Meter: Appears in 45 hymnals Topics: Christians their life and experience; Communion Of Saints; Christian Friendship; Love to Christian brethren; Peace Among Brethren; Sympathy Of Christians; Union with each other Lyrics: 1 Lo, what a pleasing sight
Are brethren that agree!
How blest are all whose hearts unite
In bonds of piety.
2 From those celestial springs,
Such streams of comfort flow,
As no increase of riches brings,
Nor honors can bestow.
3 All in their stations move,
And each performs his part,
In all the cares of life and love,
With sympathizing heart.
4 Form'd for the purest joys,
By one desire possest,
One aim the zeal of all employs,
To make each other blest.
5 No bliss can equal theirs,
Where such affections meet;
While praise devout, and mingled prayers
Make their communion sweet.
6 'Tis the same pleasure fills
The breast in worlds above,
Where joy, like morning-dew, distils,
And all the air is love.
Lo, what a pleasing sight