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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1752

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Save me O God for mighty Floods

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #122 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Save me, O God, for mighty Floods Rush in unto my Soul. 2. In Depths of Mire, and Seas, I sink, Where Surges o'er me rowl. 3. I'm weary with my constant Cries, My Throat is parch'd with Heat; Mine Eyes, with Expectation, fail, While for my God I wait. 4. More than the Hairs upon my Head, My causeless Haters are; They're mighty, who, most wrongfully, To shed my Blood would care: 5. Then, what I took not, I restor'd. For Peace gave up my Right. O God, thou know'st my Foolishnes, My Sins are in thy Sight. 6. Lord, God of Host, let none, that wait On Thee, be put to shame. For my sake; nor, O Isr'els God, Despair, that seek thy Name. 7. For thy sake, I have borne Reproach; My Face with Shame is spread. 8. My Brethren, of my Mother born, Of me a Stranger made. Second Part 9. Zeal, for the Honour of thy House, Hath quite consumed me; On me hath fallen the Reproach, Which they have aim'd at Thee. 10. When I, with Fasts, my Soul chastis'd, Before Thee wept, and mourn'd; My many Tears, and Abstinence, To my Reproach they turn'd. 11. I Sackcloth made my Robes; for this I was their Proverb long. 12. The Judges me revil'd, and I Was made the Drunkard's Song, 13. But, Lord, in an accepted Time, To Thee, I made my Pray'r; O God, in thy Salvation's Truth, And many Mercies hear, 14. Deliver me out of the Mire, Let it not prove my Grave; From all my Haters rescue me. And from deep Waters save. 15. Nor Floods to overflow, nor Deeps To swallow me, permit; Nor let the Mouth, upon me close, Of the voracious Pit. 16. Thy Loving- kindness doth excel, Hear then, O Lord, my Pray'r; O turn to me, as manifold Thy tender Mercies are. 17. Hide not thy Face, for I'm distress'd; But speedily me hear. 18. And to redeem me from my Foes, Unto my Soul draw near. Third Part 19. All my Reproach is known to Thee, My Shame, and my Disgrace; My Adversaries, and their Plots, Are all before thy Face. 20. Reproach hath broke my heavy Heart; And when I look'd around. For some to pity, there was none, No Comforter I found. 21. Thirsty, they Vinegar to drink. And Gall, gave me, for Food. 22. Their Table shall become their Snare; Their Trap, what should be good. 23. Their Eyes be dark, lest they should see Their Loins be made to shake. 24. Thy Fury shall on them be pour'd, Thy Wrath hold on them take. 25. Their Palace, and their Tents, be waste; That they may none receive; 26. They persecute Whom thou had smote; With Words thy wounded grieve. 27. They Sin to Sin shall add, till they No Part in Mercy claim. 28. Thou, from the Book of Life, shalt blot, And from the Just, their Name. Fourth PART, 29. I'm poor, distress'd, Salvation gran; Set me, O God, on high. 30. I'll praise the Name of God, with Songs With Thanks, him magnify. 31. This shall be pleasing to the Lord, And better in his Eyes, Than any Ox, or Bullock young. That's ripe for Sacrifice. 32. The Meek, with Gladness, shall behold The Safety I obtain; Your Heart, who truly seek the Lord, Shall Life, and Comfort gain. 33. Because the Lord will hear the Poor, And set his Pris'ners free: 34. Let Heav'n, Earth, Seas, and all therein, To praise his Name agree. 35. For God will Judah's Cities build, And his lov'd Sion save; His People there shall safely dwell, And sure Possession have. 36. His Servant's Seed inherit shall What falleth to their Share; And they that love his Name shall dwell, In Peace, and Safety there. Scripture: Psalm 69 Languages: English
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Deliver me, O God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #125 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Deliver me, O God; To help me, Lord, make hast, 2. Shame, and Confusion, be their Lot, Who seek my Soul to waste. Defeat, and put to Rout, All that desire my Hurt. 3. Be Disappointment their Reward, Who make my Grief their Sport. 4. Who seek Thee, let rejoice, In Thee be satisfy'd; Who thy Salvation love, still say, "The Lord be magnify'd. 5. I'm poor, distress'd, O God, Make haste to me, I pray; My Help, and my Deliv'rer, thou, O Lord, make no Delay. Scripture: Psalm 70 Languages: English
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In thee, O Lord, I place my Trust

