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Tune Identifier:"^st_theodulph_teschner$"

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If God Himself Be for Me

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676; Richard Massie, 1800-1887 Hymnal: Christian Worship #819 (2021) Meter: Lyrics: 1 If God himself be for me, I may a host defy; for when I pray, before me my foes, confounded, fly. If Christ, my head and master, befriend me from above, what foe or what disaster can drive me from his love? 2 This I believe, yea rather, of this I make my boast, that God is my dear Father, the friend who loves me most, and that, whate'er betide me, my Savior is at hand thro' stormy seas to guide me and bring me safe to land. 3 I build on this foundation, that Jesus and his blood alone are my salvation, my true, eternal good. Without him all that pleases is valueless on earth; the gifts I have from Jesus alone have priceless worth. 4 He canceled my offenses, delivered me from death; he is the Lord who cleanses my soul from sin through faith. In him I can be cheerful, courageous on my way; in him I am not fearful of God's great Judgment Day. 5 Now no one can condemn me or set my hope aside; now hell no more can claim me, its fury I deride. No sentence now reproves me, no guilt destroys my peace, for Christ, my Savior, loves me and shields me with his grace. 6 No danger, thirst, or hunger, no pain or poverty, no earthly tyrant's anger shall ever vanquish me. Though earth should break asunder, you are my Savior true; no fire or sword or thunder shall sever me from you. 7 My heart with joy is springing and can no more be sad; my soul is filled with singing, see only sunshine glad. The sun that cheers my spirit is Jesus Christ, my King; the heav'n I shall inherit makes me rejoice and sing. Scripture: Romans 8:31-39 Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN
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Już z tobą się rozstaję

Author: ks. Valerius Herberger Hymnal: Śpiewnik Ewangelicki #918 (2002) Topics: Wiara, milość, nadzieja Śmierec, zmartwychwstanie i życi wieczne Languages: Polish Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee

Author: Valerius Herberger; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #1436 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Farewell I gladly bid thee, False, evil world, farewell. Thy life is vain and sinful, With thee I would not dwell. I long to be in Heaven, In that untroubled sphere Where they will be rewarded Who served their God while here. 2. By Thy good counsel lead me, O Son of God, my stay; In each perplexing trial Help me, O Lord, I pray. Mine hour of sorrow shorten, Support my fainting heart, From every cross deliver, The crown of life impart. 3. When darkness round me gathers, Thy name and cross, still bright, Deep in my heart are sparkling Like stars in blackest night. O heart, this image cherish: The Christ on Calvary, How patiently He suffered And shed His blood for me! 4. Lord, hide my soul securely, Deep in Thy wounded side; From every danger shield me And to Thy glory guide. He has been truly blessèd Who reaches Heav’n above; He has found perfect healing Who rests upon Thy love. 5. Lord, write my name, I pray Thee, Now in the Book of Life And with all true believers Take me where joys are rife. There let me bloom and flourish, Thy perfect freedom prove, And tell, as I adore Thee, How faithful was Thy love. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Forgive Them, O My Father

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #1587 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Forgive them, O my Father, They know not what they do. The Savior spoke in anguish, As sharp iron nails went through. No word of anger spoke He To them that shed His blood, But prayer and tenderest pity Large as the love of God. 2. For me was that compassion, For me that tender care; I need His wide forgiveness As much as any there. It was my pride and hardness That hung Him on the tree; Those cruel nails, O Savior, Were driven in by me. 3. And often I have slighted Thy gentle voice that said: Forgive me too, Lord Jesus, I knew not what I did. O depth of sweet compassion! O love divine and true! Save Thou the souls that slight Thee, And know not what they do. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians

