J. Grace Hawthorne (b. Salem, N], 1946) wrote this text based on the main theme of the Hebrew acrostic hymn, Psalm 145: all peoples should praise God for his mighty acts, which testify to his compassion and his great power. This hymn thus becomes our cheer leading song as we “Glorify the living Lord above [and] magnify his holy name.”
Hawthorne is a freelance writer living in Atlanta, Georgia. Educated as a journalist at Louisiana State University, she has also worked as a newspaper writer and as an editor in the book division of Time , Inc. Her publications include hymn texts and lyrics for opera and children's musicals, including It's Cool in the Furnace (1973).
Liturgical Use:
After infant baptism; profession of faith by young people; family life services; beginning of church school seasons and Vacation Bible School.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook