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Scripture:Psalm 51:7

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A Psalm of David

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: O God, have mercy upon me Lyrics: 1 O God, have mercy upon me according to thy grace; According to thy mercies great, my trespasses efface. 2 O wash me throughly from my guilt, and from my sin me clear; 3 For I my trespass own; my sins before me still appear. 4 Against Thee, Thee alone I sinn'd; the crime was in thy sight: So when Thou speakest Thou art just; and thy whole judgment right. 5 Behold, how in iniquity I did my shape receive; And that my mother stain'd from sin, in sin did me conceive. 6 Behold, thou dost desire the truth within the inward part: O do Thou make me wisdom know in secret of my heart. 7 With sprinkling hyssop cleanse thou me, and I shall spotless grow: O wash Thou me, and then shall I be whiter than the snow. [2 Part] 8 Of joy and gladness make Thou me to hear again the voice; That so the bones which Thou hast broke may yet again rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sins O turn away thy face; And all my vie iniquities O do Thou quite efface. 10 Clean heart O GOD, in me create; renew a spirit right In me: (11) and cast me not away out of thy happy sight: Nor thy Pure Spirit from me take. 12 Restore the joy to me, Of thy salvation, and uphold me with thy spirit free. 13 Then will I teach thy ways to those who work iniquity; And happily shall sinners then, converted be to Thee. [3 Part] 14 O GOD! of my salvation God! free me from guilt of blood; And of thy saving righteousness my tongue shall sing aloud. 15 Lord, open Thou my lips, and forth my mouth thy praise shall sing: 16 For Thou desir'st not sacrifice; or I the same would bring: Burnt off'rings Thou delight'st not in. 17 Of GOD the sacrifice A spirit broke: a contrite heart, GOD Thou wilt not despise. 18 In thy good pleasure, O do good to Zion bounteously: The walls of thy Jerusalem, O build Thou up on high. 19 The sacrifice of righteousness shall pleas Thee then; and they Burnt off'rings, whole burnt off'rings, calves, will on thine altar lay.
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O God! have mercy upon me

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: 1 O God! have mercy upon me, According to thy bounteous grace; And in thy mercies multitude My many trespasses efface. 2 O wash me throughly from my guilt, And from my sin me purify: 3 For all my sins I freely own; My sin is always in mine eye. 4 Against Thee, Thee alone I sinn'd, This crime committed in thy sight; So when Thou speakest, Thou art just, Thy judgment stands intirely right. 5 Behold, I with abasement own, I shap'd was in iniquity; And that my mother stain'd with sin, She ev'n in sin conceived me. 6 Behold, it is the truth that Thou Desirest in the inward part: O do Thou make me wisdom know Within the secret of my heart. 7 With sprinkling hyssop cleanse Thy me, And I will pure and spotless grow; O wash and make me wholly clean; And I shall whiter be than snow. [2 Part] 9 Of joy and gladness make Thou me, To hear again the welcome voice; That so the bones which Thou hast broke May happily again rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sins For ever turn away thine eyes; And do Thou utterly efface All my abhor'd iniquities. 10 O GOD, create in me an heart Both clean and holy in thy sight, And in me, O do Thou renew A spirit steady and upright. Cast me not from thy face; nor take Thy Holy Spirit now from me; 12 Restore me thy salvation's joy: Uphold me with thy spirit free. 13 Then from a bless'd experience I Will sinners teach thy happy ways; And sinners shall converted be, To Thee, to love, obey and praise. [3 Part] 14 O GOD! of my salvation God! Deliver me from guilt of blood; And of thy saving righteousness My joyful tongue will sing aloud. 15 Lord, open Thou these lips of mine, Which by my sin fast closed are: And then will my enlarged mouth thy praises publickly declare 16 For Thou desir'st not sacrifice Of beast, that I might bring to Thee; Nor in burnt off'rings dost delight, That Thou should'st them accept of me. 17 But 'tis a spirit broke for sin, Is GOD's approved sacrifice: A broken and a contrite heart O GOD, Thou never wilt despise. 18 And now to Zion, O do good In thy good pleasure bounteously; And of our dear Jerusalem, Do Thou build up the walls on high. 19 Then Thou shalt with the sacrifice Of righteousness well pleased be; Burnt off'rings, whole burnt off'rings, calves, They'll at thine altar offer Thee.

O God, Be Merciful to Me

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: O God, be merciful to me Because your love is strong; Now wash me from iniquity And cleanse me from all wrong. These words are old, but still they live Within our hearts today. We cry to you: “O God, forgive!” And “Wash our sins away!” My sin has kept me far from you; Your wrath is justified. Why is it, Lord? The things I do Have crushed my bones inside! I try to make it on my own As if I’m all I need, Until I find I’m all alone, Wrapped up in pride and greed. Yet this is not the final word, For you forgive our sin! When we return to you, O Lord, You give us joy again. Topics: Confession, Prayer of; Lent and Holy Week; Prayer; Sin and Temptation Used With Tune: CRIMOND
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Miserere mei

