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Topics:royalty of christ

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Showing 41 - 50 of 242Results Per Page: 102050
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The Holiness of God

Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of First Line: God is King forever; let the nations tremble Lyrics: 1 God is King forever: let the nations tremble; Throned above the cherubim, by all the earth adored; He is great in Zion, high above all peoples; Praise Him with fear, for holy is the Lord. 2 Merciful as mighty, He delights in justice, For He reigns in righteousness and rules in equity; Worship and exalt Him, bowing down before Him, Perfect in pow'r and holiness is He. 3 Holy men of old in Him alone confided; He forgave their sins although they felt His chast'ning rod; In His holy temple worship and adore Him, Faithful and holy is the Lord our God. Scripture: Psalm 99 Used With Tune: NICÆA
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The Marvelous Works of God

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Providential First Line: O give the Lord wholehearted praise Lyrics: 1 O give the Lord wholehearted praise. To Him thanksgiving I will bring; With all His people I will raise My voice and of His glory sing. 2 His saints delight to search and trace His mighty works and wondrous ways; Majestic glory, boundless grace, And righteousness His work displays. 3 The wondrous works that God has wrought His people ever keep in mind, His works with grace and mercy fraught, Revealing that the Lord is kind. 4 God's promise shall forever stand, He cares for those who trust His word. Upon His saints His mighty hand The wealth of nations has conferred. 5 His works are true and just indeed; His precepts are forever sure; In truth and righteousness decreed They shall forevermore endure. 6 From Him His saints' redemption came; His covenant sure no change can know; Let all revere His holy Name In heaven above and earth below. 7 In reverence and in godly fear Man finds the gate to wisdom's ways; The wise His holy Name revere; Through endless ages sound His praise. Scripture: Psalm 111 Used With Tune: GERMANY
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The Greatness and Grace of God

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Providential First Line: O Lord, Thou art my God and King Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou art my God and King, And I will ever bless Thy Name; I will extol Thee ev'ry day, And evermore Thy praise proclaim. 2 The Lord is greatly to be praised, His greatness is beyond our thought; From age to age the sons of men Shall tell the wonders God has wrought. 3 Upon Thy glorious majesty And wondrous works my mind shall dwell; Thy deeds shall fill the world with awe, And of Thy greatness I will tell. 4 Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace Thy people shall commemorate, And all Thy truth and righteousness My joyful song shall celebrate. 5 The Lord our God is rich in grace, Most tender and compassionate; His anger is most slow to rise, His loving-kindness is most great. 6 The Lord is good in all His ways, His creatures know His constant care; To all His works His love extends, All men His tender mercies share. 7 Thy works shall give Thee thanks, O Lord, Thy saints Thy mighty acts shall show, Till o'er the earth the sons of men Thy kingdom, power, and glory know. 8 Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord, Forever strong and ever sure; while generations rise and die Shall Thy dominion still endure. Scripture: Psalm 145 Used With Tune: DUKE STREET
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Ascension Blessings

Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of First Line: O Lord, Thou hast ascended Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou hast ascended On high in might to reign; Captivity Thou leadest A captive in Thy train. Rich gifts to Thee are offered By men who did rebel, Who pray that now Jehovah their God with them may dwell. 2 Blest be the Lord Who daily Our heavy burden bears, The God of our salvation Who for His people cares. Our God is near to help us, Our God is strong to save; The Lord alone is able To ransom from the grave. 3 Sing unto God, ye nations, Ye kingdoms of the earth; Sing unto God, all people, And praise His matchless worth. He rides in royal triumph Upon the heav'ns abroad; He speaks, the mountains tremble Before the voice of God. 4 All glory, might, and honor Ascribe to God on high; His arm protects His people Who on His pow'r rely. Forth from Thy holy dwelling Thy awful glories shine; Thou strengthenest Thy people; Unending praise be Thine. Scripture: Psalm 68 Used With Tune: MISSIONARY HYMN
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Quiet Trust