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #126 (1752) Lyrics: 1. In Thee, O Lord, I place my Trust, Me never put to Shame. 2. Hear, save, and cause me to escape, For righteous is thy Name. 3. Be thou my dwelling Place most strong, Where I may still resort; Thy promised Safety, Lord, I plead, Thou art my Rock, and Fort. 4. Save me, O God, from wicked Hands, The cruel, and unjust. 5. For thou, Lord, God, haft been my Hope, And, from my Youth, my Trust. 6. By Thee, I've always been sustain'd, From my most early Days; Thou took'st me from my Mother's Womb; I'll ever sing thy Praise. 7. To many, I'm a Wonder grown; But on thy Strength I stay. 8. Let, with thy Praise, my Mouth be fill'd, And Honour all the Day. Second Part 9. Cast me not off, now, in the Time, Old Age doth me assail; O do not thou forsake me, Lord, When Strength, and Vigour, fail. 10. For my malicious Enemies Against me falsly speak; And they, who for my Life lay wait, Together Counsel take. 11. "Now God, (say they,) has him forsook, "Pursue, and on him seize; "There's none to save him from our Pow'r "He'll fall our Prey with Ease. 12. But thou, O God, be not far off From me, oppress'd with Grief; O thou, my God, with timely Speed, Appear for my Relief. 13. Confound, and bring to Nought, my Foes, Who, for my Life, combine; Reproach, and Infamy, be heap'd, On those my Hurt design. 14. My stedfast Hope shall still remain, On Thee, fix'd all my Days; To spread thy Glory, more and more, I'll add new Songs of Praise. 15. Thy Truth, and thy Salvation, Lord, My Mouth shall daily show; Whose growing Numbers far surmount The utmost I can know. 16. Depending on thy Strength, O God, I'll chearfully go on; Thy Righteousness I'll celebrate, I'll mention thine alone. Third Part 17. Thou, O my God, hast from my Youth, Unto this Day, me taught; And I have openly declar'd, The Wonders thou hast wrought. 18. And now, O God, forsake me not, When old, and gray, I'm grown; Till this, and to the future Age, Thy Strength, and Pow'r, I've shown. 19. Thy Justice, Lord, in Height transcends All that we can declare. Who mighty Works hast done; O God, Who may with Thee compare; 20. Thou, Troubles great, and fore, hast made Me, by Experience, know; Yet shalt thou me revive, and bring Up from the Depth of Woe. 21. Thou shalt my Greatness far increase; And to me Comfort bring. 22. Thy Truth, O Jacob's God, on Harp, And Psaltery, I'll sing. 23. Then shall my Lips, with Joy, abound, While I chant forth thy Praise; My grateful Soul, by Thee, redeem'd, Shall joyn thy Fame to raise. 24. My chearful Tongue, thy Righteousness, Shall ev'ry Day proclaim; For they're disgrac'd, that sought my Hurt, And brought to endless Shame. Scripture: Psalm 71 Languages: English
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Give, Lord, the King, thy clearest Light

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #128 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Give, Lord, the King, thy clearest Light; Thy Righteousness give to his Son, 2. That he may judge thy People right, And to the Poor, see Justice done. 3. Then, from the lofty Mounts, shall flow Sweet Peace, and all thy People bless; The little Hills shall like them grow. In happy Fruits of Righteousness. 4. He'll vindicate the injur'd Poor, And save the Off-spring of the Just; But, the Oppressor's haughty Pow'r, Shall break, and crumble into Dust. 5. They shall Thee fear, while Sun and Moon, Perform their Course, thro' Ages all, 6. He'll come, as Rain on Grass new mown, As wat'ring Show'rs on dry Land fall. 7. The Just shall flourish, in his Day; And Peace abound, 'till there's no Moon. 8. From Sea to Sea, shall reach his Sway, From River, to the setting Sun. 9. They who in Deserts, have their Seat, In Homage, bow before him must; His Foes shall, couching at his Feet, In low Prostrations, lick the Dust. 10. The Kings of Tarshish, and the Isles, Shall costly Presents to him bring; Sheba's high Lords shall offer Spoils, And rich Gifts Saba's wealthy King. 11. Before him, all the Kings on Earth Shall fall, and Homage to him pay; All Nations, from the South, to North, As sov'reign Lord, shall him obey. Second Part 11. For, such as want, and helpless are, He'll free; when they his Help implore. 13. The destitute, in Pity, spare; And save the Souls shall of the Poor. 14. From Fraud, and Violence, he will Redeem their Soul, by his great Might; Their Blood, unjustly sought to spill, Shall very dear be in his Sight. 15. And he shall live; and Sbeba's Gold, To Him as Tribute shall be paid; Daily his Name shall be extol'd, While constant Pray'rs are for him made. l6. Corn, sprinkled on the Mountains Top, Like Lebanon, shall shake, and sound, So full the Ears, so thick the Crop; In Cities Men, like Grass, abound. 17. His Name forever shall endure, And be transmitted with the Sun; All Nations Bliss, from him, procure, And him proclaim the blessed One. i8. Bless'd be Jehovah, God most High, The God of fav'rite Isr'el's Seed; From him alone, in Earth, and Sky, The things that wond'rous are proceed. 59. And blessed be his glorious Name Forever; let the whole Earth then Be filled with his glorious Fame. To which we shout, Amen; Amen. Scripture: Psalm 72 Languages: English
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Yet truly God to Isr'el's good

