Hymnal: The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the Most Approved Authors #CCCXVII (1799) Meter: First Line: With thee, great God, the stores of light Lyrics: 1 With thee, great God, the stores of light,
And stores of darkness lie;
Thou form'st the sable veil of night,
And spread's tit round the sky.
2 And when with welcome slumber press'd,
We close our weary eyes,
Thy pow'r unseen, secures our rest,
And makes us joyful rise.
3 Numbers, this night, great God, have met
Their long eternal doom;
And lost the joys of morning light
In death's tremendous gloom.
4 Numbers on restless beds still lie,
And still their woes bewail;
While we, by thy kind hand uprais'd,
A thousand pleasure feel.
5 To thee, great God, in thankful songs,
Our morning thoughts arise:
Propitious in thy Son, accept
The willing sacrifice.
Topics: Morning Languages: English
A morning Hymn