Author: John Chandler, 1808-76 Hymnal: The New English Hymnal #129 (1986) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Christ, our hope, our hearts' desire,
Redemption's only spring;
Creator of the world art thou,
Its Saviour and its King.
2 How vast the mercy and the love
Which laid our sins on thee,
And led thee to a cruel death
To set thy people free.
3 But now the bonds of death are burst,
The ransom has been paid;
And thou art on thy Father's throne
In glorious robes arrayed.
4 O may thy mighty love prevail
Our sinful souls to spare;
O may we come before thy throne,
And find acceptance there!
5 O Christ, be thou our present joy,
Our future great reward;
Our only glory may it be
To glory in the Lord.
6 All praise to thee, ascended Lord;
All glory ever be
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Through all eternity. Amen. Topics: The Christian Year Ascensiontide; Office Hymn Compline; Christ the King Languages: English Tune Title: METZLER'S REDHEAD NO 66
O Christ, our hope, our hearts' desire