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Now let our songs address the God of peace

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #426 (1814) Meter: Irregular Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Now let our songs address the God of peace, Who bids the tumult of the battle cease; The pointed spears to pruning hooks he bends, And the broad falchion in the plough-share ends. His pow'rful word unites contending nations In kind embrace and friendly salutations. 2 While we beneath our vines and fig-trees sit, Or thus within thy sacred temple meet, Accept, great God! the tribute of our song, And all the mercies of this day prolong. Then spread thy peaceful word thro' ev'ry nation, That all the earth may hail thy great salvation. Languages: English
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Peace! the welcome sound proclaim

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #427 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Peace! the welcome sound proclaim; Dwell with rapture on the theme. Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace on earth! good-will to men! 2 Breezes! whisp'ring soft and low, Gently murmur as ye blow, Now, when was and discord cease, Praises to the God of peace. 3 Ocean's billows far and wide, Rolling in majestic pride! Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace on earth! good-will to men! 4 Vocal songsters of the grove! Sweetly chant in notes of love, Now, when war and discord cease, Praises to the God of peace. 5 Mortals, who these blessings feel! Christians who before him kneel! Loud, still louder swell the strain: Peace of earth, good-will to men! Languages: English
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And will the great eternal God

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #428 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 And will the great eternal God On earth establish his abode? And will he, from his radiant throne, Regard our temples for his own? 2 We bring the tribute of our praise; And sing that condescending grace, Which to our notes will lend an ear, And call us sinful mortals near. 3 Our Father's watchful care we bless, Which guards our house of pray'r in peace, That no tumultuous foes invade, To fill the worshippers with dread. 4 These walls we to thy honour raise; Long may they echo with thy praise; And thou, descending, fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 5 And in the great decisive day, When God the nations shall survey, May it before the world appear That crowds were born to glory here! Languages: English
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In sweet exalted strains

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #429 (1814) Meter: Irregular Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 In sweet exalted strains, The King of Glory praise: O'er heaven and earth he reigns, Through everlasting days; He with a nod the world controls, Sustains or sinks the distant poles. 2 To earth he bends his throne, His throne of grace divine; Wide is his bounty known And wide his glories shine. Fair Salem, still his chosen rest, Is with his smiles and presence blest. 3 Then King of glory! come; And with thy favour crown This temple as thy dome, This people as thy own. Within this house O deign to show, How God can dwell with men below. 4 Here may thine ears attend Our interceding cries, And grateful praise ascend All fragrant to the skies. Here may thy word melodious sound, And spread the joys of heav'n around. 5 Here may th' attentive throng Imbibe thy truth and love; And converts join the song Of Seraphim above; And willing crowds surround thy board, With sacred joy and sweet accord. 6 In peace, here may our sons And daughters sound thy praise; and shine like polish'd stones, Though long succeeding days. Here Lord! display thy saving pow'r, While churches stand and saints adore. Languages: English
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Thus spake the Saviour, when he sent

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #430 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 Thus spake the Saviour, when he sent His ministers to preach his word; They through the world obedient went, And spread the gospel of their Lord. 2 "Go forth, ye heralds, in my name; Bid the whole earth my grace receive; The gospel jubilee proclaim, And call them to repent and live. 3 "The joyful news to all impart, And teach them where salvation lies; Bind up the broken bleeding heart, And wipe the tear from weeping eyes. 4 "Be wise as serpents where you go, But harmless as the peaceful dove; And let your heav'n-taught conduct show, That you're commission'd from above. 5 "Freely from me ye have receiv'd; Freely in love to others give: Thus shall your doctrines be believ'd, And by your labour sinners live." 6 Happy those servants of the Lord, Who thus their Master's will obey How rich, how full is their reward, Reserv'd until the final day! Languages: English
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Great Lord of all angels! we adore

