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Support and Counsel from GOD without Merit

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #27b (1740) Topics: Idolatry reproved First Line: Save me, O Lord, from every Foe Lyrics: First Part: 1 Save me, O Lord, from every Foe, In Thee my trust I place; Though all the Good that I can do Can ne'er deserve thy Grace. 2 Yet if my GOD prolong my Breath, The Saints may profit by't; The Saints the Glory of the Earth, The Men of my Delight. 3 Let Heathens to their Idols haste, And worship Wood or Stone; But my delightful Lot is cast Where the true GOD is known. 4 His Hand provides my constant food, He fills my daily Cup; Much am I pleas'd with present Good, But more rejoice in Hope. 5 GOD is my Portion and my Joy; His Counsels are my Light: He gives me sweet Advice by Day, And gentle Hints by Night. 6 My Soul would all her thoughts approve To his all-seeing Eye; Not death nor Hell my Hope shall move, While such a Friend is nigh. Scripture: Psalm 16:1-8 Languages: English
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The Death and Resurrection of Christ

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #28 (1740) Topics: Idolatry reproved First Line: I set the Lord before my Face Lyrics: Second Part: 1 "I set the Lord before my face, "He bears my Courage up: "My Heart and Tongue their Joys express, "My Flesh shall rest in Hope. 2 ""My Spirit, Lord, thou wilt not leave, "Where Souls departed are; "Nor quit my Body to the Grave "To see Corruption there. 3 "Thou wilt reveal the Path of Life, "And raise me to thy Throne: "Thy Courts immortal Pleasure give, "Thy Presence Joys unknown." 4 [Thus in the Name of Christ, the Lord, The holy David sung; And Providence fulfils the Word Of his prophetick Tongue. 5 Jesus, whom every Saint adores, Was crucify'd and slain; Behold the Tomb its Prey restores, Behold he lives again. 6 When shall my Feet arise and stand On Heav'n's eternal Hills? There sits the Son at GOD's Right-hand, And there the Father smiles.] Scripture: Psalm 16 Languages: English
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Not to ourselves, who are but dust

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts #46 (1835) Meter: Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: Not to ourselves, who are but dust, Not to ourselves is glory due, Eternal God, thou only just, Thou only gracious, wise, and true. Shine forth in all thy dreadful name; Why should a heathen's haughty tongue Insult us, and, to raise our shame, Say, "Where's the God you've served so long?" The God we serve maintains his throne Above the clouds, beyond the skies; Through all the earth his will is done; He knows our groans, he hears our cries. But the vain idols they adore Are senseless shapes of stone and wood; At best a mass of glitt'ring ore, A silver saint or golden god. [With eyes and ears they carve their head; Deaf are their ears, their eyes are blind; In vain are costly off'rings made, And vows are scattered in the wind. Their feet were never made to move, Nor hands to save when mortals pray; Mortals that pay them fear or love Seem to be blind and deaf as they.] O Isr'el! make the Lord thy hope, Thy help, thy refuge, and thy rest; The Lord shall build thy ruins up, And bless the people and the priest. The dead no more can speak thy praise, They dwell in silence and the grave; But we shall live to sing thy grace, And tell the world thy power to save. Scripture: Psalm 115 Languages: English
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Awake, ye saints; to praise your King

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts #47 (1835) Meter: Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: Awake, ye saints; to praise your King, Your sweetest passions raise, Your pious pleasure, while you sing, Increasing with the praise. Great is the Lord, and works unknown Are his divine employ; But still his saints are near his throne, His treasure and his joy. Heav'n, earth, and sea confess his hand; He bids the vapors rise; Lightning and storm at his command Sweep through the sounding skies. All power that gods or kings have claimed Is found with him alone But heathen gods should ne'er be named Where our Jehovah's known. Which of the stocks or stones they trust Can give them showers of rain? In vain they worship glitt'ring dust, And pray to gold in vain. [Their gods have tongues that cannot talk, Such as their makers gave; Their feet were ne'er designed to walk, Nor hands have power to save. Blind are their eyes, their ears are deaf, Nor hear when mortals pray; Mortals that wait for their relief Are blind and deaf as they.] O Britain, know thy living God, Serve him with faith and fear; He makes thy churches his abode, And claims thine honors there. Scripture: Psalm 135 Languages: English
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Not to ourselves, who are but Dust

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P115a (1766) Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: 1 Not to ourselves, who are but Dust, Not to ourselves is Glory due, Eternal GOD, Thou only Just, Thou only Gracious, Wise, and True. 2 Shine forth in all thy dreadful Name; Why should a Heathen's haughty Tongue Insult us, and to raise our Shame, Say, Where's the GOD you've serv'd so long? 3 The GOD we serve maintains his Throne Above the clouds, beyond the Skies, Through all the Earth his Will is done, He knows our Groans, he hears our Cries. 4 But the vain Idols they adore, Are senseless Shapes of Stone and Wood; At best a Mass of glitt'ring Ore, A silver Saint or golden God. 5 [With Eyes and Ears they carve their Head; Deaf are their Ears, their Eyes are blind; In vain are costly Off'rings made, And Vows are scatter'd in the Wind. 6 Their Feet were never made to move, Nor Hands to save when Mortals pray, Mortals that pay them Fear or Love Seem to be blind and deaf as they.] 7 O Isr'el, make the Lord thy Hope, Thy Help, thy Refuge, and thy Rest; The Lord shall build thy Ruins up, And bless the People and the Priest. 8 The Dead no more can speak thy Praise, They dwell in Silence and the Grave; But we shall live to sing thy Grace, And tell the World thy Pow'r to save. Scripture: Psalm 115 Languages: English
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Not to our Names, thou only Just and True

