Band of Hope Songs

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d1A song of love, to Thee above
d2As the stormy clouds do hide the sun
d3At home, abroad, by day or night
d4Boys of spirit, boys of will
d5Children, do you see the wine
d6Children who have rallied now
d7Come friends and comrades, all unite
d8Come, join the famous army
d9Costly is the temple our God has made
d10Creeping, creeping up the stairway
d11Don't you see us coming
d12Fight for prohibition, gird our armor on
d13From the saloon I'll ever keep away
d14God bless our temperance band
d15God is sending his truth o'er the world
d16Heart and hand, firm we stand
d17Here we meet as temperance children
d18I am not very tall nor strong
d19I want to be like Jesus, So lowly and so meek
d20I will try to do the right
d21I would not own a groggery
d22If on our some pleasant holiday
d23If you would not be a drunkard (Baker)
d24Jesus, keep us [me] in the fold
d25My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d26O Lord, our present meeting bless
d27O my brother, danger lurketh In the wine cups wiles
d28O suffer little children
d29Once I thought, when like our Harry
d30Our Father, we thank thee for thy tender mercies
d31Our youthful hearts with [for] temperance burn
d32Sad and lonely forth there wanders
d33Shepherd boy with coat of blue
d34Sign the pledge tonight, my brother
d35Songs of gladness and thanksgiving
d36Sparkling and bright in its liquid light
d37Spurn the cup of woe and anguish
d38Temperance boys and girls are we
d39The tempter watcheth every hour
d40Touch not the cup, it is death to thy [the] soul
d41Touch not the foaming cider
d42We are a little temperance band
d43We are only boys in stature
d44We have joined the temperance army
d45We pledge ourselves to fight
d46We will never drink the first glass
d47We will never sip, sip wine or beer
d48We will shun the dens of evil
d49We're a band of children, children of the King
d50We're a band of temperance children
d51We're a little temperance band
d52We're all little soldiers in the battle
d53What a friend we have in Jesus
d54When we are old enough to vote
d55Who hath sorrow, who hath woe
d56With temperance banner wide unfurled
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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