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #130 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Yet truly God to Isr'els good, To all the clean in Heart. 2. Altho' my Feet did nigh decline, My Steps almost depart. 3. My Envy at the Foolish rose, To see the Wicked's Peace. 4. Because their Strength is firm, no Bands, In Death, does on them seise. 5. With Troubles they arc not distress'd; Nor plagu'd like other Men. 6. They're cloath'd with Violence; and Pride Hangs round them like a Chain. 7. Their Eyes stand out with Fatness; they Have more than Heart could seek. 8. They are corrupt, their Crimes defend; And loftily they speak. 9. Against the Heav'ns they set their Mouth; Their Tongue walks thro' the Earth. 10. Thy People, here, return, and joyn In their full Cups, and Mirth. 11."How doth God know? in the mod High, "(They fay,) is Knowledge found? 12. Lo! these, th' Ungodly, prosper here. In Riches they abound. 13. Sure then, (said I,) I've cleans'd my Heart, And wash'd my Hands, in vain. 14. For, all Day long, I plagu'd have been; Each Morn renew'd my Pain. 15. But if I openly assert. What thus I rashly say, Lo; then th' Experience of thy Saints, Each Age, I should betray. Second Part 16. When this I sought to understand, It was too deep for me: 17. Till to the House of God I went, Then I their End did see. 18. Sure them thou*st set on slipp'ry Ground, And down to Ruin cast. 19. How, in a Moment, are they fall'n! With Terrors they're laid waste? 20. As a vain Dream, when one awakes, Away their Glory flies; So, Lord, when thou do'st rise to judge, Their Show thou wilt despise. 21. Thus did my Heart in Ferment glow; Pain in my Reins encreas'd. 22. I was so foolish, ignorant. Before Thee, like a Beast. 23. Yet, still I'm with Thee; thou Support By my Right-hand didst give. 24. By Counsel thou shalt guide me, then To Glory me receive. 25.1n Heav'n, whom have I? What,on Earth, Can I desire, but Thee? 26.Tho' Flesh, and Heart,should fail, God will My Strength, and Portion be. 27. Lo; they that far from Thee depart, Shall into Ruin fall; Those who apostatise from Thee, Thou wilt destroy them all, 25. But, as for me, it's good I should, Still, near to God, repair; I in Jehovah trust, that I May all thy Works declare. Scripture: Psalm 73 Languages: English
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Why hast for ever cast us off

