Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P135b (1766) Topics: Worship daily; Church the house and care of God; Creation and Providence; Grace and providence; Idolatry reproved; Isreal saved from Egypt, and brought to Canaan; Rain from heaven; Thunder and storm; Weather; Works and grace; Worship daily Lyrics: 1 Great is the Lord, exalted high
Above all Pow'rs, and every Throne;
Whate'er he please in Earth or Sea,
Or Heav'n, or Hell, his Hand hath done.
2 At his Command the Vapours rise,
The Lightnings flash, the Thunders roar;
He pours the Rain, he brings the Wind
And Tempest from his airy Store.
3 'Twas he those dreadful Tokens sent,
O Egypt, through thy stubborn Land;
When all thy first-born, Beasts and Men,
Fell dead by his avenging Hand.
4 What mighty Nations, mighty Kings,
He slew, and their whole Country gave
To Isr'el, whom his Hand redeem'd,
No more to be proud Pharaoh's Slave!
5 His Pow'r the same, the same his Grace,
That saves us from the Hosts of Hell;
And Heav'n he gives us to possess,
Whence those apostate Angels fell.
Scripture: Psalm 135:5-12 Languages: English
Great is the Lord, exalted high