Author: Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5758 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians, with all your heart this morn! O hear the blessèd tidings, the Lord, the Christ is born, Now brought us by the angels that stand about God’s throne; O lovely are the voices that make such tidings known! 2. O hearken to their singing! This Child shall be your Friend; The Father so hath willed it, that thus your woes should end. The Son is freely given, that in Him ye may have The Father’s grace and blessing, and know He loves to save. 3. Nor deem the form too lowly that clothes Him at this hour; For know ye what it hideth? ’Tis God’s almighty power. Though now within the manger so poor and weak He lies, He is the Lord of all things, He reigns above the skies. 4. Sin, death, and hell, and Satan have lost the victory; This Child shall overthrow them, as ye shall surely see; Their wrath shall aught avail them; fear not, their reign is o’er; This Child shall overthrow them; Oh hear and doubt no more. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Thou Light of Gentile Nations

Author: Johann Franck; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6683 Meter: D Lyrics: 1. Thou light of Gentile nations, Thou Savior from above, Drawn by Thy Spirit’s leading, we come with joy and love Into Thy holy temple and wait with earnest mind As Simeon once had waited His God and Lord to find. 2. Yea, Lord, Thy servants meet Thee in every holy place Where Thy true Word has promised that we should see Thy face. Today Thou still dost grant us who gather around Thee here In arms of faith to bear Thee as did that agèd seer. 3. Be Thou our joy and brightness, our cheer in pain and loss, Our sun in darkest terror, the glory round our cross, A star for sinking spirits, a beacon in distress, Physician, friend in sickness, in death our happiness. 4. Let us, O Lord, be faithful like Simeon to the end, So that his prayer exultant may from our hearts ascend: O Lord, now let Thy servant depart in peace, I pray, Since I have seen my Savior and here beheld His day. 5. My Savior, I behold Thee with faith’s enlightened eye; Of Thee no foe can rob me, his threats I can defy. Within Thy heart abiding, as Thou, O Lord, in me, Death can no longer frighten nor part my soul from Thee. 6. Lord, here on earth Thou seemest at times to frown on me, And through my tears I often can scarce distinguish Thee; But in the heavenly mansions shall nothing dim my sight; There shall I see Thy glory in never-changing light. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Valet Will Ich Der Geben

Author: Valerius Herberger Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13564 Meter: D First Line: Valet will ich dir geben Lyrics: 1 Valet will ich dir geben, Du arge, falsche Welt, Dein sündlich, böses Leben Durchaus mir nicht gefällt. Im Himmel ist gut wohnen, Hinauf steht mein’ Begier, Da wird Gott ewig lohnen Dem, der ihm dient allhier. 2 Rat mir nach deinem Herzen, O Jesu, Gottes Sohn! Soll ich hier dulden Schmerzen, Hilf mir, Herr Christ, davon! Verkürz mir alles Leiden, Stärk meinen blöden Mut, Laß mich selig abscheiden, Setz mich in dein Erbgut! 3 In meines Herzens Grunde Dein Nam’ und Kreuz allein Funkelt all’ Zeit und Stunde, Drauf kann ich fröhlich sein. Erschein mir in dem Bilde Zu Trost in meiner Not, Wie du, Herr Christ, so milde Dich hast geblut’t zu Tod! 4 Verbirg mein’ Seel’ aus Gnaden In deiner offnen Seit’, Rück sie aus allem Schaden Zu deiner Herrlichkeit! Der ist wohl hier gewesen, Der kommt ins Himmelsschloß; Der ist ewig genesen, Der bleibt in deinem Schoß. 5 Schreib meinen Nam’n aufs beste Ins Buch des Lebens ein Und bind mein’ Seel’ fein feste Ins schöne Bündelein Der’r, die im Himmel grünen Und vor dir leben frei, So will ich ewig rühmen, Daß dein Herz treue sei. Languages: German Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DER GEBEN