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #132 (1752) Lyrics: 1. Why hast forever cast us off, O God? against thy Flock, In thy delightful Pastures fed, Why does thine Anger smoke? 2. Thine ancient purchased Flock remind, The Lot thou did'st possess, And hast redeem'd; this Sion's Mount, Thy famous dwelling Place. 3. Come, see, and speedily requite. The lasting Ruins wrought; All that thy Foes, with impious Rage, Have on thy Temple brought. 4. Thine En'mies roar, where once thy Tribes For sacred Worship met; In Token of their Victory, Their Banners high they've set. 5. The Man that hew'd the Mountain Oak, Was had in great Renown. 6. But now they Ax, and Hammer, join. To break it*s carv'd Works down. 7. Thy holy Temple they have cast Into devouring Flame; And, leve; with the Ground, defii'd The Dwelling of thy Name, 8. At once, our holy Rites, and us, To root out, they presum'd; The Synagogues of God, with Fire, All, thro' the Land, consum'd. 9. We see no more our hopeful Signs, No Prophet calms our Woes; How long our ruin'd State shall last, There's none among us knows. Second Part 10. How long shall our insulting Foes, O mighty God, defame? Forever shall the Enemy Blaspheme thy holy Name? 11. Why is thy Hand with-held? Stretch, from Thy Bosom, thy Right-hand. 12. For God's my Rock of old; who works Salvation thro' the Land. 13. By thy resistless Strength, thou dld'st The raging Sea divide; And crush'd the furious Dragon's Head, Beneath the refluent Tide. 14. The Heads of the Leviathan, Are broken, by thine Arm; And to the People giv'n for Meat, That in the Desarts swarm. 15. Thou clav'st the Fountain, and the Flood; Thou dry'st up Rivers Might. 16. Thine is the Day, the Night is thine; Thou form'st the Sun, and Light. 17. Earth's Limits, with her various Climes, Are fix'd by thy strong Hand; The Summer's Heat, and Winter's Cold, Obey thy wise Command. Third Part 18. Mind, O Jehovah, how the Foe Has loaded us with Shame; And how the foolish People have Blasphem'd thy sacred Name. 19. The Soul of thy poor Turtle-Dove, To Herds of Prey give not; Nor let th' Assembly of the Poor Be evermore forgot. 20. Thy faithful Covenant, Lord, regard; For the dark Parts, we see, Of th' Earth, are fill'd with rueful Seats Of monstrous Cruelty. 21. O let not the Oppress'd return. Unheard, and fill'd with Shame But let the Poor, and Needy, still Have Cause to praise thy Name. 22. Arise, O God, plead thine own Cause; And bear in Memory, With what Contempt, the foolish Man, Daily, reproacheth Thee. 23. Forget not, Lord, the scornful Voice Of thine insulting Foes; Their Tumult constantly ascends, And more blasphemous grows. Scripture: Psalm 74 Languages: English
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We thank and praise Thee, God

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #135 (1752) Lyrics: 1. We thank, and praise Thee, God; For that thy Name is near, Thy Pow'r, and Grace, which succours us, Thy wondrous Works declare. 2. When I receive the Tribes, Strict Justice I'll maintain. 3. Our Land, and People, are dissolv'd; It's Pillars I sustain. 4. Let Fools from Folly cease; And wicked curb their Pride. 5. I said, lift not your Horn on high; Lay your proud Talk aside. 6. For from East, Weft, or South, Promotion never springs. 7. But God is Judge, who lifts up one, And down another flings. 8. For in Jehovah's Hand, There is a dreadful Cup; The Wine is red, with bitter Drugs *Tis fully mixed up: 9. From thence he poureth out. To each as he doth please; But th' Impious all shall wring the Dregs, And drink the very Lees. 9. I'll ever speak, and sing, The God of Jacob's Praise. 10. I'll cut off all the Wicked's Horns, The Just to Honour raise. Scripture: Psalm 75 Languages: English
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In Judah, God's most clearly known

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #136 (1752) Lyrics: 1. In Judah's God's most clearly known; In Isr'el, great is his Renown. 2. His sacrcd Tent's in Salem plac'd; And Sion's with his Dwelling grac'd. 3. Thou break'st the Arrow, Bow, and Shield, The Sword, and Battle in the Field. 4. Thy Glory shines with brighter Ray, Excelling far the Mounts of Prey. 5. The stout of Heart are wholly spoil'd; Death, in their Sleep, has them beguil'd; And none of all their braved Bands, Could find the Vigour of their Hands. 6. When Jacob's God, in Anger, frown'd, Chariot, and Horse, in Heap were drown'd. 7. Thou, thou alone, demand'st our Fear; Who can thine angry Presence bear? 8. Thou mad'st, from Heav'n, thy Judgments heard; The Earth stood still, and greatly fear'd. 9. When God, to save the Meek arose, And scatter'd Judgments on his Foes. 10. Man's Wrath shall Praises to Thee gain; The Residue thou shalt restrain. 11. Vow then, and pay, to God, your King; Let all fear him, and Presents bring. 12. From Princes he cuts off their Breath, By an avenging Stroke of Death; He, to the mighty Kings on Earth, Dispenseth Terrors, in his Wrath. Scripture: Psalm 76 Languages: English
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With mournful Voice, and ardent Cries

