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Scripture:Psalm 106

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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Author: Joachim Neander, 1650-80; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: Lutheran Service Book #790 (2006) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 106:48 First Line: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is your health and salvation! Let all who hear Now to His temple draw near, Joining in glad adoration! 2 Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things is wondrously reigning And, as on wings of an eagle, uplifting, sustaining. Have you not seen All that is needful has been Sent by His gracious ordaining? 3 Praise to the Lord, who has fearfully, wondrously, made you, Health has bestowed and, when heedlessly falling, has stayed you. What need or grief Ever has failed of relief? Wings of His mercy did shade you. 4 Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you; Surely His goodness and mercy shall daily attend you. Ponder anew What the Almighty can do As with His love He befriends you. 5 Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in us adore him! All that has life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the Amen Sound from His people again; Gladly forever adore him! Topics: Psalm paraphrase Psalm 103 Languages: English Tune Title: LOBE DEN HERREN
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Give God Immortal Praise

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Church Hymnal, Mennonite #24 (1927) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 106:1 First Line: Give to our God immortal praise Topics: God Worship Languages: English Tune Title: WARRINGTON

Give God Immortal Praise

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Church Hymnal, Mennonite #24 (2017) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 106:1 First Line: Give to our God immortal praise Topics: God Worship Languages: English Tune Title: WARRINGTON
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How oft, alas! this wretched heart

Author: Mrs. Steele Hymnal: The Voice of Praise #410 (1873) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 106:43-44 Lyrics: 1 How oft, alas! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls Return; Dear Lord, and may I come? My vile ingratitude I mourn; Oh, take the wanderer home. 3 And canst thou, wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove? And shall a pardoned rebel live To speak thy wondrous love? 4 Thy pardoning love, so free, so sweet, Blest Saviour, I adore; Oh, keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. Topics: The Christian System Repentance and Faith; Pardoning Love
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His Way with Thee

Author: C. S. N. Hymnal: New Songs of the Gospel No. 2 #72 (1905) Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good Refrain First Line: His power can make you what you ought to be Languages: English Tune Title: [Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good]
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O render Thanks to God above

Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #CVI (1760) Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 O render Thanks to God above, The Fountain of eternal Love; Whose Mercy firm through Ages past Has stood, and shall for ever last. 2 Who can His mighty Deeds express, Not only vast, but numberless? What mortal Eloquence can raise His Tribute of immortal Praise? 3 Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy Judgments never stray: Who know what's right; nor only so, But always practice what they know. 4 Extend to me that Favour Lord, Thou to thy Chosen dost afford; When Thou return'st to set them free, Let thy Salvation visit me. 5 O may I worthy prove to see Thy Saints in full Propsperity: That I the joyful Choir may join, And count thy People's Triumph mine. 6 But ah! can we expect such Grace, Of Parents vile, the viler Race; Who their Misdeeds have acted o'er, And with new Crimes increas'd the Score? 7 Ingrateful! they no longer thought On all his works in Egypt wrought; The Red Sea they no sooner view'd, But they their base Distrust renew'd. 8 Yet He, to vindicate his Name, Once more to their Deliv'rance came, To make his sov'reign Pow'r be known, That He is God, and He alone. 9 To right and left, at his Command, The prating Deep disclos'd her Sand; Where firm and dry the passage lay, As through some parch'd and desart Way. 10 Thus rescu'd from their Foes they were, Who closely press'd upon their Rear, 11 Whose Rage purs'd 'em to those Waves, That prov'd the rash Pursuers Graves. 12 The watry Mountains sudden Fall O'erwhelm'd proud Pharaoh, Host and all. This Proof did stupid Isr'el move To own God's Truth, and praise his Love. Part II 13 But soon these Wonders they forgot, And for his Counsel waited not; 14 But lusting in the Wilderness, Did Him with fresh Temptations press. 15 Strong Food at their Request He sent, But made their Sin their Punishment. 16 Yet still his Saints they did oppose, The priest and Prophet whom He chose. 17 But Earth, the Quarrel to decide, Her vengeful Jaws extended wide, Rash Dathan to her Centre drew, With proud Abiram's factious Crew. 18 The rest of those who did conspire To kindle wild Sedition's Fire, With all their impious Train became A Prey to Heav'n's devouring Flame. 19 Near Horeb's Mount a Calf they made, And to the molten Image pray'd; 20 Adoring what their Hands did frame, They chang'd their Glory to their Shame. 21 Their God and Saviour they forgot, And all his Works in Egypt wrought; 22 His Signs in Ham's astonish'd Coast, And where proud Pharaoh's Troops were lost. 23 Thus urg'd, his vengeful Hand He rear'd, But Moses in the Breach appear'd; The Saint did for the Rebels pray, And turn'd Heav'n's kindled Wrath away. 24,25 Yet they his pleasant Land despis'd, Nor his repeated Promise priz'd, Nor did th' Almighty's Voice obey' But when God said, Go up, would stay. 26,27 This seal'd their Doom, without Redress To perish in the Wilderness; Or else to be by heathen Hands O'erthrown and scatter'd thro' the Lands. Part III 28 Yet unreclaim'd, this stubborn Race Baal Peor's Worship did embrace; Became his impious Guests, and fed On Sacrifices to the Dead. 29 Thus they perished to provoke God's Vengeance to the final Stroke. 'Tis come: - the deadly Pest is come To execute their gen'ral Doom 30 But Phineas fir'd with holy Rage, (Th' Almighty's Vengeance to asswage) Did, by two bold Offenders Fall, Th' Atonement make that ransom'd All. 31 As him a heav'nly Zeal had mov'd, So Heav'n the zealous Act approv'd; To him confirming, and his Race, The Priesthood he so well did grace. 32 At Meribah God's Wrath they mov'd, Who Moses for their sakes reprov'd; 33 Whose patient Soul they did provoke, 'Till rashly the meek Prophet spoke. 34 Nor when possess'd of Canaan's Land, Did they perform their Lord's Command, Nor his commission'd Sword employ The guilty Nations to destroy. 35 Nor only spar'd the pagan Crew, But mingling learnt their Vices too; 36 And worship to those Idols paid, Which them to fatal Snares betray'd. 37,38 To Devils they did sacrifice Their Children with relentless Eyes; Approach'd their Altars thro' a Flood Of their own Sons and Daughters Blood. No cheaper Victims would appease Canaan's remorseless Deities; No Blood her Idols reconcile, But that which did the Land defile. Part IV 39 Nor did these savage Cruelties The hardn'd Reprobates suffice; For after their Hearts Lusts they went, And daily did new Crimes invent. 40 But sins of such infernal Hue God's Wrath against his People drew, 'Till He, their once indulgent Lord, His own Inheritance abhor'd. 41 He them defenceless did expose To their insulting heathen Foes; And made them on the Triumphs wait, Of those who bare them greatest Hate. 42 Nor thus his Indignation ceas'd; Their List of Tyrants He increas'd, 'Till they, who God's mild Sway declin'd, Were made the Vassals of Mankind. 43 Yet, when distress'd, they did repent, His Anger did as oft relent: But freed, they did his Wrath provoke, Renew'd their Sins, and He their Yoke. 44 Nor yet implacable He prov'd, Nor heard their wretched Cries unmov'd; 45 But did to mind his Promise bring, And Mercy's unexhausted Spring. 46 Compassion too He did impart, Ev'n to their Foes obdurate Heart, And Pity for their Suff'rings bred In those who them to Bondage led. 47 Still save us, lord, and Isr'el's Bands Together bring from heathen Lands; So to thy Name our Thanks we'll raise, And ever triumph in thy Praise. 48 Let Isr'el's God be ever bless'd, His Name eternally confess'd: Let all his Saints with full Accord Sing loud Amens - Praise ye the Lord. Languages: English
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O render Thanks to GOD above

