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God of the year! with songs of praise

Author: L. H. Sigourney Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Thanksgiving Lyrics: 1 God of the year! with songs of praise And hearts of love, we come to bless Thy bounteous hand, for thou hast shed Thy manna o'er our wilderness. 2 In early spring-time thou didst fling O'er earth its robe of blossoming; And its sweet treasures, day by day, Rose quickening in thy blessed ray. 3 God of the seasons! thou hast blest The land with sunlight and with showers, And plenty o'er its bosom smiles To crown the sweet autumnal hours. 4 Praise, praise to thee! our hearts expand To view these blessings of thy hand, And on the incense-breath of love Ascend to their bright home above.
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God, to thee we humbly bow

Author: Boker Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation In War Lyrics: 1 God, to thee we humbly bow, Hand unarmed and naked brow; Musket, lance, and sheathed sword At thy feet we lay, O Lord! Gone is all the soldier's boast In the valor of the host: Kneeling here, we do our most. 2 Of ourselves we nothing know: Thou and thou alone canst show, By the favor of thy hand, Who hast drawn the guilty brand. If our foemen have the right, Show thy judgments in our sight, Through the fortunes of the fight. 3 Now, O God, once more we rise, Marching on beneath thy eyes; And we draw the sacred sword In thy name and at thy word. May our spirits clearly see Thee through all that is to be, In defeat or victory.
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Hail, our country's natal morn!

Author: Gilman Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Hail, our country's natal morn! Hail, our spreading kindred born Hail, thou banner, not yet torn, Waving o'er the free! While this day, in festal throng, Millions swell the patriot's song, Shall not we the notes prolong? Hallowed jubilee! 2 Who would sever freedom's shrine? Who would draw the invidious line? Though by birth one spot be mind, Dear is all the rest-- Dear to me the South's fair land, Dear the central mountain band, Dear New England's rocky strand, Dear the prairied West. 3 By our altars pure and free, By our law's deep-rooted tree, By the past's dread memory, By our Washington-- By our common kindred tongue, By our hopes--bright, buoyant, young, By the tie of country strong, We will still be one. 4 Fathers! have ye bled in vain? Ages, must ye droop again? Maker, shall we rashly stain Blessings sent by thee? No! receive our solemn vow, While before thy throne we bow, Ever to maintain as now, Union--Liberty!
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Hail the day that brought our freedom

Author: Wm. Hunter Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Patriotism Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that bought our freedom, Bought with our forefathers' blood; Thou, our conquering God, didst lead them Through the flame and through the flood. Independence! Echo it through field and flood. 2 Lo! their happy sons and daughters, On this glad and festal day, By the springs of limpid waters, O'er the hills and valleys stray. Independence! Chorus still of every lay. 3 Here we, in thy presence bending, Happiest of the happy throngs, Up to heaven our prayers are sending-- Up to heaven our rapturous songs. Independence! Swells the triumph, and prolongs. 4 Oh! thou God of our salvation, Who dost blessings richly shower Let us make our Declaration In this spirit-stirring hour. Independence! From the tyrant Satan's power. 5 Father! oh, prepare us better For the blessings richly given; Break off every sinful fetter, Purge out every sinful leaven. Independence! Then shall clear our path to heaven.
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Hush the loud cannon's roar

Author: Johnson Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Hush the loud cannon's road, The frantic warrior's call! Why should the earth be drenched with gore? Are we not brothers all? 2 Want, from the wretch depart! Chains, from the captive fall! Sweet mercy, melt th' oppressor's heart-- Suff'rers are brothers all. 3 Churches and sects, strike down Each mean partition wall! Let love each harsher feeling drown-- Christians are brothers all. 4 Let love and truth alone Hold human hearts in thrall, That heaven its work at length may own, And men be brothers all.
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Is this a fast for me?

Author: Drummond Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 Is this a fast for me? Thus saith the Lord our God: A day for man to vex his soul And feel affliction's rod? 2 No; is not this alone The sacred fast I choose-- Oppression's yoke to burst in twain, The bands of guilt unloose? 3 To nakedness and want Your food and raiment deal, To dwell your kindred race among, And all their sufferings heal? 4 Then like the morning ray, Shall spring your health and light; Before you, righteousness shall shine, Behind, my glory bright!
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Lord, from thy blessed throne

Author: Nicholl Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Freedom Lyrics: 1 Lord, from thy blessed throne, Sorrow look down upon! God save the poor! Teach them true liberty, Make them from tyrants free, Let their homes happy be! God save the poor! 2 The arms of wicked men Do thou with might restrain; God save the poor! Raise thou their lowliness, Succor thou their distress, Thou whom the meanest bless; God save the poor! 3 Give them stanch honesty, Let their pride manly be; God save the poor! Help them to hold the right, Give them both truth and might, Lord of all life and light! God save the poor!
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Lord, on this sadly-solemn day

Author: S. W. Widney Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Fast-Day Lyrics: 1 Lord, on this sadly-solemn day, We bow our souls--we fast and pray; Before our eyes our sins appear, And give us sorrow, shame, and fear. 2 Our private sins of heart and thought, Our words and deeds with errors fraught, Obnoxious to thy holiness, We mourn before thee, and confess. 3 The demon with the poisonous bowl That kills the body--damns the soul-- O'er bleeding bosoms stalks along, With maniac laugh and drunken song. 4 In vain they fast, they pray in vain, Who lift the hands that forget the chain To bind the body or the soul A slave to man or to the bowl. 5 Forgive us, Lord; regard us now, While here we pledge our solemn vow, To shun the vile oppressor's ways, And labor fallen man to raise.
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No war nor battle's sound

Author: Dwight Appears in 59 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation At Peace Lyrics: 1 No war nor battle's sound Was heard the earth around-- No hostile chiefs to furious combat ran; But peaceful was the night In which the Prince of Light His reign of peace upon the earth began. 2 No conqueror's sword he bore, Nor warlike armor wore, Nor haughty passions roused to contest wild; In peace and love he came, And gentle was the reign Which o'er the earth he spread by influence mild. 3 Unwilling kings obeyed, And sheathed the battle-blade, And called their bloody legions from the field; In silent awe they wait, And close the warrior's gate, Nor know to whom their homage thus they yield. 4 The peaceful Conqueror goes, And triumphs o'er his foes, His weapons drawn from armories above; Behold the vanquished sit Submissive at his feet, And strike and hate are changed to peace and love.
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Oh, fairest-born of Love and Light!

Author: Whittier Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Topics: The Christian Nation Brotherhood Lyrics: 1 Oh, fairest-born of Love and Light! Yet bending brow and eye severe On all which pains the holy sight, Or wounds the pure and perfect ear-- 2 Beneath thy broad, impartial eye, How fade the lines of caste and birth! How equal in their sufferings lie The groaning multitudes of earth! 3 Still to a stricken brother true, Whatever clime hath nourished him; As stooped to heal the wounded Jew, The worshiper of Gerizim. 4 In holy words which can not die, In thoughts which angels learned to know, Christ gave thy message from on high, Thy mission to a world of woe. 5 That voice's echo hath not died; From the blue lake of Galilee, From Tabor's lonely mountain-side, It calls a struggling world to thee.


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