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I love Thy Zion, Lord

Author: Timothy Dwight Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #194 (1908) Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 I love Thy Zion, Lord! The house of Thine abode; The Church, O blest Redeemer, sav'd By Thine own precious blood. 2 I love Thy Church, O God! Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. 3 Should I with scoffers join Her alters to abuse? No! better far my tongue were dumb, My hand its skill should lose. 4 Oh! ne'er may I forget Her welfare nor her woe; Lest ev'ry joy my heart forsake, And ev'ry grief o'erflow. 5 For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 6 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heav'nly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. Languages: English Tune Title: BETHLEHEM (Aswarby)
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Thine honor rescue, righteous Lord!

Author: Johann Heermann; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #196 (1908) Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Thine honor rescue, righteous Lord! Hear Zion’s sighs and help afford; Destroy the wiles of potent foes, Who now Thy Word and truth oppose. 2 Their craft and vaunting pomp are great; High beat their hearts, with power elate; Our dearest hopes they but deride, And deem us nothing in their pride. 3 Forgive, O Lord! our sins forgive, Show us Thy face and let us live: Convince Thy foes throughout the land That godless counsels shall not stand. 4 Preserve Thy little flock in peace, Nor let Thy boundless mercy cease; Let it to all the world appear Thy holy Church indeed is here. 5 That Thou art with us, loud proclaim Who put'st each enemy to shame; Dost all their haughtiness suppress, And help Thine own in their distress. Languages: English Tune Title: HEBRON
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O Holy Spirit, enter in

Author: Miss Winkworth; Michael Schirmer Hymnal: Church Book #249 (1890) Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Holy Spirit, enter in, Among these hearts Thy work begin, Thy temple deign to make us; Sun of the soul, Thou Light Divine, Around and in us brightly shine, To strength and gladness wake us. Where Thou shinest, Life from heaven There is given. We before Thee For that precious gift implore Thee. 2 Left to ourselves we shall but stray; O lead us on the narrow way, With wisest counsel guide us, And give us steadfastness, that we May henceforth truly follow Thee, Whatever woes betide us: Heal thou gently, Hearts now broken, Give some token Thou art near us, Whom we trust to light and cheer us. 3 O mighty Rock! O Source of Life, Let Thy dear Word, 'mid doubt and strife, Be so within us burning, That we be faithful unto death, In Thy pure love and holy faith, From Thee true wisdom learning! Lord, Thy graces, On us shower, By Thy power Christ confessing, Let us win His grace and blessing. 4 O gentle Dew, from heaven now fall With power upon the hearts of all, Thy tenderness instilling; That heart to heart more closely Fruitful in kindly deeds be found, The law of love fulfilling; No wrath, no strife, Here shall grieve Thee, We receive Thee, Where thou livest Peace and love and joy Thou givest. 5 Grant that our days, while life shall last, In purest holiness be past; Our minds so rule and strengthen That thy may rise o'er things of earth, The hopes and joys that here have birth; And if our course Thou lengthen, Keep Thou pure, Lord, From offences, Heart and senses; Blessed Spirit, Bid us thus true life inherit. Languages: English Tune Title: WHITSUNDAY
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O enter, Lord, Thy temple

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Miss Winkworth Hymnal: Church Book #250 (1890) Meter: 7.6 Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O enter, Lord, Thy temple, Be Thou my spirit's Guest, Who at my birth didst give me A second birth more blest. Though here to dwell Thou deignest, Thou in the Godhead, Lord, For ever equal reignest, Art equally adored. 2 O enter, let me know Thee, And feel Thy power within, The power that breaks our fetters, And rescues us from sin. That I may serve Thee truly, O wash and cleanse Thou me, To render honor duly With perfect heart to Thee. 3 'Tis Thou, O Spirit, teachest The soul to pray aright; Thy songs have sweetest music, Thy prayers have wondrous might. They pierce the highest heaven Unheard they cannot fall, Till He His help hath given Who surely helpeth all. 4 The whole wide world, O Spirit, Upon Thy hands doth rest; Our wayward hearts Thou turnest As it may seem Thee best. As Thou hast done so often, Once more Thy power make known, Convert the wicked, soften To tears the heart of stone. 5 Order our path in all things According to Thy mind, And when this life is over, And all must be resigned, With calm and fearless spirit O grant us then to die, And after death inherit Eternal life on high. Languages: English Tune Title: ZEUCH EIN ZU DEINEN THOREN
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Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness

