Hymnal: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs #I.IV (1776) Lyrics: 1 Dear Lamb! thy humbled State we sing,
Thy name, thy Wounds and Blood we praise;
We own thee, Infant God, our King,
And to thy Throne our Hearts we raise.
2 Dear holy Child, we sing the Birth
Of him conceiv'd in Holiness;
Where God our Maker took our Earth,
Our Curse and all our Helplessness.
3 Thy first Blood-shedding hath us seal'd,
In Peace and Covenant with God,
From fleshly Filth and Shame, now heal'd
By holy Circumcision-Blood.
4 Thou God of Love, yet growing Youth,
Subject to Creature-Parents Thou;
Thy humble Steps, eternal Truth,
Make us admire, and, wond'ring, bow.
5 Poor Man, despised Nazarene,
With sweating Brow thou earn'dst thy Bread;
Great God! thy Glories were unseen,
And from the Eyes of Mortals hid.
6 Humbled in Poverty and Pain,
Temptation sore, Contempt and Scorn,
That Curse of ours for to sustain,
Was the eternal Father born.
7 Empty'd of all, but tort'ring Smart;
His Honour and his Judgment lost:
Deep, unknown Sorrows fill'd his Heart,
His Soul with fierce Temptations tost.
8 By this, the everlasting Grace,
And Nature-Love of God appears;
By this we see the Father's Face,
Where lost are all our Sins and Fears. Scripture: Acts 8:33 Languages: English
Dear Lamb! thy humbled State we sing