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Text Identifier:"^o_land_of_the_blessed_thy_shadowless$"

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Ira David Sankey

1840 - 1908 Person Name: Ira D. Sankey Composer of "[O land of the blessed]" in The Bright Array Sankey, Ira David, was born in Edinburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1840, of Methodist parents. About 1856 he removed with his parents to New Castle, Pennsylvania, where he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Four years afterwards he became the Superintendent of a large Sunday School in which he commenced his career of singing sacred songs and solos. Mr. Moody met with him and heard him sing at the International Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, at Indianapolis, and through Mr. Moody's persuasion he joined him in his work at Chicago. After some two or three years' work in Chicago, they sailed for England on June 7, 1872, and held their first meeting at York a short time afterwards, only eight persons being present. Their subsequent work in Great Britain and America is well known. Mr. Sankey's special duty was the singing of sacred songs and solos at religious gatherings, a practice which was in use in America for some time before he adopted it. His volume of Sacred Songs and Solos is a compilation from various sources, mainly American and mostly in use before. Although known as Sankey and Moody’s Songs, only one song, "Home at last, thy labour done" is by Mr. Sankey, and not one is by Mr. Moody. Mr. Sankey supplied several of the melodies. The English edition of the Sacred Songs & Solos has had an enormous sale; and the work as a whole is very popular for Home Mission services. The Songs have been translated into several languages. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Pseudonymns: Harry S. Low­er Rian A. Dykes ==================== Sankey, I. D., p. 994, i. During the past fifteen years Mr. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos have had a very large sale, which has justified him in increasing the number of songs and hymns, including " New Hymns and Solos," to 1200. In 1906 he published My Life and Sacred Songs (London : Morgan & Scott). In addition to the "Story of his Own Life," the work contains an account of the most popular of his solos, with interesting reminiscences of the spiritual awakening of many who were influenced through his singing of them in public. In this respect it corresponds in some measure with G. J. Stevenson's Methodist Hymn Book, &c, 1883 (p. 1094, i.). It is an addition to the Sacred Songs and Solos, which will be held in esteem by many. In addition to his hymn, noted on p. 994, ii., Mr. Sankey gives details of the following:— 1. Out of the shadow-land into the sunshine. [Heaven Anticipated.] Mr. Sankey's account of this hymn is:— "I wrote this hymn specially for the memorial service held for Mr. Moody in Carnegie Hall, where 1 also sang it as a solo. It is the last sacred song of which I wrote both the words and music. The idea was suggested by Mr. Moody's last words, 'Earth recedes; heaven opens before me . . . God is calling me, and I must go.' On account of its peculiar association with my fellow-labourer in the Gospel for so many years, the words are here given in full." The hymn follows on p. 185, in 3 stanzas of 4 lines and a chorus. 2. Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming, [Advent.] Mr. Sankey writes concerning this hymn:— "During one of my trips to Great Britain on the SS. City of Rome a storm raged on the sea. The wind was howling through the rigging, and waves like mountains of foam were breaking over the bow of the vessel. A great fear had fallen upon the passengers. When the storm was at its worst, we all thought we might soon go to the bottom of the sea. The conviction came to me that the Lord would be with us iu the trying hour, and sitting down in the reading room, I composed this hymn. Before reaching England the tune had formed itself in my mind, and on arriving in London I wrote it out, and had it published in Sacred Songs and Solos, where it is No. 524 in the edition. of 1888. From Mr. Sankey's autobiographical sketch we gather that he was born at Edinburgh, in Western Pennsylvania, Aug. 28, 1840, joined Mr. Moody in 1871, and visited England for the first time in 1873. The original of the Sacred Songs, &c, of 23 pieces only, was offered as a gift to the London publishers of P. Phillips's Hallowed Song, and declined by them. It was subsequently accepted by Mr. K. O. Morgan, of Morgan & Scott, and is now a volume of 1200 hymns. From a return kindly sent us by Messrs. Morgan & Scott, we find that the various issues of the Sacred Songs and Solos were:— In 1873, 24 pp.; 1874, 72 pp. ; 1876, 153 hymns; 1877, 271 hymns; 1881, 441 hymns; 1888, 750 hymns; 1903, 1200 hymns. In addition, The Christian Choir, which is generally associated with the Sacred Songs and Solos, was issued in 1884 with 75 hymns, and in 1896 with 281. The New Hymns & Solos, by the same firm, were published in 1888. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

