Hymnal: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs #I.LX (1776) Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou highest, loveliest Name
Of all on Earth of Heav'n,
The blest Reward of all thy Shame,
By thy great Father giv'n.
2 Because thou didst thy Heavens bow,
Thy People's ancient Suit;
Cam'st down in Servant's Form, so low,
As Loss of all Repute.
3 In Fashion as that fallen Race,
Whose Offspring are but Grass,
Thou took'st the meanest servile Place
In all their lowest Class:
4 Becam'st obedient unto Death,
Nor could'st, nor would'st thou flee;
But humbly didst resign thy Breath
Upon the shameful Tree!
5 Therefore hath God exalted thee,
And set thee up on high;
Where thou shalt prais'd and worshipp'd be
To all Eternity.
6 Lo! ev'ry Knee to thee shall bow,
Whether they stood or fell;
In Heav'n above, or Earth below,
And in eternal Hell.
7 All shall thy Grace or Fury prove;
Thy Kingdom all shall own:
Man shall be happy in thy Love;
Let Satan dread thy Frown.
8 Thus ev'ry Tongue, constrain'd by Grace,
Or Power, shall confess
The Lord, with a confused Face,
Or, th' Lord their Righteousness.
9 Herein the Father's glorify'd,
That thou art Lord of all;
Whilst Men and Angel's swelling Pride
Before thy Feet shall fall.
Scripture: Philippians 2:9-11 Languages: English
Jesus thou highest, loveliest Name