1 Why should I be affrighted
At pestilence and war,
The fiercer be the tempest,
The sooner it is o'er
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
2 With Jesus in the vessel,
The billows rise in vain,
They only will convey me
To yon Elysian plains,
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
3 This world is full of dangers,
And foes that press me hard;
But Jesus he has promised
That he will be my guard.
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
4 Here I shall not be tempted
Above what I can bear,
When fightings are exerted,
His kingdom for to share.
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
5 From him I have my orders,
And while I do obey,
I find his Holy Spirit
Illuminates my way.
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
6 The way is so delightful,
I wish to travel on,
Till I arrive at heaven,
To receive a starry crown.
(Repeat previous line twice)
(Repeat previous 2 lines)
The Southern Harmonym 1835