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation First Line: I to the hills will lift my eyes Lyrics: 1 I to the hills will lift my eyes; O whence shall come my aid? My help is from the Lord alone, Who heav'n and earth has made. 2 He will not let thy foot be moved, Thy guardian never sleeps; With watchful and unslumb'ring care His own He safely keeps. 3 Thy faithful keeper is the Lord, Thy shelter and thy shade; 'Neath sun or moon, by day or night, Thou shalt not be afraid. 4 From evil He will keep thee safe, For thee He will provide; thy going out, thy coming in, Forever He will guide. Scripture: Psalm 121 Used With Tune: ST. AGNES
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Satisfaction in God

Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation First Line: O Lord, my God, most earnestly Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, most earnestly My heart would seek Thy face, Within Thy holy house once more To see Thy glorious grace. Apart from Thee I long and thirst, And nought can satisfy; I wander in a desert land Where all the streams are dry. 2 The loving-kindness of my God Is more than life to me; So I will bless Thee while I live And lift my prayer to Thee. In Thee my soul is satisfied, My darkness turns to light, And joyful meditations fill The watches of the night. 3 My Saviour, 'neath Thy shelt'ring wings My soul delights to dwell; Still closer to Thy side I press, For near Thee all is well. My soul shall conquer ev'ry foe, Upholden by Thy hand; Thy people shall rejoice in God, Thy saints in glory stand. Scripture: Psalm 63 Used With Tune: THE GREEN HILL
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The Slandered Saint's Refuge

Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Judgment His Prerogative First Line: O Lord my God, in thee Scripture: Psalm 7 Used With Tune: [O Lord my God, in thee do I]
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The Church's Cry of Desertion

Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Providential First Line: O Lord, Thou hast cast off Scripture: Psalm 60 Used With Tune: [O Lord, Thou hast cast off]
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The Lord of Hosts

Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Judgment the Prerogative of; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Royalty of Christ Providential; Royalty of Christ Ultimate Acknowledgement of First Line: God is our refuge and our strength Lyrics: 1 God is our refuge and our strength, A helper ever near us; We will not fear tho' earth be moved, For God is nigh to cheer us. Although the mountains quake And earth's foundations shake, Tho' angry billows roar And break against the shore, Our mighty God will hear us. 2 God's city is forever blest With living waters welling; Since God is there she stands unmoved 'Mid tumults round her swelling; God speaks and all is peace, From war the nations cease; The Lord of Hosts is nigh, Our fathers' God Most High Is our eternal dwelling. 3 Behold what God has done on earth; His wrath brings desolation, His grace, commanding wars to cease, Brings peace to ev'ry nation; Be still, for He is Lord, By all the earth adored; The Lord of Hosts is nigh, Our fathers' God Most High Is our strong habitation. Scripture: Psalm 46 Used With Tune: EIN' FESTE BuRG
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The Dominion of Jesus Christ

Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Royalty of Christ Mediatorial; Royalty of Christ Nations Subject to; Royalty of Christ Reward of His Obedience; Royalty of Christ Ultimate Acknowledgement of First Line: Come, ye that fear Jehovah Lyrics: 1 Come he that fear Jehovah, Ye saints, your voices raise; Come, stand in awe before Him, And sing His glorious praise. Ye lowly and afflicted Who on His word rely, Your heart shall live forever, The Lord will satisfy. 2 All kindreds of the nations To Christ the Lord shall turn, Thro' earth's remotest regions His altar-fires shall burn. All kingdom, pow'r, and glory Belong to Him alone; He ruleth o'er the nations, Kings bow before His throne. 3 Both high and low shall worship, Both strong and weak shall bend, A faithful church shall serve Him Till generations end. His praise shall be recounted To nations yet to be, The triumphs of His justice A newborn world shall see. Scripture: Psalm 22 Used With Tune: TOURS


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