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Behold, By Grace, And Grace Alone

Author: Ernest William Olson Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #124 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Faith and Justification Lyrics: 1 Behold, by grace, and grace alone, Hath God the Father from His throne Ordained our full salvation. Unto the utmost ends of earth The Sun of Mercy sendeth forth His light to ev'ry nation. The way of life is open, free, O mortal man, to thee, to thee. 2 Thro' love alone His Son was sent To bear the law's dread punishment For all our dire transgression. Our sins He bore, our guilt He owned, For all our deeds His death atoned-- O bountiful possession! His righteousness is full and free, O sinful man, to thee, to thee. 3 For this o'erwhelming sacrifice The Lord will nevermore despise A contrite heart and spirit. By Jesus' death, by Jesus' blood, Full pleasing in the sight of God, His mercy we inherit. The fount of grace flows full and free, O pardoned soul, for thee, for thee. 4 By faith alone, for Jesus' sake, Each ransomed sinner may partake Of His abounding merit. If in His promise ye abide, By faith shall ye be justified And blessed with His free Spirit. His righteousness the just shall own By faith alone, by faith alone. Languages: English Tune Title: ETERNITY
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Of Omnipresent Grace I Sing

Author: Emanuel Cronenwett Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #150 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace God Lyrics: 1 Of omnipresent grace I sing; For, though I take the morning's wing And dwell beyond the outer sea, Yet Thou art present there with me. 2 Thy hand shall lead me by the way, Thy right hand be my staff and stay; Though darkness compass me around, Night shall be light where Thou art found. 3 Where Thou art, darkness cannot stay, Thou turnest darkness into day; Both night and light are one to Thee: In darkness Thou still seest me. 4 Thine eye beheld me yet unborn And watched my steps from earliest morn; My ways are written in Thy book: By Thee I live, to Thee I look. A-Men. 5 Thy thoughts are precious to my heart; Thy presence bids all care depart; I lay me down, Thou art with me; I wake-- and still I am with Thee. 6 Lord, try my way and me anew; Prove Thou my heart and make it true And lead me in the better way To life, to Thee--for aye and aye. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: NAZARETH (MELCOMBE)
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Pardoned through redeeming grace

Author: Edward Osler Hymnal: Church Book #321 (1890) Topics: The Means of Grace Baptism Lyrics: 1 Pardoned through redeeming grace, In Thy blessed Son revealed, Worshiping before Thy face, Lord, to Thee ourselves we yield. 2 Thou the sacrifice receive, Humbly offered through Thy Son; Quicken us in Him to live; Lord, in us Thy will be done. 3 By the hallowed outward sign, By the cleansing grace within, Seal, and make us wholly Thine; Wash, and keep us pure from sin. 4 Called to bear the Christian name, May our vows and life accord, And our every deed proclaim “Holiness unto the Lord!” Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD, 48
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"Proclaim," said Christ, "God's wondrous grace

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #511 (1828) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Batism of Adults Lyrics: 1 "Proclaim," said Christ, "God's wondrous grace To all the sons of men; He who believes and is baptis'd, Salvation shall obtain." 2 Let plenteous grace descend on those, Who, hoping in his word, This day have publicly declar'd, That Jesus is their Lord. 3 With cheerful feet may they go on, And run the Christian race; And in the troubles of the way, Find all-sufficient grace. 4 And when the awful message comes, To call their souls away; May they be found prepar'd to live In realms of endless day.
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Thy Table I Approach

Author: M. Loy; G. W. Molanus Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #47 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Holy Communion Lyrics: 1 Thy table I approach, Dear Savior, hear my prayer, O let no unrepented sin Prove hurtful to me there. 2 Lo, I confess my sins And mourn their wretched bands; A contrite heart is ever wont To find grace at Thy hands. 3 Thy body and Thy blood, Once slain and shed for me, Are taken at Thy table here-- O wondrous mystery! 4 Ask not how this takes place, Nor whether it can be; God can accomplish vastly more Than seemeth plain to thee. 5 O may I never fail To thank Thee day and night For Thy true body and true blood, O God, my peace and light. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: BOYLSTON
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O Lord, My God, Thy Holy Law

