1 Great God! our voice to Thee we raise
Tune Thou our lips and hearts with praise,
Thy goodness to adore:
Our life, our health, and every friend,
From Thee arise—on Thee depend,
Kind Father of the poor.
2 Stretch o’er our heads Thy guardian wings,
Secure the weak, O King of kings!
Our shield and refuge be:
Thy Spirit, Lord, conduct our youth,
Thro’ Christ, the life, the way, the truth,
That we may come to Thee!
3 While friends their generous aid afford,
Accept the kind intention, Lord,
And crown it with Thy love;
Then joy shall tune our humble songs,
Till we shall join immortal tongues
In nobler praise above.
4 Lord, let this work of love
Be crowned with full success!
Let thousands, yet unborn,
Thy sacred name here bless!
To Thee, O Lord, all praise to Thee
We’ll raise throughout eternity.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9531