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O Gott Vater (O God and Father)

Author: Leenaerdt Clock Hymnal: Voices Together #45 (2020) Meter: First Line: O Gott Vater, wir loben dich (O God and Father of us all) Topics: Heritage 16th-Century; Heritage 16th-Century Anabaptist; Reign of God; Scripture Proclamation; Worship Scripture: Psalm 19:14 Languages: German Tune Title: AUS TIEFER NOT (HERR WIE DU WILLST)

Lord, Thou hast been Thy people's rest

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: Sacred Poems and Hymns #46 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: Lord, Thou hast been Thy people's rest, Through all their generations; Their refuge when by troubles prest, Their hope in tribulations: Thou, ere the mountains sprang to birth, Or ever Thou hadst form'd the earth, Art God from everlasting. Our life is like the transient breath, That tells a mournful story; Early or late, stopt short by death;-- And where is all our glory? Our days are threescore years and ten, And if the span be lengthened then, Their strength is toil and sorrow. Lo Thou hast set before Thine eyes All our misdeeds and errors; Our secret sins from darkness rise At Thine awakening terrors: Who shall abide the trying hour? Who knows the thunder of Thy power? We flee unto Thy mercy. 50 Lord, teach us so to mark our days, That we may prize them duly; So guide our feet in Wisdom's ways, That we may love Thee truly: Return, O Lord! our griefs behold, And with Thy goodness, as of old, O satisfy us early. Topics: Time, life, and man past, present, future Scripture: Psalm 90 Languages: English

Of the Father’s love begotten

Hymnal: Hymns Ancient and Modern #46 (1874) Meter: Languages: English
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God is our sure defence, our aid

Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P46c (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 God is our sure defence, our aid in time of tribulation; our heart shall never be dismayed, though fail the earth's foundation, o'er hills though foaming floods ascend, though billows roar, and ocean rend the mountain-peaks asunder. 2 A river by the holy shrine, a pure and peaceful river, makes glad the seat of power divine: she stands unmoved for ever; for God is in the midst of her, a help, a stay, a comforter; he comes at break of morning. 3 In Jacob's God our strength is found, when heathen hosts assemble; he speaks in thunder, at the sound earth melts and nations tremble: the Lord of hosts a refuge stands. And lo! the wonders of his hands, the wrath, the desolation! 4 He lulls the war, he burns the car, the bow and spear he breaketh; be still, he cries, for I arise; the Lord, the Lord awaketh, o'er all the earth a God most high: the Lord of hosts, our help, is nigh, our strength, the God of Jacob. Scripture: Psalm 46 Languages: English Tune Title: ZOHELETH

Song of Consolation

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Kelly Hymnal: Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs #48 (1867) Meter: First Line: Thou must not altogether be Lyrics: Thou must not altogether be O’ercome by sad vexation, God soon will cause to shine on thee The light of consolation. In patience wait, and be thou still, And let the Lord do what He will, He never can do evil. Is this the first time we have known And tasted sore affliction? What have we had but grief alone On earth, and sore dejection? We’ve had an ample share of grief, Yet God hath sometimes sent relief, A respite brief of gladness. Not so doth God our Father mean, When His afflictions grieve us, That no more shall His face be seen That He’ll for ever leave us; His purposes quite other are, That those who from Him wander far By trial be recover’d. It is our nature’s evil mood That when in joys we’re living, We then forsake our highest good, Ourselves to license giving. We earthly are, and deem more worth The things and pleasures of the earth, Than all that dwells in heaven. God therefore all our joys doth blight, Lets trials overtake us, Takes that wherein our hearts delight, Look up to Him to make us, That to His goodness and His pow’r, That we’ve neglected heretofore, We may return as children. When we return to Him again He graciously receives us, To joy He turns our every pain, To laughter turns what grieves us; To Him it is a simple art, He soon doth help to him impart Whom He with love embraceth. Afflicted band! oh, fall ye now With contrite hearts before Him, Tell Him that ye in homage bow To His great name; implore Him In grace your sins to take away, The load He on your backs did lay To bear, your wounds to bind up. Grace always before right must go, And wrath to love yield ever; His merest mercy, when we low Are lying, must deliver. His hand it is upholds us all, If we let go, then break and fall Must all our work to pieces. On God’s love must thou ever stay, Nor let aught overthrow thee, E’en when the heav’ns shall pass away And earth shall crash below thee: God promiseth His grace to thee, His word is clear, who fearlessly Trusts it, is ne’er deceivèd. So darest thou His pow’r so great Ne’er doubt a moment even, Who is it that doth all create,— By whom all gifts are given? God doth it, and His counsel wise Can ever ways and means devise, When every man despaireth. Seems help impossible to thee? This should’st thou know however, God by our narrow thoughts can be Hemm’d and confinèd never, This ne’er to us alloweth He; He everywhere,—His arm is free,— Doth more than we can fathom. What is His wide dominion fair? ’Tis full of varied wonder; He helpeth us when dark despair We helplessly sink under, To His great name this is the praise, If thou wilt see His holy place, Thou must ascribe for ever. Languages: English

