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O blessed Sun, whose splendor

Author: Richard Massie; Carl Johann Philipp Spitta Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O blessed Sun, whose splendor Dispels the shades of night; O Jesus, my defender, My soul's supreme delight,-- Though fortune should bereave me Of all I love the best, If Thou Thy love still leave me, I freely give the rest. 2 I know no life divided, O Lord of life, from Thee; In Thee is life provided For all mankind and me; I know no death, O Jesus, Because I live in Thee; Thy death it is which frees us From death eternally. 3 I fear no tribulation, Since, whatsoe'er it be, It makes no separation Between my Lord and me. If Thou, my God, my teacher, Vouchsafe to be my own, Though poor, I shall be richer Than monarch on his throne. 4 If, while on earth I wander, My heart is light and blest, Ah, what shall I be yonder, In perfect peace and rest? O blessed thought in dying, We go to meet the Lord, Where there shall be no sighing, A kingdom our reward. Used With Tune: [O blessed Sun, whose splendor]
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Gracious Spirit! Love divine!

Author: John Stocker Appears in 484 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Gracious Spirit! Love divine! Let Thy light within me shine; All my guilty fears remove; Fill me with Thy heav'nly love. 2 Speak Thy pard'ning grace to me; Set the burdened sinner free; Lead me to the Lamb of God; Wash me in His precious blood. 3 Life and peace to me impart; Seal salvation in my heart; Dwell Thyself into my breast, Earnest of immortal rest. 4 Let me never from Thee stray; Keep me in the narrow way; Fill my soul with joy divine; Keep me, Lord, forever Thine. Used With Tune: PENTECOST
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O Saviour of our race

Author: Laurentius Laurenti; Miss Winkworth Meter: Appears in 21 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Saviour of our race, Welcome indeed Thou art, Blessed Redeemer, Fount of grace, To this my longing heart! 2 Light of the world, abide Through faith within my heart; Leave me to seek no other guide, Nor e’er from Thee depart. 3 Thou art the Life, O Lord! Sole Light of life Thou art! Let not Thy glorious rays be poured In vain on my dark heart. 4 Star of the East, arise! Drive all my clouds away; Guide me till earth’s dim twilight dies Into the perfect day. Used With Tune: VENICE
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Thy love, O gracious Lord and God

Author: T. Kingo Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Church Year Tenth Sunday after Trinity ; The Church Year Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Thy love, O gracious Lord and God, All other loves excelling, Attunes my heart to sweet accord, And passes power of telling; For when Thy wondrous love I see, My heart yields glad submission; I love Thee for Thy love to me In my poor, lost condition. 2 Yea, Thou hast loved our fallen race, And rather than condemn us, Cast out and banish from Thy face, Thine only Son didst send us; Who died upon the cross, that we Should all be saved for ever; Hence Jesus also died for me, My soul, forget it never. 3 Thy love, O God, embraces all, And Jesus' merits cover The guilt of all, both great and small, The world of sinners over. Thy Spirit doth Thy light afford To all who will receive it, And from Thy knowledge bars Thy word No soul who will believe it. 4 But what hath moved Thee, gracious Lord? Why is Thine heart still yearning, Since the great world rejects Thy word, Thy love and mercy spurning? For men go on in sin each day In carnal-minded blindness, And O how few Thy call obey And heed Thy lovingkindness! 5 In us no beauty Thou couldst see, And no intrinsic merit; We all were poor--but misery And sin we did inherit. We wandered each a different path, And in our lost condition, By nature children of His wrath, Whom sin doomed to perdition. 6 Our virtues and our own good deeds With God cannot avail us; With these the enemy misleads, Such righteousness shall fail us; Our will and strength and soul are dead In evil inclination; Christ Jesus has the ransom paid, And gained for us salvation. 7 O gracious God, Thy loving heart Was full of sweet compassion; And felt our woe and desperate smart, And planned our restoration; Thy grace and justice found a way To save us from death's horror; And everlasting judgment stay, And give us joy for sorrow. 8 On Christ, the rock, I'm anchored fast, By faith in Him remaining; I'll weather every stormy blast, My peace of soul retaining; On Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, My ever firm foundation, Until the harbor bar is crossed, And I see God's salvation. 9 O Jesus, at my dying breath Hold Thou my hand securely, And may I in a living faith Hold fast to Thee most surely; That my last prayer to Thee may rise, My soul to Thee commending, And I shall find in Paradise The joys of life unending. Used With Tune: [Thy love, O gracious Lord and God]
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O come, if sinner be thy name

Author: L. F. F. Lehr Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: The Church Year Tenth Sunday after Trinity ; The Church Year Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O come, if sinner be thy name, And sin's sore burden thou art feeling, To Him who never put to shame The suppliant at His footstool kneeling, Why wilt thou gloom for glory choose, And His free gift of life refuse? Wilt thou file bondage love for ever, When He proclaims the word, Deliver? Ah! cease thy dearest friend to grieve, My Savior sinners doth receive. 2 Come, heavy laden, bending low, Come as thou canst, to him returning; If 'neath the weight thou'rt weak and slow, Yet creep,--who found Him any spurning? Fear not, His heart in love doth beat; If thou art slow, He hastes to meet. Long hath He called with warm entreaty; His soul doth melt in deepest pity: So come, poor worm, this may relieve, My Savior sinners doth receive. 3 Say not: My sins are crimson dyed, I've scorned His mercy's richest treasure, His call I've mocked, His threats defied, Now wrath is mine in fullest measure. Go seek Him, if thy heart be bent, And earnestly its sin repent, His grace o'ersteps guilt's every mountain, And opens free the cleansing fountain. Hope on,--this word can all retrieve, My Savior sinners doth receive. 4 Yet say not: I may still delay, Taste of sin's joy, and be forgiven, God will not yet this very day Close the wide gate of grace and heaven. His gift He offers; hasten thou With both thy hands and seize it now; He who drams on, by sin deluded, Will find himself at last excluded: Burst now the net thy foe doth weave, Now Jesus sinners doth receive. 5 Friend of the sinner, in Thy grace, Teach us to seek Thy succor speedy; Reveal to anxious souls Thy face, To us, to all the poor and needy. When conscience feels sin's bitter smart, Show us Thy pierced and open heart; When anguish on our soul is preying, Let us not stand, in doubt delaying; Let each one say: Lord, I believe; 'Tis done--me Jesus doth receive. Used With Tune: [O come, if sinner be thy name]
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When Christ Jerusalem beheld