T. C. O'Kane

1830 - 1912 Composer of "[Oh! Land of the blessed, thy shadowless skies]" in The Standard Sunday School Hymnal O'Kane, Tullius Clinton, an American writer, born March 10, 1830, is the author of "O sing of Jesus, Lamb of God" (Redemption); and "Who, who are these beside the chilly wave?" (Triumph in Death), in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, 1878 and 1881. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) =========================== Tullius Clinton O'Kane was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, March 10, 1830. He resided with his parents in this vicinity until the spring of 1849, when he went to Delaware, Ohio, and entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, from which he graduated in 1852, with the degree A. B., and received his A. M. degree three years later from his Alma Mater. Immediately upon his graduation, he was tendered a position in the Faculty as Tutor of Mathematics, which he accepted and successfully filled for five years. The students always called him "Professor," by which title he is known to the present day. His musical abilities were early recognized in the University, and for years he was the musical precentor in the daily chapel devotions. He organized and maintained a Choral Society in the College, and was the first musical instructor in the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, which a few years ago was incorporated into the University. In 1857 he was elected to a principalship in the Cincinnati public schools, and served in that capacity until 1861, when he resigned his position to accept a place in the piano establishment of Philip Phillips & Co. He remained with this house until its removal to New York City in 1867, when, although urged to be transferred with the house to that city, he preferred to remove with his family back to Delaware, Ohio. For the ensuing six years he traveled over the state of Ohio as the general agent for the Smith American Organ Co., of Boston, Mass. During this time he visited conferences, Sunday-school conventions, both State and County, introducing his Sunday-school singing books, and in this way became well known throughout his native state, and quite extensively in some of the adjoining states. His musical compositions were first published in Philip Phillips' Musical Leaves, in 1865, and since then but few Sunday-school singing books have appeared without one or more of his compositions. His first music book, Fresh Leaves, was issued in 1868. This was followed at intervals by Dew Drops, Songs of Worship, Every Sabbath, Jasper and Gold, Redeemer's Praise, Glorious Things and Morning Stars. In connection with his son, Edward T. O'Kane, who is himself a most excellent composer and a very skillful organist, in 1882 he issued Selected Anthems, a book designed for use by the more advanced choirs. In association with J. R. Sweney and "Chaplain" McCabe, he issued Joy to the World, a song book for prayer-meetings, and the same editors, with the addition of W. J. Kirkpatrick, compiled Songs of Redeeming Love, No. 1, in 1882, and No. 2 in 1884. He also issued Songs of Praises, Unfading Treasures and Forward Songs. Some of Professor O'Kane's best known songs are Glorious Fountain, The Home Over There, On Jordan's Stormy Banks, Say, are You Ready? and many others. With Mr. O'Kane, music and musical composition have ever been a recreation, rather than a profession. He is an excellent leader of choirs, but his forte seems to be in leading large congregations, Sunday-schools and social religious meetings in sacred song. He sings "with the spirit and the understanding also " — with a due appreciation of both words and music — and very naturally infuses his enthusiasm into his audiences so that they cannot "keep from singing." In his music he endeavors to catch the spirit of the hymn, and then give it expression in the music he composes for it. This sometimes seems to have been almost an inspiration, and could be illustrated by a reference to the circumstances under which many of his compositions have been made. One of his earlier and more widely known pieces is that entitled, Over There. He says he cut this hymn out of some newspaper and put it with others in his portfolio, intending some time when he felt like it to give it a musical setting. One Sunday afternoon, after studying his lesson for the next session of his Sunday-school, he opened his portfolio, and turning over the selections, found these words, and something seemed to say, "Now's your time." He sat down at the organ, studied the hymn intently for a few moments, and then, as his fingers touched the keys of the instrument, melody and harmony were in every movement, and when the stanza was ended, melody and harmony found their expression in the chorus, and Over There was finished. Another of his well known songs is Sweeping Through the Gates. One cold, blustery day he had occasion to go from his residence to the railroad depot, about a mile distant, and in his route had to cross the river on a suspension foot-bridge. As he came down to the bridge, he thought of the "river of death," so cold, with no bridge, and then the words of the dying Cookman came to his mind, and he exclaimed to himself: 'Who, who are these beside the chilly wave? " Words, melody and refrain seemed to come all at once and all together, so that by the time he arrived back at his home, the composition was complete. Professor O'Kane is a genial, modest Christian gentleman, who carries sunshine wherever he goes. His greatest joy comes from the consciousness that his music has cheered and comforted the hearts of Christian people all over the world, and has been the means of winning thousands from the pleasures of the world to the higher enjoyments of the Christian religion. His song, Sweeping Through the Gates, will be sung till all the ransomed are gathered Over There. -Hall, J. H. (c1914). Biographies of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. ======================== O'Kane, Tullius Clinton. Died 10 February 1912, Delaware, Ohio. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio. --DNAH Archives