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CVI (1767) Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 O render Thanks to GOD above, The Fountain of eternal Love; Whose Mercy firm through Ages past Has stood, and shall for ever last: What mortal Eloquence can raise Of his great Deeds th'immortal Praise? 2 Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy Judgments never stray: Extend to me that Favour, LORD, Thou to thy Chosen dost afford: When thou return'st to set them free, Let thy Salvation visit me. 3 Oh! may I worthy prove, to see Thy Saints in full Prosperity! That I the joyful Choir may join, And count thy People's Triumph mine: But how can we expect such Grace, Of Parents vile, the viler Race! 4 Ingrateful, they no longer thought On all his Works in Egypt wrought; The Red Sea they no sooner view'd, But they their base Distrust renew'd; Yet GOD, to vindicate his Name, Once more to their Deliv'rance came. 5 To Right and Left, at his Command, The prating Deep disclos'd her Sand; Where firm and dry the Passage lay, As through some parch'd and desart Way; Thus rescu'd, by his Hand, they were, And freed from Danger and from Fear. 6 Their Foes pursu'd them to the Waves, Which prov'd the rash Pursuers Graves; The watry Mountain's sudden Fall, O'erwhelm'd proud Pharaoh, Host and all; This Proof did stupid Israel move, To own GOD's Truth, and praise his Love. Part II 7 But soon these Wonders they forgot, His Counsels they regarded not; But lusting in the Wilderness, Did him with fresh Temptations press: Strong Food at their Request he sent, But made their Sin their Punishment. 8 Yet still his Saints they did oppose, The Priest and Prophet, whom he chose: But Earth, the Quarrel to decide, Her vengeful Jaws extended wide, Rash Dathan to her Centre drew, And Flames destroy'd Abiram's Crew. 9 Near Horeb's Mount, a Calf they made, And to the molten Image pray'd; Adoring what their Hands did frame, They chang'd their Glory to their Shame: Their GOD and Saviour they forgot, And all his Works, in Egypt wrought. 10 Nor thought they on his pow'rful Hand; Who spread such Wonders through the Land, Nor on the fearful Things, which he Had done for them, when at the Sea, Proud Pharaoh, and his num'rous Host, Were in o'erwhelming Billows lost. 11 Thus urg'd, his vengeful Hand he rear'd; But Moses in the Breach appear'd: The Saint did for the Rebels pray, And turn'd Heav'n's kindled Wrath away. Yet they his pleasant Land despis'd, Nor his repeated promise priz'd, 12 GOD's Voice they would not yet obey, But when he said, Go up, would stay; This seal'd their Doom without Redress, To perish in the Wilderness; Or else to be, by Heathen Hands, O'erthrown and scatter'd through the Lands. Part III 13 Yet unreclaim'd, this stubborn Race Baal-Peor's Worship did embrace; Became his impious Guests, and fed On Sacrifices to the Dead: Thus they perished to provoke GOD's Vengeance to the final Stroke. 14 'Tis come: - the deadly Pest is come, To execute their gen'ral Doom; But Phineas fir'd with holy Rage, Th'Almighty's Vengeance to asswage, Did, by two bold offenders Fall, Th'Atonement make, that ransom'd all. 15 As him a heav'nly Zeal had mov'd, So GOD the zealous Act approv'd; In him 'twas counted Righteousness, The LORD did therefore Phineas bless; To him confirming, and his Race, The Priesthood, he so well did grace. 16 At Meribah, GOD's Wrath they mov'd, Who Moses for their Sakes reprov'd; Whose patient Soul they did provoke, 'Till rashly the meek Prophet spoke: Nor did they, though desir'd employ Their Swords the Heathen to destroy. 17 Nor only spar'd the Pagan Crew, But, mingling, learnt their Vices too; And Worship to those Idols paid, Which them to fatal Snares betray'd: To Devils they did sacrifice, Their Children with relentless Eyes. 18 They stain'd their Altars with a Flood, Of their own Sons and Daughters Blood; No cheaper Victims would appease, Canaan's remorseless Deities: No Blood her Idols reconcile, But that which did the Land defile. Part IV 19 Thus after their Hearts Lusts they went, And daily did new Crimes invent; But Sins of such infernal Hue, GOD's Wrath against his People drew: 'Till he, their once indulgent LORD, His own Inheritance abhor'd. 19 He them, defenceless, did expose To their insulting Heathen Foes; And made them on the Triumphs wait, Of those who bare them greatest Hate: To Tyrants they were subject made, Who on them heavy Burdens laid. 21 Yet when, distress'd, they did repent, His Anger did as oft relent; Implacable he never prov'd, Nor heard their wretched Cries unmov'd: But did to mind his Promise bring, And Mercy's inexhausted Spring. 22 Compassion too he did impart, Ev'n to their Foes obdurate Heart; And Pity for their Suff'rings bred, In those, who them to Bondage led: He did their Enemies dispose, To ease the Burden of their Woes. 23 Still save us, LORD, and Israel's Bands Together bring from Heathen Lands; So to thy Name our Thanks we'll raise, And ever triumph in thy Praise. Let all thy saints, with full Accord, Sing loud Amena - Praise ye the LORD! Topics: Description of Unthankfulness and Rebellion of the Israelites; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Languages: English Tune Title: [O render Thanks to God above]
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O render thanks to God above

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #P.XXIX (1789) Scripture: Psalm 106 Lyrics: 1 O render thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love; Whose mercy firm through ages past Has stood, and shall for ever last. 2 Who can his mighty deeds express, Not only vast but numberless? What mortal eloquence can raise His tribute of immortal praise? 3 Happy are they, and only they, Who from thy judgments never stray: Who know what's right, not only so, But always practice what they know. 5 O may I worthy prove to see Thy saints in full prosperity! That I the joyful choir may join, And count thy people's triumph mine. Topics: Psalms of Thanksgiving Languages: English
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O render thanks to God above

Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #CVI.I (1793) Scripture: Psalm 106 Languages: English
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O render thanks to God above

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship #P.XXIX (1805) Scripture: Psalm 106 Languages: English


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