymns, Nos. 5, 6, and 9 are the best known. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

J. S. Fearis

1867 - 1932 Topics: Resolution Composer of "[Someone must struggle that others may win]" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined John Sylvester Fearis, 1867-1932 Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1867, Rich­land, Io­wa. Died: Sep­tem­ber 2, 1932, Lake Ge­ne­va, Wis­con­sin. Fearis’ fa­ther was a suc­cess­ful sing­ing school teach­er, and a paint­er by trade. At a young age, John learned to read mu­sic in his fa­ther’s classe­s. He was pas­sion­ate­ly fond of mu­sic, and, tak­ing less­ons on the reed or­gan, he was soon able to play in Sun­day school and church. Lat­er he took charge of the church choir, and taught sing­ing class­es in near­by towns. He wrote his first hymn tune at age 16. He event­u­al­ly joined the ed­it­or­i­al staff of the Choir Lead­er, pub­lished by the Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny in Day­ton, Ohio. Sources-- Choir Her­ald, De­cem­ber 1932, p. 219 Emurian, p. 17 Hall, pp. 393-4 Lyrics-- Brightly Beams Ano­ther Morn­ing Children’s Day Show Me the Way, My Shepherd What Com­fort to Our Hearts What Won­der­ful Love Is the Love Music-- Be Thou Ex­alt­ed Beautiful Isle of Some­where God May Call for You Little Rain­drops Promise Made to Mo­ther, The Songs in the Night Show Me the Way, My Shep­herd There’s Light for a Step Wherever He Leads Me I’ll Go

Lawrence Tuttiett

1825 - 1897 Topics: Resolution Author of "Go Forward, Christian Soldier" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined Laurence Tuttiett was born at Colyton, Devon, in 1825; was educated at Christ Hospital, and at King's College, London; ordained Deacon, 1848, Priest, 1849; entered upon the living of Lea Marston, Coleshill, 1854, and subsequently was appointed Curate of S. Paul's, Knightsbridge, London. He is the author of several volumes and tracts. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ================== Tuttiett, Lawrence, son of John Tuttiett, surgeon in the R.N., was born at Cloyton, Devonshire, in 1825, and educated at Christ's Hospital, and King's College, London. It was originally purposed that he should follow the medical profession, but, abandoning it for the ministry, he took Holy Orders in 1848. In 1854 he became vicar of Lea Marston, Warwickshire; and in 1870 incumbent of the Episcopal Church of St. Andrews, Scotland. He was also preferred to a prebendaryship in St. Ninian's Cathedral, Perth, in 1880. He is the author of several manuals of prayers, published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and other prose works, and also of:— (1) Hymns for Churchmen, 1854; (2) Counsels of a Godfather, 1861; (3) Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862; (4) Germs of Thought on the Sunday Services, 1864; (5) Through the Clouds; Thoughts in Plain Verse, 1866. From those works and other sources the following hymns have come into common use:— 1. As calmly in the glowing west. Evening. 2. Come, our Father's voice is calling. Confirmation. Appeared in his Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. It passed into Mrs. C. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 3. Grant us Thy light that we may know. Divine Guidance. Included in his Germs of Thought, &c, 1864, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. In Horder's Congregational Hymn Book, 1884; the Universal Hymn Book, 1885, it begins, “O grant us light that we may know." 4. I come, 0 Father kind. Holy Communion. 5. Lo, like a bride, in pure array. Septuagesima. 6. No sign we ask from heaven above. After Holy Baptism. Published in his Hymns for Churchmen, 1854, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines. It has passed into several collections, includ¬ing the S. P. C. K. Church Hymns, 1871, Thring's Collection, 1882, &c. 7. Now, eternal Father, bless. Holy Baptism. In his Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862, in 3 stanzas of 6 lines, and Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. In the latter it is attributed to Bishop Maclagan in error. 8. 0 happy Christian children. Divine Protection. From his Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862, into Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881, &c. 9. 0 Jesu, ever present. The Good Shepherd. Published in his Germs of Thought, 1864; the S. P.C. K. Church Hymns, 1871, and many others. 10. Shepherd, good and gracious. The Good Shepherd. In his Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862; Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881, &c. 11. Sometimes o'er our pathway. In time of Trouble. From his Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1862, in 3 st. of 8 1., into Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 12. When the world is brightest. Litany to the Saviour. Published in his Through the Clouds, &c, 1866, in 10 stanzas of 8 lines, with the note :—"Those words were written for the music of a Roman Litany 'Ave Stella Maria.'" This Litany is in extensive use. 13. Who is this? the long expected. Advent. In addition to these, several of Mr. Tuttiett's hymns are annotated under their respective first lines, the most popular of which are, "Father, let me dedicate"; "Go forward, Christian soldier"; and "0 quickly come, dread Judge of all." Mr. Tuttiett's hymns are characterised by smoothness of rhythm, directness of aim, simplicity of language, and deep earnestness. Those for special services and seasons are of great merit. He died May 21, 1897. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Tuttiett, L., p. 1188, ii. He was born at Colyton, not Cloyton, Devonshire, in 1825. His hymns "As now Thy children lowly kneel (For the Young), and "Give light. O Lord, that we may learn" (The Light of Life) are in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ===================== See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