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #137 (1752) Lyrics: 1. With mournful Voice, and ardent Cries, To God, I made my Pray'r; I oft to God my Suit renew'd, And he to me gave Ear. 2. In my sad Day, I sought the Lord, My Hands stretch'd forth by Night, And ceased not; my burden'd Soul No Comfort could admit. 3. I thought on God, the great and good, But yet I found no Rest; I pour'd out my Complaint, and still My Mind remain'd oppress'd. 4. Thou hold'st mine Eyes awake; my Grief's So great 1 cannot speak. 5. From former Days, and ancient Times, I then Relief did seek. 6. I call'd to Mind my Songs, by Night I commun'd with my Heart; My Spirit search'd the hidden Cause, And End, with all her Art. 7. "Forever, will the Lord cast off? "Will he no more be kind? 8. "Is Mercy wholly spent; his Word "Forever out of Mind? 9. "Has God forgot to shew his Grace? "Doth Wrath his Love restrain? 10. "I said, the Change in God*s Right-hand, " 'Tis this that gives me Pain. 11. But I'll remind Jehovah's Works, Thy Wonders wrought of old: 12. On all thy Works I'll meditate, Thy Doings snall be told. Second Part 1e. Thy Way, O God, is in the Height; Great as our God, there's none. 14. Thou God do'st Wonders; thou, thy Strength, Hast to the People shown. 15. Thy People, by thy mighty Arm, Thou haft from Bondage freed; The Offspring of thy Favorites, Jacob's and Jcseph's Seed. 16. The Waters saw Thee, mighty God, Thee did the Waters see; They fled for Fear, the Depths retir'd. Struck with the Awe of Thee. 17. The Clouds abundant Waters pour'd, The Sky sent forth a Sound; Thy pointed Arrows arm'd with Wrath, In Vengeance flew around. 18. Thy awful Voice, from Heav'n above, In roaring Thunders, broke; The lower World with Light'nings blaz'd, The Earth was mov'd and shook. 19. Thy Way is in the rowling Sea; (A wondrous Way we own!) Thy Path thro' mighty Waters lyes. Thy Footsteps are unknown. 20. Thou led'st thy People, like a Flock, By Moses's skilful Hand, And A'ron's thro' the Wilderness, Safe to the promis'd Land. Languages: English
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My people close Attention give