Emily Huntington Miller

1833 - 1913 Person Name: Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller Author of "Land of the Blessed" in The Standard Sunday School Hymnal Miller, Emily, née Huntingdon, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Huntington, D.D., was born at Brooklyn, Connecticut, Oct. 22, 1833: and was subsequently married to Professor Miller. Mrs. Miller is joint editor of The Little Corporal, published at Chicago, in which several of her poetical pieces appeared. Of her hymns the most widely known are:— 1. Enter Thy temple, glorious King. Opening of a Place of Worship. This was written for the opening of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Akron, Ohio, 1861; and is in several collections, including the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878. 2. I love to hear the story. Early Piety. Written for and published in The Little Corporal, 1867. This is in extensive use in Great Britain and America. It was included in Hymns Ancient & Modern, in 1875. 3. Beyond the dark river of death. Heaven. 4. Blessed are the children. Early Piety. 5. Father, while the shadows fall. Evening. 6. Hark, the chorus swelling. Christmas. 7. I love the name of Jesus. Holy Name Jesus. 8. Jesus bids us shine. Early Piety. 9. Stay, trembling soul, and do not fear. Holy Communion. 10. Work and never weary, though thy strength be small. Perseverance. Of these hymns, No. 7 is in the 1878 Additional Hymns to the Leeds Sunday School Hymn Book; No. 8, is in Barrett's Book of Praise for Children, 1881; No. 9, in Common Praise, 1879; and Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 10, in E. Hodder's New Sunday School Hymn Book, 2nd ed., 1868. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ======================= Miller, Emily, née Huntington, p. 1579, ii. Of Mrs. Miller's hymns, Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 10 were written for and first printed in The Little Corporal, as follows: 4—April, 1868; 5—Aug. 1868; 6—May, 1868; and 10—Sept. 1868. Nos. 7, 8, and 9 are not hers. No. 8, "Jesus bids us shine," she informs us is by Susan Warner. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Annabel Morris Buchanan

1888 - 1983 Person Name: A. M. Buchanan Composer of "[Oh, land of the blessed thy shadowless skies]" in Song-Land Messenger Complete Born: October 22, 1888, Groesbeck, Texas. Died: January 6, 1983, Paducah, Kentucky. Buried: Round Hill Cemetery, Marion, Virginia. Daughter of William Caruthers Morris and Anna Virginia Foster, and wife of John Preston Buchanan, Anna received her musical training at the Landon Conservatory of Music, Dallas, Texas (to which she received a scholarship at age 15); the Guilmant Organ School, New York; and studying with Emil Liebling, William Carl, and Cornelius Rybner, among others. She taught music in Texas; at Halsell College, Oklahoma (1907-08); and at Stonewall Jackson College, Abingdon, Virginia (1909-12). In 1912, she married John Preston Buchanan, a lawyer, writer, and senator, from Marion, Virginia; they moved to their home, Roseacre, in Marion, where they had four children. Buchanan served as president of the Virginia Federation of Music Clubs in 1927, and helped organize the first Virginia State Choral Festival in 1928, and White Top Folk Festivals (1931-41). After her husband’s death in 1937, she sold Roseacre and moved to Richmond, Virginia, with her two youngest children. She taught music theory and composition and folk music at the University of Richmond (1939-40); during the summers, at the New England Music Camp, Lake Messalonskee, Oakland, Maine (1938-40); and at the Huckleberry Mountain Artists Colony near Hendersonville, North Carolina, in 1941. She later moved to Harrisonburg, Virginia, and taught at Madison College (1944-48). In 1951, she moved to Paducah, Kentucky. She later became the archivist of the folk music collecting project of the National Federation of Music Clubs, serving until 1963. Buchanan’s works include: Folk-Hymns of America (New York: J. Fischer, 1938) American Folk Music, 1939 Sources: Findagrave, accessed 15 Nov 2016 Hughes, pp. 329-30 Hustad, p. 213 © The Cyber Hymnal™. Used by permission. (

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