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P115b (1766) Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: 1 Not to our Names, thou only Just and True, Not to our worthless Names is Glory due; Thy Pow'r & Grace, thy Truth & Justice claim Immortal Honours to thy sov'reign Name. Shine through the earth from Heav'n, thy blest Abode Nor let the Heathens say, "And where's your God? 2 Heav'n is thine higher Court: There stands thy Throne, And thro' the lower Worlds thy Will is done; Our God fram'd all this Earth, these Heav'ns he spread, But Fools adore the Gods their Hands have made. The kneeling Croud with Looks devout behold Their Silver Saviours, and their Saints of Gold. 3 [Vain are those artful Shapes of Eyes and Ears; The molten Image neither sees nor hears; Their Hands are helpless, nor their Feet can move, They have no Speech, nor Thought, nor Pow'r, nor Love; Yet sottish Mortals make their long Complaints To their deaf Idols and their moveless Saints. 4 The Rich have Statues well adorn'd with Gold, The Poor content with Gods of coarser Mould, With Tools of Iron carve the senseless Stock, Lopt from a Tree, or broken from a Rock; People and Priest drive on the solemn Trade, And trust the Gods, that Saws and Hammers made.] 5 Be Heav'n and Earth amaz'd! 'Tis hard to say Which is more stupid, or their Gods, or they, O Isr'el, trust the Lord: He hears and sees, He knows thy Sorrows and restores thy Peace: His Worship does a thousand Comforts yield, He is thy Help, and he thy heav'nly Shield. 6 O Britain, trust the Lord: Thy Foes in vain Attempt thy Ruin, and oppose his Reign; Had they prevail'd, Darkness had clos'd our Days, And Death and Silence had forbid his Praise: But we are sav'd, and live; Let Songs arise, And Britons bless the GOD that built the Skies. Scripture: Psalm 115 Languages: English
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Shall atheists dare insult the cross

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts #119 (1835) Meter: Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: Shall atheists dare insult the cross Of our Redeemer, God? Shall infidels reproach his laws, Or trample on his blood? What if he choose mysterious ways To cleanse us from our faults? May not the works of sovereign grace Transcend our feeble thoughts? What if his gospel bids us fight With flesh, and self, and sin, The prize is most divinely bright That we are called to win. What if the foolish and the poor His glorious grace partake, This but confirms his truth the more, For so the prophets spake. Do some that own his sacred name Indulge their souls in sin? Jesus should never bear the blame, His laws are pure and clean. Then let our faith grow firm and strong, Our lips profess his word; Nor blush nor fear to walk among The men that love the Lord. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Languages: English
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Ye that obey th' immortal King

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P134 (1766) Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: 1 Ye that obey th' immortal King, Attend his holy Place, Bow to the Glories of his Pow'r, And bless his wond'rous Grace. 2 Lift up your Hands by Morning-Light, And send your Souls on high; Raise your admiring Thoughts by Night Above the starry Sky. 3 The GOD of Sion chears our Hearts, With Rays of quick'ning Grace; The GOD that spread the Heav'ns abroad, And rules the swelling Seas. Scripture: Psalm 134 Languages: English
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Great is the Lord, exalted high

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P135b (1766) Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: 1 Great is the Lord, exalted high Above all Pow'rs, and every Throne; Whate'er he please in Earth or Sea, Or Heav'n, or Hell, his Hand hath done. 2 At his Command the Vapours rise, The Lightnings flash, the Thunders roar; He pours the Rain, he brings the Wind And Tempest from his airy Store. 3 'Twas he those dreadful Tokens sent, O Egypt, through thy stubborn Land; When all thy first-born, Beasts and Men, Fell dead by his avenging Hand. 4 What mighty Nations, mighty Kings, He slew, and their whole Country gave To Isr'el, whom his Hand redeem'd, No more to be proud Pharaoh's Slave! 5 His Pow'r the same, the same his Grace, That saves us from the Hosts of Hell; And Heav'n he gives us to possess, Whence those apostate Angels fell. Scripture: Psalm 135:5-12 Languages: English
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Awake, ye Saints: To praise your King

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P135c (1766) Topics: Idolatry reproved Lyrics: 1 Awake, ye Saints: To praise your King Your sweetest Passions raise, Your pious Pleasure, while you sing, Increasing with the Praise. 2 Great is the Lord; and Works unknown Are his divine Employ; But still his Saints are near his Throne, His Treasure and his Joy. 3 Heav'n, Earth, and Sea confess his Hand; He bids the Vapours rise; Lightning and Storm at his Command Sweep through the sounding Skies. 4 All Pow'r that Gods or Kings have claim'd Is found with him alone; But Heathen Gods should ne'er be nam'd Where our Jehovah's known. 5 Which of the Stocks or Stones they trust Can give them Show'rs of Rain? In vain they worship glitt'ring Dust, And pray to Gold in vain. 6 [Their Gods have Tongues that cannot talk, Such as their Makers gave; Their Feet were ne'er design'd to walk; Nor Hands have Pow'r to save. 7 Blind are their Eyes, their Ears are deaf, Nor hear when Mortals pray; Mortals, that wait for their Relief, Are blind and deaf as they.] 8 O, Britain! know thy living GOD, Serve him with Faith and Fear; He makes thy Churches his Abode, And claims thine Honours there. Scripture: Psalm 135 Languages: English


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