Hymnal: NVPD1752 #138 (1752) Lyrics: 1. My People close Attention give, And my Instruction wisely hear; To wholsome Words, which I shall speak, Bow an obedient list'ning Ear. 2. My Mouth shall Parables relate; And ancient Mysteries unfold; 3. Which we our selves have heard, and known; And what our Fathers have us told 4. We'll not conceal them from their Sons, But to the future Race make known, Jehovah's Praise, his mighty Strength, And wondrous Works which he hath done! 5. A Witness he, in Jacob, fix'd. In Isr'el his good Laws ordain'd; And charg'd our Fathers, all their Seed, In Knowledge of them, should be train'd. 6. That Generations yet to come, Piously taught, these Things might know; Their Children, yet unborn, might rise. And them to their Descendants show. 7. That they their Hope, on God alone, Thro' ev'ry Age, might firmly stay; The Works of God might not forget, But learn his Precepts to obey. 8. And might not, like our Fathers, prove A stubborn, and rebellious, Race: Whose Heart was not sincere vwith God, Nor Spirit stedfast in his Grace. 9. The armed Sons of Ephraim, Train'd to the Use of Dart, and Bow, In Day of Battle turn'd their Backs, And meanly fled before the Foe. ID. They broke the Cov'nant of their God, And did his sacred Laws despise: 11. Forgat his Works, and Miracles, Which he had wrought before their Eyes. Second Part 11. He Wonders to their Father's shew'd. In Zoan's Field, in Egypt's Land. 13. He clave the Sea, thro' which they pass'd, And made, in Heap's, the Waters stand. 14. He led them with a Cloud, by Day, And Fire, by Night; their Way to keep. 15. He in he Desert, clave the Rocks, And gave them Drink, as from the Deep. 16. He fetch'd out Streams, from flinty Rocks, They ran, like Rivers, by their Path. 17. Yet, in the Desert, more they sinn'd; And the Most-High provok'd to Wrath. 18. For God they tempted in their Heart, By asking Meat, as Lust them led. 19. Yea, against God they spake, and said, "Can God, in Deserts, Tables spread? 20. "'Tis true;, he smote the Rock, and thence "The Waters gush'd, and Streams o'erflow; "But can he give Supplys of Bread? "Or Flesh, on all this Host, bestow? 21. Jehovah heard, was very wroth. And flaming Fire on Jacob fell; His burning Anger fiercely rose, Against unthankful Israel. 22. Because they God would not believe; Nor in his Care, and Help, confide. 23. Tho' his Command, the Clouds above, And Doors of Hcav'n, had open'd wide. 24. He rain'd down Manna, for their Bread; And gave them Corn, from Heav'n, to eat. 25. Thus Man was fed with Angel's Food! And to th' Full he gave them Meat. 26. In Heav'n he made the East Wind blow, And rais'd the South, by his Command. 27. On them he rain'd down Flesh, like Dust; Wing'd Fowl, as Seas unnumber'd Sand. 28. He lct it fall within their Camp; And with it spread their Tents around. 29. So they did eat, and were well fill'd; For thus their own Desire he crown'd. 30. Their Lusting still remained uncur'd; But while the Meat was in their Throat, 31. God's Wrath arose, and slew their Chiefs; Down Isr'el's chosen young Men smote. Third Part 32. Yet, for all this, they sinned still; His wondrous Works gain'd no Belief. 33. Thence he their Days consum'd in vain, Their Years in terrifying Grief. 34.When some he slew, they fought him then; And turn'd to God, with early Cry. 35. They call'd to Mind he was their Rock, And their Redeemer, God Most-High. 36, But him they flatter'd with their Mouth; And with their Tongues they basely ly'd. 37. For still their Heart was not sincere; Nor in his Cov'nant did abide. 38. Yet full of Mercy, he forgave; Nor brought them to Destruction quite: Yea, oft he turn'd his Anger by; Nor once did all his Wrath excite. 39. For he remember'd, they were frail, Weak Flesh, whose greatest Strength is vain; A Puff of Wind, which flyes away, And never more returns again. 40. How oft they God provok'd, and griev'd. In Deserts, where his Pow'r was shown? 41. They turned back, and tempted God, Did limit Isr'el's holy One. Fourtb Part 42. They thought not on the Hand,nor Day, Which from their Foes Deliv'rance brought. 43. How God his Signs, in Egypt's Land, In Zoan's Field, his Wonders, wrought, 44. He turn'd their Rivers, and their Streams, To Blood; they could not drink the Gore. 45. Huge Swarms of divers Flies, and Frogs, He sent to plague, and to devour. 46. To Caterpillars, he, their Store, And Labcurs to the Locust, doom'd. 47. Their chearing Vines, he kiil'd with Hail; Their Sycomores with Frost consum'd. 48. He gave their Cattle to the Hail; their Flocks hot Thunder-Bolts devour'd. 49. On them he cast his fiercest Wrath, And Troops of evil Angels pour'd. 50. He weigh'd his Angel's Path, nor spar'd From Death; the Plague upon them came. 51. Egypt's First-born he smote, the chief, And Strength, of all the Land of Ham. 52. But forth, like Sheep, he led his Tribes; Thro' Deserts his own Flock did guide. 53. He led them safely, without Fear, Where, on their Foes, he rowl'd the Tide. 54. He them conducted, till they reach'd The Borders of his holy Land; Till to this Mountain they arriv'd, The Purchase of his own Right-hand. 55, The heathen Tribes, he did expel, Before their Face; to them divide Their Lots by Line; and made the Tribes Of Isr'el in their Tents reside. Fifth Part 56. They tempted still, and God Most-high Provok'd; nor did his Laws obey. 57. They, like their Fathers, falsly dealt; Like a false Bow, they turn'd away. 58. His Anger their high Places stir'd; Their Idols mov'd his Jealousy. 59. When God heard this, then he was wroth, And loathed Isr'el vehemently. 60. Then Sbiloh's Tent he quite forsook; Where he was wont with Men to dwell: 61. Th' Ark of his Strength he captive sold; In Hands of Foes his Glory fell. 62. He gave his People to the Sword; Against his Heritage he flam'd. 63. Their young Men were with Fire consum'd; The Nuptial Songs were rarely nam'd. 64. Their guilty Priests fell by the Sword; Nor did their Widows scarce repine. 65. Jehovah rous'd, as one from Sleep; As strong Men shout, enflam'd with Wine. 66. Then, in the hinder Parts, he smote, And put to endless Shame, their Foes. 67. Yet did he Joseph^s Tent refuse; Nor more the Tribe of Ephraim chose, 6%. But he selected Judah's Tribe; The Mountain Sion, which he lov'd. 69. There rais'd his Temple up on high; And fix'd it, like the Earth, unmov'd. 70. He chose his Servant David, whom He from the Sheepfold did advance; 71. From tending Ewes, Jacob to feed, And Isr'el, his Inheritance. 72. So he the Tribes of Isr'el led, With great Integrity of Heart; And guided all their State-Affairs, With skilfull Hands, and prudent Art. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English


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