1 God did to father Abrah'm say,
I am a God to thee:
And I will bless thy race and they
Shall be a seed for me.
2 Thus Abrah'm b'liev'd the promise true,
And gave his sons to God.
As water seals the promise now,
It then was seal'd with blood.
3 That covenant which God had made,
With Abrah'm and his seed;
To those who his commands obey'd,
He was their God indeed.
4 His offsprings then were circumcis'd,
Tho' none, but just the male:
But male and female are baptiz'd;
Baptism is the seal.
5 To all the nations as they are:
The heathens and the Jews,
May claim an equal right and share,
As the Apostle shews.
6 The genuine seed of Abraham,
Are they, who like him b'lieve:
Like him, the promises they claim;
Like him, the seal receive.
7 Then as the water is appli'd,
And God his gifts impart;
The creature then is sanctifi'd,
And circumcis'd at heart.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CLXXII