The Lord unto His Christ hath said

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #48 (1972) Meter: Topics: Christ, the Lord Jesus Conqueror; Christ, the Lord Jesus Kingly Office of Languages: English Tune Title: MIT FREUDEN ZART

The 13th Psalm of David

Author: Paul Gerhardt; John Kelly Hymnal: Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs #49 (1867) Meter: First Line: How long, Lord, in forgetfulness Lyrics: How long, Lord, in forgetfulness And darkness wilt Thou leave me? How long will sorrow on me press And deep heart-anguish grieve me? Wilt Thou Thy face, Lord, utterly Turn from me? wilt ne’er look on me In grace and in compassion? How long shall I, thy stricken child, Bereft of soul-rest languish? How long shall storm and wind so wild, Fill heart with fear and anguish? How long shall my proud enemy, Who only meaneth ill to me, Exult o’er me in triumph? Ah! look on me, my Shield and Lord! Down from Thy holy heaven, And hear now my complaining word, My pray’r from heart grief-riven. Give to mine eyes, Lord, pow’r and might, And do not let death’s gloomy night So speedily o’ertake me. For then, Lord, ev’ry enemy Would never cease to glory, And were I prostrate utterly, Would ever triumph o’er me. “There lieth he,” they’d cry in joy, “Who caus’d us evermore annoy, He’s prostrate and ne’er riseth.” I know them, and I know fall well The wickedness they’re planning, Their hearts with ev’ry evil swell, No good them e’er restraining. But Thou, the faithful One, Lord, art, And those who choose Thee for their part, Thou nevermore forsakest. My soul doth calmly trust in Thee, Thou true to me remainest, Of malice and of subtlety The course, with pow’r restrainest. This makes my heart with joy o’erflow, That willingly dost Thou bestow Salvation on the trusting. O Lord! for aye I’ll trust in Thee, Thou’rt my sole joy for ever; Thou doest well, protectest me, From sorrow dost deliver. And therefore I my whole life long, Will sing Thee oft a gladsome song Of praise and of thanksgiving. Languages: English
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Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

Author: Johann J. Schütz; Frances Cox Hymnal: The Worshiping Church #50 (1990) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation. My soul with comfort rich he fills, and every grief he gently stills: to God all praise and glory! 2 What God’s almighty power has made, in mercy he is keeping; by morning glow or evening shade his eye is never sleeping. And where he rules in kingly might, there all is just and all is right: to God all praise and glory! 3 We sought the Lord in our distress; O God, in mercy hear us. Our Savior saw our helplessness and came with peace to cheer us. For this we thank and praise the Lord, who is by one and all adored: to God all praise and glory! 4 Let all who name Christ’s holy name give God the praise and glory. Let all who know his power proclaim aloud the wondrous story. Cast every idol from its throne; the Lord is God, and he alone: to God all praise and glory! Topics: God Savior; God Sustainer; God Comforter; God Justice; God Power; God Savior; God Sustainer; Music and Singing; Praise of God Scripture: Deuteronomy 32:3 Languages: English Tune Title: MIT FREUDEN ZART

Louvai ao Deus da Criação

Author: Johann Jakob Schütz; João Soares da Fonseca Hymnal: Hinário para o Culto Cristão #50 (1991) Meter: Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: MIT FREUDEN ZART

All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above

Author: Johann J. Schütz (1640-1690) Hymnal: The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 #50 (1972) Meter: Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; Praise Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:13 Languages: English Tune Title: MIT FREUDEN ZART


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