Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship #LXVI (1789) Lyrics: 1 Before the awful throne we bow
Of heav'ns Eternal King;
To him present the solemn vow,
And hymns of praises sing.
2 How weak, great God, our nobles songs
To magnify thy ways!
Nor human nor angelick tongues
Can shew forth all thy praise.
3 Yet be it now our chief delight
Our feeble notes to join,
Until with angels we unite
In anthems more divine.
4 Nor from thy presence cast away
The off'ring that we bring;
Lord! teach our hearts aright to pray,
And tune our lips to sing. Topics: General Forms of Praise and Thanksgiving God exalted above all Praise Languages: English
Before the awful throne we bow