Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #422 (1908) Topics: Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Cross and Consolation; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Cross and Consolation Lyrics: 1 Help me, O Lord, to trust in Thee,
Whatever may betide;
Though health should fail, and riches flee,
Though friends, the dearest far to me,
Be taken from my side.
2 I know that sickness, sorrow, death,
Lie in the onward way;
O help me, in true-hearted faith,
To rest on Jesus' word, which saith,
"Strength shall be as thy day."
3 In sickness passed, in dangers o'er,
My Helper Thou hast been;
Then should I, for each coming hour,
Trust childlike that thy love and power
Support will yield again.
4 Though in that last, that darksome glade,
Ends all our earthly view,
If but Thy voice, "Be not afraid,"
Be heard amid its deep'ning shade,
I'll calmly journey through.
5 When this poor heart on Thee I stay,
On earth is heaven begun;
Then love leads on from day to day
In duty's path and helps me say,
"Thy will, not mine, be done."
6 Thus would I ever trust in Thee,
My Comforter and Guide:
For e'en though fears and sins prevail,
Thy promises can never fail,
Whatever may betide. Languages: English Tune Title: TAPPAN
Help me, O Lord, to trust in Thee