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O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord

Author: Johannes Leon; Rev. August Crull Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #238a (1908) Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord, I have not kept Thy holy Word, But sinned, and oft offended Thee, Now I repent—it grieveth me! 2 Thou, Father, merciful and kind, No pleasure in my death dost find, But strong desire doth in Thee burn, That I would unto Thee return. 3 Since Thou then, Father, callest me, I, needy sinner, come to Thee, Relying on the precious blood That from five wounds most holy flowed. 4 I pray through Christ Thine only Son, Who for my good here flesh put on, Let not Thy love to me e'er fail; O'er justice still may grace prevail. 5 In tender mercy let Thy grace Through Jesus' blood my sins efface; Then I, the poor lost child, will be Of all offenses rid through Thee. 6 Let me, according to Thy Word, Live henceforth unto Thee, I Lord; That I may after time is o'er Inherit life forevermore. Languages: English Tune Title: OLIVE'S BROW
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O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord

Author: Johannes Leon; Rev. August Crull Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #238b (1908) Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O God, Thou righteous, faithful Lord, I have not kept Thy holy Word, But sinned, and oft offended Thee; Now I repent—it grieveth me! 2 Thou, Father, merciful and kind, No pleasure in my death dost find, But strong desire doth in Thee burn, That I would unto Thee return. 3 Since Thou then, Father, callest me, I, needy sinner, come to Thee, Relying on the precious blood That from five wounds most holy flowed. 4 I pray through Christ, Thine only Son, Who for my good here flesh put on, Let not Thy love to me e'er fail; O'er justice still may grace prevail. 5 In tender mercy let Thy grace Through Jesus' blood my sins efface; Then I, the poor lost child, will be Of all offenses rid through Thee. 6 Let me, according to Thy Word, Live henceforth unto Thee, O Lord; That I may, after time is o'er Inherit life forevermore. Languages: English Tune Title: MALVERN
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Christ's crimson blood and righteousness

Author: Nicoluas Ludwig Count von Zinzendorf; Rev. Emanuel Cronenwett, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #260b (1908) Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Christ's crimson blood and righteousness My glory are and spotless dress; In this before my God I'll stand And enter heaven, my fatherland. 2 And should I through Christ's merits prove Yet e'er so faithful in my love, That I could keep from wrong alway And sin not, to my dying day, 3 Still would I, when I Christ shall see, Not think of zeal or piety, But this: a sinner nears the throne Whose plea for life is grace alone. 4 Being praised, O Jesus, without end, That Thou from heaven didst descend, And hast for me a ransom paid— For a full atonement made. Languages: English Tune Title: NAZARETH
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Jesus, Lover of my soul

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #290a (1908) Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the waters nearer roll, While the tempest still is high! Hide me, O my Savior, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last! 2 Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; leave, oh, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me! All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring: Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find: Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name; I am all unrighteousness: False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art; Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: MARTYN
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Jesus, Lover of my soul

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #290b (1908) Topics: Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the waters nearer roll, While the tempest still is high! Hide me, O my Savior, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide; O receive my soul at last! 2 Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, oh, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me! All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from thee I bring: Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I find: Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name; I am all unrighteousness: False and full of sin I am; Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art; Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL
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Hvorhen skal jeg dog fly

Author: Johan Heermann; Tauler; Brorson; Wexels Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #291 (1919) Topics: Midfaste Søndag Til Aftengudstjeneste; Skriftemaal; Confessions; Second Sunday in Lent; Palmesøndag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Palm Sunday; Sjette Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse; Sixth Sunday aftet Trinity Sunday; Twelfth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Syttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Epistel; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Twenty third Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Frihed; Freedom; Hengivelse til Jesus; Devotion to Jesus; Jesus, vor Forsoner; Jesus, Our Atonement; Lov og Evangelium; Law and Gospel; Syndsforladelse og Retfærdiggjørelse; Sincerity and Justification; Anden Søndag I Faste Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Tjuetredje Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Tolvte Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel Lyrics: 1 Hvorhen skal jeg dog fly Fra Lovens Tordensky Med mine Synder mange, Hvor skal jeg Trøsten fange? Thi hele Verden vide Ei lette kan min Kvide. 2 O Jesus, naaderig! Med Hjertens Sorg til dig Jeg paa dit Ord fremtræder, Mig ved din Naade glæder, Og tror, hvad du forjætter, Dit Blod min Synd udsletter. 3 Jeg arme Dødsens Barn, Omsnært af Syndens Garn, Til dig i Troen haster, Og i din Favn mig kaster, I Naadens Dyb jeg sænker Den Kval, som Hjertet krænker. 4 Jeg ser, mit Skylde-Brev Til Korset naglet blev, Og i din Grav i Haven, Der er min synd begraven Til evig Skjul og Gjemme, Hvi vil jeg mig da gremme? 5 Jeg meget har behov, Men Gud ske evig Lov! Alt, hvad jeg kan begjære, Hos dig jeg faar ja mere; Min Kraft i dig jeg finder, Hos dig min Sorg forsvinder. 6 Om Satans hele Magt Sig hade mod mig lagt, For mig fra dig at skille, De faa ei, hvad de ville, Thi du mig Seier giver, Dit Blod min Frelse bliver. 7 Men bøi, o Sjæleven, Min Hjertens Hu derhen, At jeg maa alt modstride, Som mig fra dig vil slide, Og altid her i Live Dit Legems Lem forblive. Languages: Norwegian
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Jesus, Master! at Thy word