Author: Anna Hoppe Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #57 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Holy Communion Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, Thy holy law My ev'ry sin reveals; A mirror clear, without a flaw, No blemish it conceals. 2 In thought, in word, in deed, O God, Thy will I oft transgress; I well deserve Thy smiting rod, And Thou dost claim redress. 3 But Jesus, Thine incarnate Son, Fulfilled the law for me; His precious blood my pardon won, And I from guilt am free. 4 Thy grace hath wrought within my heart A love that works no ill, That bids me keep from sin apart And gladly do Thy will. 5 O grant that I in love may grow Thro' Thine abundant grace, That I may praise Thee here below, And there behold Thy face. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: MARLOW
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O Faithful God, Thanks Be To Thee

Author: C. H. L. Schuette; Nic. Selnecker Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #73 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Penitence Lyrics: 1 O faithful God, thanks be to Thee, That Thou forgiv'st iniquity And helpest me in sin's distress, And dost my soul and body bless. 2 By servant Thine Thou say'st to me: My child, thy sin's forgiven thee! Depart in peace, and sin no more And e'er my pard'ning grace adore. 3 We bless The wondrous grace, O Lord, Who pardon grantest through Thy Word; We now enjoy the heav'nly good Through Jesus' holy, precious blood. 4 Now, Lord, us all Thy Spirit give, Help us in holiness to live; Preserve to us, till life is spent, Thy Holy Word and Sacrament. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: OLD HUNDREDTH
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By Sin Weighed Down, And Sorely Stricken

Author: H. Brueckner; Chr. Tietze Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #68 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Penitence First Line: By sin weighed down and sorely stricken Lyrics: 1 By sin weighed down and sorely stricken, I stand before God's judgment throne. O God, do Thou my spirit quicken, For Thou canst help, and Thou alone. Have mercy on my soul, I pray, And wash Thou all my guilt away. 2 O Father, Thou of mercies tender, Thine humble child doth cry to Thee; Wilt Thou to me sweet comfort render, That I again may joyful be? Have mercy on my soul, I pray, And wash Thou all my guilt away. 3 My troubled soul, its sins bewailing, Can never for its guilt atone; But let Thy mercy be unfailing, That I Thy healing grace may own. Have mercy of my soul, I pray, And wash Thou all my guilt away. 4 My soul Thy pardon strongly craveth; O speak the Word it fain would hear: I lend thee grace that truly saveth, I pardon thee, I stay thy fear. Have mercy on my soul, I pray, And wash Thou all my guilt away. 5 I do not doubt my prayer is granted, The sense of comfort doth increase; I have the grace for which I panted, And so to raise this cry I cease: Have mercy on my soul, I pray, And wash Thou all my guilt away. Languages: English Tune Title: NEUMARK
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My Heart, Prepare To Give Account

Author: P. C. Paulsen; H. A. Brorson Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #69 (1930) Topics: The Means of Grace Penitence Lyrics: 1 My heart, prepare to give account Of all thy sore transgression; To Him Who is all mercies' Fount Make thou a full confession. Recount what thou in all these years Of sin and guilt hast hoarded, And what in God's own book appears, With faithfulness recorded. 2 Soon will thy earthly course be run, No single day returning; But what thou good or ill hast done, Thy God is now discerning; When He to judgment calleth thee, Thou shalt with fear and trembling Thy sinful deeds in order see, No longer then dissembling. 3 Here thy conceit and ill desire Thou many times concealest; Thy evil lust, that burning fire, Thou nevermore revealest; Thou thinkest, This is hidden well, No soul shall ever know it. The day of judgment all shall tell, Its searching light will show it. 4 Remember, then, how swiftly went The years of grace He gave thee; What if today His call were sent, Without a chance to save thee! If thou hast still a few more days To be for death preparing, Then hasten to amend thy ways, By grace good fruitage bearing. 5 O bend thy knees, thy sins to take Before God's throne in heaven, And pray that grace for Jesus' sake To thee be freely given. Then by His power from above, By His own Holy Spirit, Thou shalt increase in faith and love, Till heaven thou inherit. Languages: English Tune Title: BERGGREN

By Faith We Are Divinely Sure

Author: J. C. Aaberg; H. A. Brorson Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #120 (1930) Meter: Topics: The Means of Grace Faith and Justification Languages: English Tune Title: RUNG


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