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God of every land and nation

Author: Robinson Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 God of every land and nation, On this glorious jubilee, Let the incense of oblation From each heart arise to thee; Save our country: Long preserve her liberty. 2 Let thy richest blessings ever Rest upon our happy land; May no fierce contention sever This confederated band; In sweet union, May we still unshaken stand. 3 May we all be safely guided, Saviour, by thy gracious will: When life's storms shall have subsided, And our tongues in death are still, May we praise thee, Where immortal glories thrill.
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Great God of nations! now to thee

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 175 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Thanksgiving Lyrics: 1 Great God of nations! now to thee Our hymn of gratitude we raise; With humble heart, and bending knee, We offer thee our song of praise. 2 Thy name we bless, Almighty God! For all the kindness thou hast shown To this fair land the pilgrims trod-- This land we fondly call our own. 3 Here, freedom spreads her banner wide, And casts her soft and hallowed ray-- Here, thou our fathers' steps didst guide In safety through their dangerous way. 4 We praise thee that the gospel's light Through all our land its radiance sheds; Dispels the shades of error's night, And heavenly blessings round us spreads. 5 Great God! preserve us in thy fear; In dangers still our guardian be: Oh, spread thy truth's bright precepts here; Let all the people worship thee. Scripture: Proverbs 14:34
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Oh, all ye nations, praise the Lord, Each with diff'rent tongue

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 100 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Oh, all ye nations, praise the Lord, Each with a diff'rent tongue; And every language learn his word, And let his name be sung. 2 His mercy reigns through every land,-- Proclaim his grace abroad: For ever firm his grace shall stand,-- Praise ye the faithful God.
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Great Ruler of the earth and skies

Author: Steele Meter: Appears in 93 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation At Peace Lyrics: 1 Great Ruler of the earth and skies, A word of thine almighty breath Can sink the world, or bid it rise: Thy smile is life, thy frown is death. 2 When angry nations rush to arms, And rage, and noise, and tumult reign, And war resounds its dire alarms, And slaughter dyes the hostile plain-- 3 Thy sov'reign eye looks calmly down, And marks their course, and bounds their power; Thy law the angry nations own, And noise and war are heard no more. 4 Then peace returns with balmy wing;-- Sweet peace, with her what blessings fled! Glad plenty laughs, the valleys sing, Reviving commerce lifts her head. 5 To thee we pay our grateful songs; Thy kind protection still implore: Oh, may our hearts, and lives, and tongues Confess thy goodness, and adore. Scripture: Psalm 65:7
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On thee, O Lord our God, we call

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 On thee, O Lord our God, we call, Before thy throne devoutly fall; Oh, whither should the helpless fly? To whom but thee direct their cry? 2 Lord, we repent, we weep, we mourn, To our forsaken God we turn; Oh, spare our guilty country, spare The church thine hand hath planted here! 3 We plead thy grace, indulgent God! We plead thy Son's atoning blood; We plead thy gracious promises; And are they unavailing pleas? 4 These pleas, presented at thy throne, Have brought ten thousand blessings down On guilty lands in helpless woe: Let them prevail to save us, too. Scripture: Isaiah 26:9
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Parent of all, omnipotent!

Author: Aspland's Col. Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Parent of all, omnipotent! In heaven and earth below! Through all creation's vast extent, Whose streams of goodness flow: 2 Teach me to know from whence I rose, And unto what designed; No private aims may I propose, That injure human kind. 3 To hear my country's lawful voice, May my best thoughts incline; 'Tis reason's law, 'tis virtue's choice, 'Tis nature's call, and thine. 4 Me from fair freedom's sacred cause May nothing e'er divide; Nor grandeur, gold, nor vain applause, Nor friendship false, misguide.
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Pour, blessed Gospel, glorious news for man!

Author: Ashworth Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Pour, blessed Gospel, glorious news for man! Thy stream of life o'er springless deserts roll: Thy bond of peace the mighty earth can span, And make one brotherhood from pole to pole. 2 On, piercing Gospel, on! of every heart, In every latitude, thou own'st the key: From their dull slumbers savage souls shall start, With all their treasures first unlocked by thee. 3 Spread, mighty Gospel, spread thy soaring wings! Gather thy scattered ones from every land: Call home the wanderers to the King of kings; Proclaim them all thine own--'tis Christ's command!
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Roll on, thou joyful day

Author: Duncan Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Freedom Lyrics: 1 Roll on, thou joyful day, When tyranny's proud sway, Stern as the grave, Shall to the ground be hurled, And freedom's flag, unfurled, Shall weave throughout the world O'er every slave. 2 Free, too, the captive mind By darkness long confined In slavery's night; The Saviour's reign extend, Virtue with freedom blend, And full salvation send With freedom's light.
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Why, O God! thy people spurn?

Author: Hatfield Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 Why, O God! thy people spurn? Why permit thy wrath to burn? God of mercy! turn once more; All our broken hearts restore. 2 Thou has made our land to quake, Heal the sorrows thou didst make; Bitter is the cup we drink, Suffer not our souls to sink. 3 Be thy banner now unfurled, Show thy truth to all the world; Save us, Lord, we cry to thee, Lift thine arm--thy chosen free. 4 Give us now relief from pain-- Humain aid is all in vain: We, through God, shall yet prevail, He will help when foes assail. 5 Sing we to our God above Praise eternal as his love; Praise him, all ye heavenly host-- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost--
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God, to thee we humbly bow

Author: Boker Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation In War Lyrics: 1 God, to thee we humbly bow, Hand unarmed and naked brow; Musket, lance, and sheathed sword At thy feet we lay, O Lord! Gone is all the soldier's boast In the valor of the host: Kneeling here, we do our most. 2 Of ourselves we nothing know: Thou and thou alone canst show, By the favor of thy hand, Who hast drawn the guilty brand. If our foemen have the right, Show thy judgments in our sight, Through the fortunes of the fight. 3 Now, O God, once more we rise, Marching on beneath thy eyes; And we draw the sacred sword In thy name and at thy word. May our spirits clearly see Thee through all that is to be, In defeat or victory.


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