Author: John Christian Jacobi; Augustus Montague Toplady; Paul Gerhardt Hymnal: Church Book #251 (1890) Meter: 8.7 Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness, Pierce the clouds of sinful night; Come, Thou Source of sweetest gladness, Breathe Thy life, and spread Thy light! Come, Thou best of all donations God can give, or we implore! Having Thy sweet consolations, We need wish for nothing more. 2 From that height which knows no measure, As a gracious shower descend, Bringing down the richest treasure Man can wish, or God can send. Author of the new creation! Come with unction and with power; Make our hearts Thy habitation; On our souls Thy graces shower. 3 Manifest Thy Love for ever; Fence us in on every side; In distress be our reliever; Guard and teach, support and guide. Hear, oh hear our supplication, Loving Spirit, God of peace! Rest upon this congregation, With the fulness of Thy grace. Languages: English Tune Title: SCHMÜCKE DICH, O LIEBE SEELE
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Come, O come, Thou quickening Spirit

Author: Charles William Schaeffer; Joachim Neander, d. 1680 Hymnal: Church Book #252 (1890) Meter: 8.7.7 Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, O come, Thou quickening Spirit, Thou for ever art divine: Let Thy power never fail me, Always fill this heart of mine; Thus shall grace, and truth, and light Dissipate the gloom of night. 2 Grant my mind and my affections Wisdom, counsel, purity; That I may be ever seeking Naught but that which pleases Thee. Let Thy knowledge spread and grow, Working error's overthrow. 3 Lead me to green pastures, lead me By the true and living way, Shield me from each strong temptation That might draw my heart astray; And if e'er my feet should turn, For each error let me mourn. 4 Holy Spirit, strong and mighty, Thou who makest all things new, Make Thy work within me perfect. Help me by Thy Word so true, Arm me with that Sword of Thine, And the victory shall be mine. 5 In the faith O make me steadfast; Let not Satan, death or shame Of my confidence deprive me; Lord, my refuge is Thy Name. When the flesh inclines to ill, Be Thy Word prove stronger still. 6 And when my last hour approaches, Let my hopes grow yet more bright. (Since am an heir of heaven,) In Thy glorious courts of light, Fairer far than voice can tell, There, redeemed by Christ, to dwell. Languages: English Tune Title: KOMM, O KOMM, DU GEIST DES LEBENS
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Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove

Author: Watts Hymnal: Church Book #253 (1890) Meter: Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys; Our souls, how heavily they go, To reach eternal joys! 3 Dear Lord, and shall we ever live At this poor, dying rate? Our love so cold, so faint to thee, And Thine to us so great? 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers. Come, shed abroad a Saviour's Love, And that shall kindle ours. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. MARY'S
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Come, Holy Spirit, come

Author: Joseph Hart Hymnal: Church Book #254 (1890) Meter: Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come: Let Thy bright beams arise: Dispel the sorrow from our minds, The darkness from our eyes. 2 Revive our drooping faith; Our doubts and fears remove; And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 3 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus' Blood; And to our wondering view reveal The secret Love of God. 4 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new create the whole. 5 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts; Our minds from bondage free; Then we shall know, and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE
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Come, O Creator, Sprit blest!

Author: Rabanus Maurus; Edward Caswall Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #325 (1908) Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Come, O Creator, Spirit blest! And in our souls take up Thy rest; Come, with Thy grace and heavenly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. 2 Kindle our senses from above, And make our hearts o'erflow with love; With patience firm and virtue high, The weakness of our flesh supply. 3 Far from us drive the foe we dread, And grant us Thy true peace instead; So shall we not, with Thee for guide, Turn from the path of life aside. Languages: English Tune Title: OLIVE'S BROW
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O Lord, who hast my place assigned

Author: Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #328a (1908) Topics: Tenth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O Lord, who hast my place assigned, And made my duties plain, Grant for my work a ready mind, My wayward tho'ts restrain. 2 Let me in Thy most holy name My daily task pursue: Thy glory be my only aim In all I think and do. 3 May I submissive to Thy will In all my calling be, And let me as Thy servant still Be faithful found to Thee. 4 Thy goodness all my life has crowned, And all my wants supplied; O let that goodness still abound, And daily bread provide. 5 Be Thou my guide in all my ways; From every ill defend; And may my songs of daily praise In grateful joy ascend. 6 May I in faith still stronger grow, While here I toil in love; And when my work is done below, Give me sweet rest above. Languages: English Tune Title: DUNDEE


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