Author: W. W. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: O Lord consider my distress Lyrics: 1 O Lord, consider my distresse, and now with speed some pitie take: My sins deface, my faults redresse, good Lord, for thy great mercies sake. 2 Wash me, O Lord, and make me cleane, from this unjust and sinfull act: And purifie me once againe, my heinous crime and bloudy fact. 3 Remorse and sorrow do constraine me to acknowledge my excesse: My sin alas doth still remaine before my face without release. 4 For thee alone I have offended, committing evill in thy sight: And if I were therefore condemned, yet were thy judgments just & right, 5 It is too manifest alas, that first I was conceiv'd in sin: Yea of my mother so borne was, and yet vile wretch remaine therein. 6 Also behold Lord, thou dost love the inward truth of a pure heart: Therefore thy wisdome from above thou hast reveal'd me to convert. 7 If thou with hysop purge this blot, I shall be cleaner than the glasse: And if thou wash away my spot, the snow in whiteness I shall passe. 8 Therefore O Lord such joy me send, that inwardly I may find grace: And that my strength may now amend, which thou hast swag'd for my trespasse. 9 Turn back thy face and frowning ire, for I have felt enough thy hand: And purge my sins I thee desire, which do in number passe the sand. 10 Make new my heart within my brest, and frame it to thy holy will: Thy constant Spirit in me let rest, which may these raging enemies kill. The second Part: 11 Cast me not Lord, out from thy face, but speedily my torments end: Take not from me thy Spirit of grace, which may from dangers me defend. 12 Restore me to those joyes againe, which I was wont in thee to find: and let me thy free Spirit retaine, which unto thee may stir my mind. 13 Thus when I shall thy mercies know, I shall instruct others therein: And men that are likewise brought low by mine example shall flie sin. 14 O God, that of my health art Lord, forgive me this my bloudy vice: My heart and tongue shall, then accord to sing thy mercy and justice. 15 Touch thou my lips, my tongue untie, O Lord which art the only key: And then my mouth shall testifie, thy wondrous works and praise alway. 16 And as for outward sacrifice, I would have offered many one: But thou esteem'st them of no price, and therein pleasure tak'st none. 17 The heavy heart, the mind oppresy, O Lord, thou never dost reject: And to speak truth it is the best, and of all sacrifice th'effect. 18 Lord unto Sion turn thy face, powre out thy mercies on thy hill: And on Jerusalem thy grace, build up the wals and love it still. 19 Thou shalt accept then our offrings of peace and righteousnesse I say: Yea calves and many other things, upon thinr altar will we lay. Used With Tune: [O Lord consider my distress]
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Miserere mei

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: Have mercy on me Lord after Lyrics: 1 Have mercy on me Lord after, thy great abounding grace: After thy mercies multitude. do thou my sins deface. 2 Yea wash me more from my offence, and cleanse me from my sin: For I do know my faults, and still my sin is in mine eyne. 3 Against thee, thee alone I have offended in this case: And evill have I done before the presence of thy face. 4 That in the things that thou hast done upright thou maist be tri'd: And eke in judging that the doome may passe upon thy side. 5 Behold in wickedness my kind and shape I did recive. And lo my sinfull mother eke in sin did me conceive. 6 But lo truth in the inward parts is pleasant unto thee: And secrets of thy wisdome thou revealed hast to me. 7 With hysop Lord besprinkle me, I shall be cleansed so: Yea wash thou me, and so I shall be whiter than the snow. 8 Of joy and gladnesse make thou me to heare the pleasant voice: That so the bruised bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sins, Lord turne away thy face: And all my deeds of wickednesse do utterly deface. 10 O God create in me a heart unspotted in thy sight: And eke within my bowels Lord, renew a stable spirit. 11 Ne cast me from thy sight, nor take thy Spirit quite away? The comfort of thy saving health give me againe I pray. 12 With thy free Spirit establish me, and I will teach therefore: Sinners thy waies, and wicked shall be turned to thy love. The second Part: 13 O God that art God of my health, from bloud deliver me: That praises of thy righteousnesse My tongue may sing to thee. 14 My lips, which yet fast closed be, do thou O Lord unclose: The praises of thy Majesty my mouth shall so disclose. 15 I would have offered sacrifice, if that had pleased thee: But pleased with burnt offerings I know thou wilt not be. 16 A troubled spirit is sacrifice delightfull in God's eyes: A broken and an humble heart, God thou wilt not despise. 17 In thy good will deale gently Lord, to Sion and withall Grant that of thy Jerusalem uprear'd may be the wall 18 Burnt offerings, gifts and sacrifice of justice in that day Thou shalt accept, and calves they shall upon thine altar lay.

Oh Dios, crea en mí un corazón puro (Create a clean heart in me, O God)

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 Topics: Fifth Sunday of Lent B; Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma B Used With Tune: [Oh Dios, crea en mí un corazón puro]

Signed by Ashes

Author: Maryanne Quinlivan, OSU Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: Have mercy on us, God Refrain First Line: Signed by water; signed by ashes Topics: Musical Style Ostinato Prayer Songs; The Liturgical Year Ash Wednesday Used With Tune: [Have mercy on us, God]

Salmo 51:1-12–Misericordia, Señor

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51:1-12 First Line: Ten piedad de mí, Dios Refrain First Line: Misericordia, Señor Topics: Salmos; Arrepentimiento; Repentance; Cuaresma; Lent; Salmos; Psalms Used With Tune: SALMO 51 Text Sources: Textos bíblicos de la Santa Biblia Versión-Valera Revisión de 1995.
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Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: D Appears in 3,243 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51:7-10 Topics: Communion in Prayer; Jesus Christ Love; Protection; Set Apart for Holiness; Trust Used With Tune: ABERYSTWYTH
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My Faith Looks Up to Thee

Author: Ray Palmer, 1808-1887 Meter: Appears in 2,216 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 51 Topics: Aspiration; Grace Through Faith; Guidance in Pilgrimage; Repentance Used With Tune: OLIVET


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