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My soul, repeat His praise

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #367b (1908) Topics: Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Praise Lyrics: 1 My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so great; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 High as the heavens are raised Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of His grace Our highest thoughts exceed. 3 His grace subdues our sins, And His forgiving love, Far as the east is from the west Doth all our guilt remove. 4 The pity of the Lord To those who fear His name, Is such as tender parents feel; He knows our feeble frame. 5 Our days are as the grass, Or like the morning flower! If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. 6 But Thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure; And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. Languages: English Tune Title: BARNBY'S HYMNARY, TUNE 525
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Awake, my soul, in joyful lays

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #368 (1880) Meter: Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise; He justly claims a song from me, His loving-kindness, O how free! 2 He saw me ruined in the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; He saved me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, O how great! 3 Though num'rous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, O how strong! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving-kindness, O how good! 5 Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart; But though I have Him oft forgot, His loving-kindness changes not. 6 Soon I shall pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail; O may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. 7 Then let me mount and soar away To the bright world of endless day; And sing with raptures and surprise, His loving-kindness in the skies. Languages: English
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Grace! 'tis a charming sound

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #370 (1880) Meter: Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Grace! ’tis a charming sound, Harmonious to the ear! Heav'n with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contrived the way To save rebellious man; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the wondrous plan. 3 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies, each hour, I meet, While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days; It lays in heav'n the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. Languages: English
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Hark! 'tis the Savior 's voice I hear

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #371 (1880) Meter: Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Hark! 'tis the Saviour's voice I hear, Come, trembling soul, dispel thy fear! He saith, and who His Word can doubt? He will in no wise cast you out! 2 Doth satan fill you with dismay, And tell you, Christ will cast away? It is a truth, why should you doubt? He will in no wise cast you out! 3 Doth sin appear before your view Of scarlet or of crimson hue? If black as hell, why should you doubt? He will in no wise cast you out! 4 The publican and dying thief Applied to Christ, and found relief; Nor need you entertain a doubt: He will in no wise cast you out! 5 Approach your God, make no delay, He waits to welcome you to-day; His mercy try, nor longer doubt; He will in no wise cast you out! Languages: English
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Behold a Stranger at the door!

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #373 (1880) Meter: Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Behold a Stranger at the door! He gently knocks-- has knocked before, Has waited long-- is waiting still: You treat no other friend so ill. 2 O lovely attitude, He stands With melting heart and loaded hands! O matchless kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed? He will; the very friend you need; The Friend of sinners--yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Admit Him ere His anger burn; His feet, departed, ne'er return; Admit Him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door rejected stand. Languages: English
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Behold a stranger at the door!

Author: Joseph Grigg, 1728-1768 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #373b (1908) Topics: Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Call to Grace and Admonition to Holiness Lyrics: 1 Behold a Stranger at the door! He gently knocks-- has knocked before, Has waited long-- is waiting still: You treat no other friend so ill. 2 O lovely attitude, He stands With melting heart and loaded hands! O matchless kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed? He will; the very friend you need; The Friend of sinners--yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Admit Him ere His anger burn; His feet, departed, ne'er return; Admit Him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door rejected stand. Languages: English Tune Title: BACA
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Sinners turn; why will you die?

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #374 (1880) Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Sinners turn; why will you die? God, your Maker, asks you why; God, who did your being give, Made you with Himself to live: 2 Sinners turn; why will you die? God, your Savior, asks you why: God, who did your souls retrieve, Died Himself that you might live. 3 Will you let Him die in vain? Crucify your Lord again? Why, you ransomed sinners, why Will you slight His grace, and die? 4 Sinners turn; why will you die? God, the Spirit, asks you why; He Who all your lives has striv'n, To direct your souls to heaven. 5 Will ye not His grace receive? Will ye still refuse to live? O you long-sought sinners, why Will you grieve your God and die? Languages: English
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Come, says Jesus' sacred voice

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #375 (1880) Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice, Come, and make my paths your choice; I will guide you to your home; Weary pilgrim, hither come. 2 Hither come, for here is found Balm that flows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure, Rest eternal, sacred, sure. Languages: English
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Return, O wanderer, return

Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #376 (1880) Meter: Topics: Christian Life and Hope Lyrics: 1 Return, O wanderer, return, And seek an injured Father’s face; Those warm desires that in thee burn, Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2 Return, O wanderer, return, And seek a Father’s melting heart; His pitying eyes thy grief discern, His hand can heal thy inward smart. 3 Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Savior bids thy spirit live; Go to His bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. 4 Return, O wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear: ’Tis God who says, "No longer mourn," ’Tis mercy’s voice invites thee near. Languages: English
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Return, O wanderer, return

Author: William Bingo Collyer Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #376b (1908) Topics: Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Call to Grace and Admonition to Holiness Lyrics: 1 Return, O wanderer, return, And seek an injured Father’s face; Those warm desires that in thee burn, Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2 Return, O wanderer, return, And seek a Father’s melting heart; His pitying eyes thy grief discern, His hand can heal thy inward smart. 3 Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Savior bids thy spirit live; Go to His bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. 4 Return, O wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear: ’Tis God who says, "No longer mourn," ’Tis mercy’s voice invites thee near. Languages: English Tune Title: MISSIONARY CHANT


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