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When Christ Jerusalem beheld, As he approached near-- His heart her doleful state bewail'd, His eyes they flow'd with tears. 2 He look'd on her with deep distress, And strove to be here friend; But O, her heighth of wickedness, Determin'd her fatal end. 3 Did'st thou but know in this thy day, That which would work thy peace; Before thy help is done away, And will forever cease. 4 But now these things are hid from thee, And from thine eyes conceal'd-- The time is near when thou must see: God's threat'nings all fulfill'd. 5 Justice and judgements must take place, Thy sins have brought them down; Long ye abus'd the means of grace, Which ye held as your own. 6 Thy foes they shall compass thee round, And fill thy streets with fear! Thy walls laid level with the ground And thou brought to despair. 7 Such woes as never were on earth, In ev'ry part shall rage; Great famine, wars and cruel death Shall sweep thee of the stage. 8 The Jews, they shar'd their awful fate And thus were made to know; That vice destroy'd their church and state, And prov'd their overthrow. 9 Long have we heard thy warnings Lord, But we regard it not-- And just according to thy word: Their fate must be our lot. Scripture: Luke 19:41-48
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Where'er the Gospel truth is taught

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Where'er the Gospel truth is taught, The way of life to light is brought-- The ignorant are made to know, Their Saviour, and to serve him too. 2 The greatest gifts on man bestow'd, That is to know the living God; And Jesus Christ his only son, And what he hath for sinners done. 3 Jesus who for our sins aton'd, Will be confess'd and freely own'd! The gifts he doth for us provide, Are by the Holy Ghost applied. 4 What changes in the heart take place, When sinners feel the work of grace; They feel the pow'rful Gospel word, And know that Jesus is their Lord. 5 The pow'rs of darkness are dispell'd! The soul with light and life is fill'd-- Enabled by a heav'nly pow'r, To love their Saviour evermore. 6 Tho' diff'rent gifts the spirit give, Yet all from him alone derive; Sufficient grace withal is giv'n, To fit each seeking soul for heav'n. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
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Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 1,220 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys; Our souls, how heavily they go, To reach eternal joys! 3 Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor, dying rate? Our love so cold, so faint to thee, And Thine to us so great? 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers. Come, shed abroad a Saviour's Love, And that shall kindle ours. Used With Tune: ST. MARY'S
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Come, Holy Spirit, come

Author: Joseph Hart Meter: Appears in 542 hymnals Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come: Let Thy bright beams arise: Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Revive our drooping faith; Our doubts and fears remove; And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 3 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus' Blood; And to our wondering view reveal The secret Love of God. 4 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new create the whole. 5 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts; Our minds from bondage free; Then we shall know, and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee. Used With Tune: ST. GEORGE
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O Holy Spirit, Enter In

Author: Michael Schirmer; Miss Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 74 hymnals Topics: Church Year Pentecost; Quinquagesima; Sixth Sunday after Easter; Pentecost (Whitsunday); Trinity, Tenth Sunday; Trinity, Sixteenth Sunday; Prayer for Light; Prayer for Love; Sanctification Lyrics: 1 O Holy Spirit, enter in, And cleanse our hearts of ev'ry sin; Thy temple deign to make us; Sun of the soul, Thou Light divine, Around and in us brightly shine; To strength and gladness wake us. Where Thou shinest, life from heaven There is given. We before Thee For that precious gift implore Thee. 2 Left to ourselves we shall but stray; O lead us on the narrow way, With wisest counsel guide us, And give us steadfastness, that we May henceforth truly follow Thee, Whatever woes betide us: Heal Thou gently hearts now broken, Give some token Thou art near us, Whom we trust to light and cheer us. 3 O mighty Rock! O Source of Life! Let thy dear Word, 'mid doubt and strife, Be so within us burning, That we be faithful unto death, In Thy pure love and holy faith, From Thee true wisdom learning! Lord, Thy graces on us shower, By Thy power Christ confessing, Let us win his grace and blessing. 4 O gentle Dew, from heaven now fall With power upon the hearts of all, Thy tenderness instilling; That heart to heart more closely bound, Fruitful in kindly deeds be found, The law of love fulfilling; No wrath, no strife, here shall grieve Thee, We receive Thee, Where Thou livest, Peace and love and joy Thou givest. 5 Grant that our days, while life shall last, In purest holiness be past; Our minds so rule and strengthen That they may rise o'er things of earth, The hopes and joys that here have birth; And if our course Thou lengthen, Keep Thou pure, Lord, from offenses, Heart and senses; Blessèd Spirit, Bid us thus true life inherit. Amen. Used With Tune: WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET DER MORGENSTERN


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