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The Presence of Christ implored

Hymnal: Church Psalmist #439 (1845) Meter: Topics: Liberality First Line: Where two or three, with sweet accord Languages: English
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The Lord's Prayer

Hymnal: Church Psalmist #440 (1845) Meter: Topics: Liberality First Line: Father, adored in worlds above Languages: English
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When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay

Author: Thomas Gibbons Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #443 (1899) Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay, What were His works from day to day, But miracles of power and grace, Which spread salvation through our race? 2 Teach us, O Lord, to keep in view Thy pattern, and Thy steps pursue: Let alms bestowed, let kindness done, Be witnessed by each rolling sun. 3 For he who marks from day to day In generous acts his radiant way, Treads the same path the Saviour trod, The path to glory and to God. Amen. Languages: English
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Fountain of good, to own Thy love

Author: Edward Osler; Philip Doddridge Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #444 (1899) Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 Fountain of good, to own Thy love Our thankful hearts incline; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, When all the worlds are Thine? 2 But Thou hast needy brethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, Whose names Thou wilt Thyself confess Before the Father's face. 3 And in their accents of distress Thy pleading voice is heard; In them Thou mayest be clothed, and fed, And visited, and cheered. 4 Thy face with reverence and with love, We in Thy poor would see; Oh, may we minister to them, And in them, Lord to Thee. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: CADDO
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Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay

Hymnal: Book of Worship (Rev. ed.) #460 (1870) Meter: Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I have done Thee such despite; Cast not a sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting flight. 2 Though I have steel'd my stubborn heart, Oft shaken off my guilty fears, And vex'd and urged Thee to depart, For many long rebellious years; 3 Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er Thy grace received, Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved; 4 Yes, oh, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High-Priest; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear T'exclude me from Thy people's rest. 5 This only woe I deprecate, This only plague I pray remove, Nor leave me in my lost estate, Nor curse me with this want of love. 6 E'en now my weary soul release, Upraise me with Thy gracious hand, And guide into Thy perfect peace, And bring me to the promised land. Languages: English
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Saviour, Thy dying love

Author: Sylvanus D. Phelps Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #529 (1899) Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 Saviour, Thy dying love Thou gavest me: Nor should I aught withhold, Dear Lord, from Thee: In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfill its vow, Some offering bring Thee now, Something for Thee. 2 O'er the blest mercy-seat, Pleading for me, My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Thee: Help me the cross to bear, Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or prayer, Something for Thee. 3 Give me a faithful heart-- Likeness to Thee, That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wanderer sought and won, Something for Thee. 4 All that I am and have-- Thy gifts so free-- In joy, in grief, through life, Dear Lord, for Thee: And when Thy face I see, My ransomed soul shall be, Through all eternity, Something for Thee. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: LOWRY
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We give Thee but Thine own

Author: William W. How Hymnal: Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes #543 (1899) Meter: Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. 2 May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To thee our first fruits give. 3 O hearts are bruised and dead, And homes are bare and cold, And lambs, for whom the Shepherd bled Are straying from the fold! 4 To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless, Is angels' work below. 5 The captive to release, The lost to God to bring, To teach the way of life and peace-- It is a Christ-like thing. 6 And we believe Thy word, Though dim our faith may be; Whate'er we do for Thine, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: HAYDN
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Oh, what stupendous mercy shines

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #661 (1828) Meter: Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 Oh, what stupendous mercy shines Around the majesty of Heaven! Rebels he deigns to call his sons, Their souls renew'd, their sins forgiven. 2 Go, imitate the grace divine,-- The grace that blazes like a sun; Hold forth your fair, though feeble light, Through all your lives let mercy run! 3 Upon your bounty's willing wings Swift let the great salvation fly; The hungry feed, the naked clothe; To pain and sickness help apply. 4 Pity the weeping widow's wo, And be her counsellor and stay; Adopt the fatherless, and smooth To useful, happy life, his way. 5 Let age, with want and weakness bow'd, Your bowels of compassion move; Let e'en your enemies be bless'd,-- Their hatred recompens'd wtih love. 6 When all is done, renounce your deeds-- Renounce self-righteousness with scorn: Thus will you glorify your God, And thus the Christian name adorn.
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The gold and silver are the Lord's

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #663 (1828) Meter: Topics: Liberality Lyrics: 1 The gold and silver are the Lord's, And ev'ry blessing earth affords; All come from his propitious hand, And must return at his command. 2 The blessings which I now enjoy, I must for Christ and souls employ; For if I use them as my own, My Lord will soon call in his loan. 3 When I to him in want apply, He never does my suit deny; And shall I then refuse to give, Since I so much from him receive? 4 Shall Jesus leave the realms of day, And clothe himself in humble clay? Shall he become despis'd and poor, To make me rich for ever more! 5 And shall I wickedly withhold To give my silver or my gold? To aid a cause my soul approves, And save the sinners Jesus loves? 6 Expand my heart--incline me, Lord, To give the whole I can afford; That what thy bounty render'd mine, I may with cheerful hands resign. Scripture: Haggai 2:8
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The Poor

Author: Anon. Hymnal: Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs #925 (1875) Topics: Liberality First Line: Thou God of hope, to thee we bow Scripture: Luke 6:20


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