James Merrick

1720 - 1769 Person Name: Merrick Topics: Devout Affections and Good Resolutions Author of "God of my strength, to thee I cry" in A Selection of Sacred Poetry Merrick, James , M.A., was born in 1720, and educated at Oxford, where he became a Fellow of Trinity College. He entered Holy Orders, but his health would not admit of parish work. He died at Reading, 1769. His publications include:— (1) Messiah, a Divine Essay. Humbly dedicated to the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford and the Visitors of the Free School in Reading. By James Merrick, Ætat. 14, Senior Scholar of the School at their last Terminal Visitation, the 7th of October, 1734. Reading. (2) The Destruction of Troy. Translated from the Greek of Tryphiodorus into English Verse, with Notes, &c. 1742. (3) Poems on Sacred Subjects. Oxford . 1763. (4) The Psalms of David Translated or Paraphrased in English Verse. By James Merrick, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Reading. J. Carnan and Co. 1765. 2nd ed. 1766. A few only of these paraphrases were divided into stanzas. In 1797 the Rev. W. D. Tattersall pulished the work "Divided into stanzas for Parochial Use, and paraphrased in such language as will be intelligible to every capacity . . . with a suitable Collect to each Psalm from the Works of Archbishop Parker." Merrick's paraphrases, although weak and verbose, were in extensive use in the early part of the present century, both in the Church of England and with Nonconformists. They have, however, fallen very much into disuse. Those in modern hymn-books, mainly in the form of centos, include:— 1. Blest Instructor, from Thy ways. Ps. xix. 2. Descend, O Lord! from heaven descend. Ps. cxliv. (In time of National Peril.) 3. Far as creation's bounds extend. Ps. cxlv. 4. God of my strength, the wise, the just. Ps. xxxi. 5. He who with generous pity glows. Ps. xli. 6. How pleasant, Lord.Thy dwellings are. Ps. lxxxiv. 7. Lift up your voice and thankful sing. Ps. cxxxvi. 8. Lo, my Shepherd's hand divine. Ps. xxiii. 9. Lord, my Strength, to Thee I pray. Ps. xxviii. 10. My heart its noblest theme has found. Ps.xlv. 11. O let me, [gracious] heavenly Lord extend. Ps. xxxix. 12. O turn, great Ruler of the skies. Ps. li. 13. Praise, O praise the Name divine. Ps. cl. 14. Sing, ye sons of [men] might, O sing. Ps. xxix. 15. Teach me, O teach me, Lord, Thy way. Ps. cxix. 16. The festal morn, my [O] God, is come. Ps. cxxii, (Sunday Morning.) 17. The morn and eve Thy praise resound. Ps. lxv. (Harvest.) 18. To Thy pastures, fair and large. Ps. xxiii. From his Poems on Sacred Subjects, 1763, the following centos have also come into common use: -- 19. Author of good, to Thee we turn. Resignation. 20. Eternal God, we look to Thee. Resignation. 21. 'Tis enough, the hour is come. Nunc Dimittis. John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

R. Frank Lehman

1859 - 1931 Topics: Resolution Composer of "[Go forward, Christian soldier]" in Pentecostal Hymns Nos. 5 and 6 Combined R. Frank Lehman, 1859-1931 Born: June 21, 1859, Pennsylvania. Died: February 10, 1931. Buried: Cedar Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lehman’s parents were Robert Jones Lehman and Louisa Weber Lehman. His works include: Uplifted Voices, with Adam Geibel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1901) World-Wide Hosannas, with Adam Geibel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1904) Hymns of the Kingdom, with Adam Geibel et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1905)

Edmund Jones

1722 - 1765 Topics: The successful Resolution Author of "The successful Resolve. I will go unto the King" in A Selection of Hymns Jones, Edmund, son of the Rev. Philip Jones, Cheltenham, was born in 1722, and attended for a time the Baptist College at Bristol. At the age of 19 he began to preach for the Baptist Congregation at Exeter, and two years afterwards he became its pastor. In 1760 he published a volume of Sacred Poems. After a very-useful ministry he died April 15, 1765. From an old manuscript record of the Exeter Baptist Church, it appears that it was under his ministry in the year 1759, that singing was first introduced into that Church as a part of worship. As a hymn-writer he is known chiefly through:— Come, humble sinner, in whose breast. This hymn appeared in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1181, No. 355, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "The successful Resolve—'I will go in unto the King,' Esther iv. 16." It has undergone several changes, including:— 1. "Come, sinner, in whose guilty breast." In the Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymn Book, 1860. 2. “Come, trembling sinner, in whose breast." This is in a great number of American hymn-books. 3. “Come, weary sinner, in whose breast." Also in American use. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 333, attributes this hymn to a Welsh Baptist hymn-writer of Trevecca, and of the same name. Rippon, however, says in the first edition of his Selection that Edmund Jones, the author of No. 333, was pastor of the Baptist Church at Exon, Devon. This decides the matter. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Jones, Edmund, p. 605, ii. In The Church Book, by L. W. Bacon, N. Y., 1883, No. 279 begins with stanzas ii. of Jones's hymn, "Come, humble sinner, &c," and begins:—"I'll go to Jesus, though my sin." Also note that in that article the words “author of No. 333," should read "author of No. 355." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Henry Moore

1732 - 1802 Person Name: H. M. Topics: Devout Affections and Good Resolutions Author of "Amidst a world of hopes and fears" in A Selection of Sacred Poetry Moore, Henry, 1732-1802. Son of a Presbyterian minister of the same name at Plymouth. Educated at Doddridge's Academy at Northampton, from 1757 to 1788 minister at Modbury, and then at Liskeard. Author of Lyrical and Miscellaneous Poems, published posthumously with a memoir by Dr. Aikin. Of his hymns, which are frequent in the books later than Kippis, the Dukinfield Collection, 1822, gives 5. 1. All earthly charms, however dear. The unfading beauty of holiness. 2. Amidst a world of hopes and fears. A prayer for guidance. 3. Assist us, Lord, to act, to be. Divine Help Solicited. 4. My God, thy boundless love I praise. The divine Love. 5. Soft are the fruitful showers that bring. A song of spring and New Life. 6. Supreme and universal light. Prayer for spiritual excellence. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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