Author: M. F. Liebenberg Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #413 (1913) Meter: Topics: The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Master! at Thy word I will work whate'er betide me, And I know Thou wilt, O Lord, By Thy word and Spirit guide me; At Thy word my faith shall see All things work for good to me. 2 Though my toil may seem unblest, And my lot appointed dreary, When at eve I go to rest, From my labor faint and weary; At Thy word I will each morn To my work with joy return. 3 Though I be of joys bereft, And by sorrows overtaken, Yet I know a solace left: I am not be Thee forsaken; Jesus, thou canst aid afford, Fraught with comfort is Thy word. 4 At Thy word in faith I press Onward through this vale of sadness; By Thy grace I shall possess Victor-palms in heavenly gladness; To my latest hour, O Lord, I will trust Thee at Thy word. Tune Title: [Jesus, Master! at Thy word]
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Not what these hands have done

Author: H. Bonar Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #414 (1913) Meter: D Topics: The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Not what these hands have done Can save this guilty soul; Not what this toiling flesh has borne Can make my spirit whole. Not what I feel or do Can give me peace with God; Not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears, Can bear my awful load. 2 Thy grace alone, O God, To me can pardon speak; Thy power alone, O Son of God, Can this sore bondage break. No other work save Thine, No meaner blood will do; No strength, save that which is divine, Can bear me safely through. 3 I bless the Christ of God; I rest on love divine; And with unfaltering lip and heart I call this Savior mine. 'Tis He that saveth me, And freely pardon gives; I love, because He loveth me, I live, because He lives. Tune Title: [Not what these hands have done can save]
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Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness

Author: N. L. von Zinzendorf Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #415 (1913) Meter: Topics: The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 Bold shall I stand in that great day; For who ought to my charge shall lay? Fully absolved through these I am, From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 3 The holy, meek, unspotted Lamb, Who from the Father's bosom came, Who died for me, sin to atone, Now as my Lord and God I own. 4 Lord, I believe Thy precious blood, Which at the mercy-seat of God For ever doth for sinners plead, For me, e'en for my soul was shed. 5 Lord, I believe, were sinners more Than sands upon the ocean shore, Thou hast for all a ransom paid, For all a full atonement made. 6 When from the dust of death I rise To claim my mansion in the skies, Even then this shall be all my plea,-- Jesus hath lived, and died for me! Tune Title: [Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness]
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The Law of God is good and wise

Author: M. Loy Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #416 (1913) Meter: Topics: The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity; The Church Year Sixth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 The Law of God is good and wise And sets His will before our eyes; Shows us the way of righteousness, And dooms to death when we transgress. 2 Its light of holiness imparts The knowledge of our sinful hearts, That we may see our lost estate, And seek deliverance are too late. 3 To those who help in Christ have found, And would in works of love abound, It shows what deeds are His delight, And should be done as good and right. 4 When men the offered help disdain, And dead in sin and woe remain, Its terror in their ear resounds, And keeps their wickedness in bounds. 5 The law is good, but since the fall Its holiness condemns us all; It dooms us for our sin to die, And has no power to justify. 6 To Jesus we for refuge flee, Who from the curse has set us free, And humbly worship at His throne, Saved by His grace through faith alone. Tune Title: [The Law of God is good and wise]


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