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #431 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 Great Lord of angels! we adore The grace that builds thy courts below; And, midst ten thousand sons of light Stoops to regard what mortals do! 2 Amidst the wastes of time and death, Successive pastors thou dost raise, Thy kingdom and thy truth to spread, And form a people for thy praise. 3 At length, dismiss'd from feeble clay, Thy servants join th'angelick band, With them through distant worlds they fly, With them before thy presence stand. 4 O blest employment! glorious hope! Sweet lenitive of grief and care! When shall we reach those radiant courts, And all their joys and honours share? 5 Yet while these labours we pursue, Tho' distant from thy heav'nly throne, Give us a zeal and love like theirs, And half their heav'n shall here be known. Languages: English
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My soul, the awful hour will come

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #437 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 My soul, the awful hour will come, Apace it passeth on, To bear this body to the tomb, And thee to scenes unknown. 2 My heart, long lab'ring with its woes, Shall pant and sink away; And you, my eye-lids, soon shall close On the last glimm'ring ray. 3 Whence in that hour shall I receive A cordial for my pain, When, if earth's monarchs were my friends, Those friends would weep in vain? 4 Great King of nature and of grace! To thee my spirit flies, And opens all its deep distress Before thy pitying eyes. 5 All its desires to thee are known, And ev'ry secret fear; The meaning of each broken groan Well-notic'd by thine ear. 6 O fix me by that mighty pow'r, Which to such love belongs, Where darkness veils the eyes no more, And groans are chang'd to songs. Languages: English
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How vast is the tribute I owe

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #438 (1814) Meter: Irregular Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 How vast is the tribute I owe Of gratitude, homage, and praise To the giver of all I possess, The life and the length of my days! 2 When the sorrows I boded were come, I pour'd out my sighs and my tears; And to him, who alone can relieve, My soul breath'd her vows and her pray'rs. 3 When my heart throbb'd with pain and alarm, When paleness my cheek overspread, When sickness pervaded my frame;-- Then my soul on my Maker was staid. 4 When death's awful image was nigh, And no mortal was able to save; Thou didst brighten the valley of death, And illumine the gloom of the grave. 5 In mercy thy presence dispels the shades of calamity's night, And turns the sad scene of despair to a morning of joy and delight. 6 Great source of my comforts restor'd! Thou healer and balm of my woes! Thou hope an desire of my soul! On thy mercy I'll ever repose. 7 How boundless the gratitude due To thee, O thou God of my praise! The fountain of all I possess, The life and the light of my days! Languages: English
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Firm was my health, my day was bright

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #439 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Firm was my health, my day was bright, And I presum'd ’twould ne’er be night; Fondly I said within my heart, Pleasure and peace shall ne’er depart. 2 But I forgot, thine arm was strong, Which made my mountain stand so long; And, when thy face was turn'd aside, My health was gone, my comforts died. 3 Hear me, O God of grace, I said, And raise me from among the dead: Thy word rebuk'd the pains I felt, Thy pard'ning love remov'd my guilt. 4 I will extol thee, Lord, on high: At thy command diseases fly. Who but a God can speak and save From the dark borders of the grave? 5 Thine anger but a moment stays; Thy love is life and lengths of day. Though grief and tears the night employ, The morning-star restores the joy. Languages: English
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Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #441 (1814) Meter: Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand In ev'ry chast'ning stroke; And while I smart beneath thy rod, Thy presence I invoke. 2 To thee in my distress I cried, And thou hast bow'd thy ear; Thy pow'rful word prolong'd my life, And brought salvation near. 3 Unfold, ye gates of righteousness, That, with the pious throng, I may record my solemn vows, And tune my grateful song. 4 Praise to the Lord, whose gentle hand Renews our lab'ring breath: Praise to the Lord, who makes his saints Triumphant e'en in death. 5 My God, in thine appointed hour Those heav'nly gates display, Where pain and sin, and fear and death For ever flee away. 6 There, while the nations of the bless'd, With raptures bow around; My anthems to deliv'ring grace, In sweeter strains shall sound. Languages: English


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