William Stone

Short Name: William Stone
Full Name: Stone, William, b. 1864
Birth Year: 1864
Death Year (est.): 1964
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by William Stone (26)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
All doubt has left my troubled soulWilliam Stone (Author)English5
All sorrow and joys come unbidden to meW. S. (Author)English2
Blessed are they, though poorWilliam Stone (Author)2
Early in the morning, at the break of dayWilliam Stone (Author)English3
Genesis and Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, With Deuteronomy complete the Books of Law (Stone)William Stone (Author)English6
Hear the Savior gently calling, Come tonightWilliam Stone (Author)English3
I must go and tell Jesus my sorrowW. S. (Author)English2
I'm bound for the heavenly kingdomW. S. (Author)English3
Jesus is the children's Friend, this we know, this we knowWilliam Stone (Author)English3
Jesus knows by name His sheep, yes, every one!W. S. (Author)English3
Lovest thou me, 'Tis the Savior that asks theeWilliam Stone (Author)English3
Marshall, ye hosts of God, and take this world of sinWilliam Stone (Author)English7
My sins are lost in the life-giving flowW. S. (Author)English2
Now I hear my Savior calling, There's a special work for meWilliam Stone (Author)English2
O come in childhood's happy hoursWilliam Stone (Author)2
O for that flame of living fireW. S. (Author (Chors))English1
O I love to read of Jesus and His loveW. L. S. (Author)English1
Over all the land many hearts are sad I knowWm. Stone (Author)English2
Rose of Sharon, wondrous fairWilliam Stone (Author)English3
See the foe advancing like a mighty throngWilliam Stone (Author)English7
The Savior is calling child come homeWilliam Stone (Author)English3
There is a life of bliss divine That all may taste and all may findW. S. (Author)English3
Walk not in the path of the sinfulWilliam Stone (Author)2
When I am tried and sorely temptedWilliam Stone (Author)English3
When I shall stand before the JudgeWilliam Stone (Author)English2
Whoever will, the message hearWm. Stone (Author)English2
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