Wie Soll Ich Dich Empfangen

Author: Paul Gerhardt Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13583 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Wie soll ich dich empfangen, Und wie begegn’ ich dir, O aller Welt Verlangen, O meiner Seele Zier? O Jesu, Jesu, setze Mir selbst die Fackel bei, Damit, was dich ergötze Mir kund und wissend sei. 2 Dein Zion streut dir Palmen Und grüne Zweige hin, Und ich will dir in Psalmen Ermuntern meinen Sinn. Mein Herze soll dir grünen In stetem Lob und Preis Und deinem Namen dienen, So gut es kann und weiß. 3 Was hast du unterlassen Zu meinem Trost und Freud’, Als Leib und Seele saßen In ihrem größten Leid? Als mir das Reich genommen, Da Fried’ und Freude lacht, Da bist du, mein Heil, ’kommen Und hast mich froh gemacht. 4 Ich lag in schweren Banden, Du kommst un machst mich los; Ich stund in Spott und Schanden, Du kommst und machst mich groß Und hebst mich hoch zu Ehren Und schenkst mir großes Gut, Das sich nicht läßt verzehren, Wie irdisch Reichtum tut. 5 Nichts, nichts hat dich getrieben Zu mir vom Himmelszelt Als das geliebte Lieben, Damit du alle Welt In ihren tausend Plagen Und großen Jammerlast, Die kein Mund aus kann sagen, So fest umfangen hast. 6 Das schreib dir in dein Herze, Du hochbetrübtes Heer, Bei denen Gram und Schmerze Sich häuft je mehr und mehr. Seid unverzagt! Ihr habet Die Hilfe vor der Tür; Der eure Herzen labet Und tröstet, steht allhier. 7 Ihr dürft euch nicht bemühen Noch sorgen Tag und Nacht, Wie ihr ihn wollet ziehen Mit eures Armes Macht; Er kommt, er kommt mit Willen, Ist voller Lieb’ und Lust, All’ Angst und Not zu stillen Die ihm an euch bewußt. 8 Auch dürft ihr nicht erschrecken Vor eurer Sündenschuld. Nein, Jesus will sie decken Mit seiner Lieb’ und Huld. Er kommt, er kommt den Sündern Zu Trost und wahrem Heil, Schafft, daß bei Gottes Kindern Verbleib’ ihr Erb’ und Teil. 9 Was fragt ihr nach dem Schreien Der Feind’ und ihrer Tück’? Ihr Herr wird sie zerstreuen In einem Augenblick. Er kommt, er kommt ein König, Dem wahrlich alle Feind’ Auf Erden viel zu wenig Zum Widerstande seind. 10 Er kommt zum Weltgerichte, Zum Fluch dem, der ihm flucht; Mit Gnad’ und süßem Lichte Dem, der ihn liebt und sucht. Ach komm, ach komm, o Sonne, Und hol uns allzumal Zum ew’gen Licht und Wonne In deinen Freudensaal! Languages: German Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN

Jamais Dieu Ne Délaisse

Author: Catherine Grossman Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14020 Languages: French Tune Title: [Jamais Dieu ne délaisse]

Preserve In Fullest Measure

Author: Andreas Gryphius; Hermann H. M. Brueckner Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15172 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Preserve in fullest measure Thy truth to us, O Lord; Shield well Thy kingdom’s treasure, Its wealth to us afford. Keep Thou our faith from waning, And hope’s fair banners bright. That we, sweet comfort gaining, Be saved from error’s night. 2 Preserve Thy wondrous glory And turn against the foe; Send forth the Gospel story And let its knowledge grow. To every erring nation Thy saving grace reveal, That men in every station May heed its strong appeal. 3 Preserve what Thou hast founded Upon a rock secure; Thou Tower of strength unbounded, Lend us protection sure. The Church Thy help engageth When foes around her throng; So when the battle rageth, Be Thee her fortress strong. 4 Preserve to us forever Thy saving Word, O Lord, And may it fail us never, But light and truth afford. O may its living waters Refresh both heart and soul Of all Thy sons and daughters Till they have reached the goal. 5 Preserve, when storms are raging, Thy little flock from woe; Do Thou, our fears assuaging, Thy help on us bestow. Direct Thy ship, O Master, Thro’ waves and tempests sore, That we without disaster May reach yon peaceful shore. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN


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